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Volunteers Needed (1) 志愿者招募 (一)

One of the easiest ways to make Feng Shui work is to tell yourself: I have time and money now to help the needy and the poor. The important word is: NOW. NOW is good!!! As I said many times in _____ and ______, the most important action to make Feng Shui work is to ‘start now!’. In my opinion, there are 2 types of people when volunteers are needed. They are (1) the always ready to help 😉, and (2) the million excuses ‘why not me’  🙄 . But I am confident to say that both types intend to do some kind of volunteer work when they retire. Why? Because everyone wants to do good (look good)! For the first type of people (the always ready to help), as long as you do not demand they make major changes to their life plans, they will help! This was my mentality when I signed up for the weekly cleanup of the rabbit shelter. When I put my name in the hat, I was not thinking: “I am signing up for greatness.” The hours were stated clearly, you can come on any Sat of your choice from 7.30am to 9.30am. It only takes 2 hours, and we can choose to come at our own timing. Sure! Me, me!!! 🖐

让好风水实现最简单的方法就是告诉你自己:我现在有时间和钱, 我可以现在就帮助穷人和有需要的人。我想强调“现在”这个词的重要性!让好风水实现最重要的就是‘现在’!正如我在_____和______中多次说过,你要好风水实现, 最重要的行动是“现在就开始!”。有经验的志愿者招募负责人一定同意,世界上有两种支援类型的人。他们是: (一)随时提供帮助的人 🙂 , 和(二) 一百万个理由‘为什么不是我’的人 🙄 。但,我有信心说,这两种类型的人都有意在退休后做一些志愿工作。为什么? 应为每个人都想做好人(看起来是好人)呀! 对于第一种类型的人(随时准备提供帮助),只要你不是要求他们重大的改变他们的’人生计划’,他们一定会帮忙!我当时报名参加‘清理扫兔子院子’志愿工作时就是这种心态! 我并没有想过我有多好伟大, 有多了不起呀, 只是很单纯的想: “只是想做点什么。 这个我当然可以!时间明确表示,我们可以选择在任何星期六上午七点三十分至上午九点三十分之间来打扫, 而且可以一个月扫一次, 或两个月扫一次。” 这么轻松, 我当然可以!🤝


One of the easiest ways to make Feng Shui work is to tell yourself: I have time and money now to help the needy and the poor.