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What is Good Feng Shui (3) 好风水(三)

Taking action is easy. You just do it. What will make your Feng Shui really, really work is being consistent in taking action. Take action, take action, take action! Never stop taking action! And remember what I said about taking action in the real world_______! This world that we live in, and where real life happens! No point taking action in your brain or in your heart or in the Excel worksheet! Where you take action matters! But I know how it feels like. You put a Feng Shui water fountain in your Feng Shui wealth corner, you go and buy a lottery ticket, and in the evening your heart thumps like crazy thinking “this is it 🤑🤑🤑!!!”, then you tio (tio jiak ≈ get eaten)! 😠 Stupid author (me?) who encouraged me to put the water fountain in my wealth corner. Did she bluff me? 🤔 Did I misinterpret her blog? 🤔 So… what will you do next? Try again (take out the compass and read the bearings again)? And again (clarify with someone if you did the right thing)? And again (read another Feng Shui website and see if they have another tip)? Or will you react like most people? Pass off the ‘Feng Shui wealth corner’ tip off as gibberish, forget to change the water in the Feng Shui water fountain, and after a while, because you don’t want to breed mosquitoes, you tip out all the water in the Feng Shui water fountain, and finally, you turn the whole damn thing upside down to prevent it from collecting dust? LOL! 😂

采取行动很容易。你只是去做。什么会让你的好风水真正的实现是拥有一致和坚定的行动。采取行动,采取行动,采取行动!永不停止采取行动!记住我在真实世界中采取行动所说的话——————!我们生活在这个真实的世界,活在现实生活中!没必要在你的脑海中,心里或Excel采取任何行动!你采取行动的地方很重要!但我知道感觉如何。你在风水财富角落里放了一个风水喷泉,你去买彩票,晚上你的心像疯了一样想着“就是这次!!!”,然后你tio(tio jiak≈被吃掉了)!愚蠢的作者(我?)鼓励我把喷泉放在我的财富角落。她骗了我吗?我误解她的博客了吗?所以…你接下来会做什么?再试一次(拿出指南针并再次从看方位)?再次(向某人澄清你做的是否正确)?再次(再读另一遍风水网站,看看他们有没有别的小提示)?或者你会像大多数人一样反应?把”风水财富角落“提示当成废话,忘记换水,过了一会儿,因为你不想繁殖蚊子,你把风水喷泉里所有水都倒掉,最后,你把整个该死的东西颠倒,以防止它收集灰尘?大声笑!

I’m going to give you an example of what I mean about being consistent in taking action. In my HDB common corridor, I grow a row of orchid plants. Orchids are easy to grow! They only need sun and water. And the best thing about them is that you grow them in charcoal instead of soil, so you don’t need to worry too much about stagnant water and mosquito breeding.


Orchids last almost forever. But every living thing will wilt and die. When it is time to cut the wilted flower, cut it and chuck it out.  Give the mother orchid roots a drink of fertilizer after you cut the flowers. Read my ____ post about good fertilizers that work!


And pretty soon, you will get fresh blooms again!


The cycle repeats itself. It wilts, you cut, you fertilize. Keep doing it and it will keep shooting out new blooms. If you become too busy and neglect to do this action –  do not worry – your orchid will still bloom. Orchids are hardy plants, as long as the Mother orchid plant is still alive, you will get blooms. But instead of having consistent blooms, you will only get blooms when the natural conditions are right. Maybe instead of fresh orchids every 3 months, you have orchids once a year.

胡姬花开花泄花是‘循环’的。如果你不停的照顾她,胡姬花妈妈可定会继续开花。如果你没空忽略了她,只要胡姬花妈妈还没死,花会不会开呢? 当让会!只要它活着,她一定会开花!只是次数会变慢。只要胡姬花妈妈没死,开花的可能性是存在的。

Good Feng Shui is somewhat like orchids blooming. If you take action, it will not disappoint. If you continuously take action, it will keep rewarding you. Conversely, if you don’t take action, you may or may not get what you want. I won’t say that without good Feng Shui, you will not get what you want. Anything is possible! 🎉

Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui Work! 

