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What is Good Feng Shui (4) 好风水(四)

What I have learnt in life is this: Sometimes things happen for a reason. Good Feng Shui is learning how to cope with life’s happenings. The housing agent pulling out of a deal last minute, being forced to buy a HDB unit with an unlucky number combination, going to beg my ‘heartless’ mum for a loan to buy my flat – all these are learning processes, and if you are like me, and you learn from life’s happenings, you are effectively learning the basics of making good Feng Shui happen! Of course, at the time, when bad things were happening, and I was busy and frantically trying to salvage the situation, I did not feel that life was trying to teach me something. Instead I felt that God was punishing me, even though I was already living a life of hell! I felt that I was doomed and ill-fated, and that I would never break free of a bad life. But trust me when I tell you that there is no better lesson than one taught by life itself. You will end up stronger, smarter and more resilient. As I said in _____,  I agree with the saying: You will be given a second chance, because you were not ready for the first one. ✌ Be a tough cookie! 🍪

我在人生中学到的是:有时候事情是有原因而发生的。好风水是关于学习如何应对生活中的事情。房地产经纪人最后一刻退出交易,被迫买了一个拥有不吉祥的号码的组屋单位,要求我“无情的”妈妈贷款购买我的组屋 – 所有这些都是学习过程,如果你是像我一样,你从生活中学到的东西,你正在有效地学习如何制作好风水的基本知识!当然,当坏事发生时,我正在疯狂地试图挽救局面,我并不觉得生活正试图教我一些东西。相反,我觉得神在惩罚我,即使我已经过着地狱的生活!我觉得我注定要失败,而且我永远不会摆脱糟糕的生活。相信我,没有比生命本身所教导的教训更好。你会变得更坚强,更聪明,更有耐力。正如我在_____所说的那样,我同意这样的说法:你将获得第二次机会,因为你没有为第一次机会做好准备。做一位坚强的人!

As you continue to read my true life story, I will tell you how I transformed #04-94 into a home with good feng shui. Let me clarify! I am not telling you to go buy a home with lots of 4s! Of course not! As a matter of fact, when I moved to my current mansionette, my instructions to my agent was “no number 4s”, but it was not because of superstition that I told him that. For the real reason, you have to continue reading my blog! 😉 But because this #04-94 unit did bring me my first dose of incredible good luck, I want to tell you that:

(1) it is not true that if you buy a unit with lots of 4s (for e.g. located on 4th floor, unit number is starting with 4, or it is ending with 4), you are doomed forever. Some people are so easily defeated. They blame every failure and setback in their life on this “4”, and they give up trying to improve their situation! What a convenient excuse to give up!

(2) you have to consider your own circumstances in every ‘stage’ of your life. I told you in Survival Chic ____ that you just have to bunk with your parents if you got no money to pay for your own roof outside. In my story so far, I have tried to live with my MIL, but I honestly tell you that if I had continued to stay with her, even for a day more, under those trying circumstances of my life (back then!), I would either have ended up in a mental institution, or I would have run away (I still don’t think that divorce was ‘permitted’ in the society back then). So buying a unit with lots of 4 was the lesser of 2 evils. It was the circumstances then that required my desperate action. And I was lucky because my husband and I had worked for a couple of years, so we were eligible for a housing loan. If we did not qualilfy for that, I don’t know what would have happened to my life! 🙏

(3) One of the things I have learnt in life is that if an opportunity (such as the 2nd floor unit owned by the nurse) passes you by, it is not the end of the world. Of course I felt upset that the seller and her agent would pull such a stunt, but what could I do? Sue them? What for? Remember I said in ___ that arguing and fighting is a huge waste of your time and your energy. It’s just not worth it! In this case of buying my first flat unit, there were other options. Thankfully at that time, I was willing to look for them, and to consider them. Don’t be so fixated in your ways, especially if you are desperate, and you have no control over the circumstances.

And lesson number 4, which I feel is very important in life is:

(4) it will not hurt you to eat humble pie. In my story, I knew that my mum would have bitten my nose off, but still I went to ask her for the $20k loan. I was really, really prepared for her to say no. I’m really grateful she did relent in this instance, after 100 years (haha?!) of watching her daughter suffer. So you see, you never know where life brings you, and what’s next in store. Don’t give up! Never give up! Fighting! 💪

Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui Work! 

继续读下去,我会分享我如何把#04-94单位变成好风水单位!在此澄清:我不是叫你立刻买有四头,或有四尾,或任何有四的组屋单位!😅 当然不是!虽然当时那间住所真的带给我好运,好风水,坦白说,后来我找我现在局住的‘小型豪宅’(政府盖的啦!哈哈)时,明确跟我的经济说明:“组屋单位门牌不可以有四”!不过,我不是应为迷信而拒绝四字。改天我才让你知道原因。



(二)凡事只有当事者最清楚, 而且每个人在每一个人生阶段都会有不同的‘人生需要’。 比如说我虽然在——————说过, 如果你没有钱, 你不得不咬着舌头和爸爸妈妈一起住。 没有办法呀! 但是我明白, 可能你和我一样, 有试着跟家婆一起住, 不过就是行不通。 如果当时我还得忍受我家婆多一天,我一定会入精神病院,或可能我会离家出走(当时,真的啦,离婚不被看好,我一定面对很多阻力)。在那种情况下,卖一间#04-94的‘不吉利号码’单位根本不算什么! 不过幸好我先生和我已经做工两、 三年, 所以银行才肯借房屋贷款给我们。 如果我没连钱都借不到, 我真的不敢想象我人生会变得怎么样! 🙏

(三)我们本来要的二楼单位(护士主人的)给别人抢走,虽然很可惜,不过不是绝路。当时我是感到很难过, 不是应为买不到组屋单位, 而是应为那个经纪人根本不把我和我先生当一回事, 他藐视我们! 😭 太可恶了, 不过我们能怎么办? 难道要拉他上法庭告他违背诺言? 记得我在—————— 说过跟别人争吵是一件既耗费时间又耗费力气的活动。 我们做人一定要往前看,一定要预见会有好消息。别绝望!我这句忠告特别是对我们不能控制的情况非常管用。我们普通人活着真的很幸苦,很有挑战,大家要加油!⛽


