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Fertiliser For Orchids 胡姬花好肥料

Good feng shui is about healthy plants. To make your orchids bloom, make sure you put them in a sunny spot, and water them daily (either before the sun comes up, or when the sun goes down). Never water them at mid-day when the roots are already heated up by the sun. Water the roots, not the leaves. When do you give them fertilizer? After you harvest the blooms! To make it easier for you to care for your garden, I have some tips for you: (1) always fill-up your watering can after use, so tomorrow you only need to grab and start watering (2) re-cycle medicine spoons by chucking them inside the fertilizer container (3) you don’t need to calculate and measure how much fertilizer to put in. Seriously, who has the time to do math? Follow the golden rule: Less Is More! Don’t put too much fertilizer, and don’t fertilize too often!
