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The Concept Of Time 时间是什么

Call me judgemental or old-fashioned. Whatever… but I am right. The world has changed, times have progressed, but the definition of success remains the same. The concept of time and of success is still very much inter-related. A man has to be something or someone before he is considered a success in the eyes of society, and a woman has to a superwoman: balance work and family, still look fabulous for her age, and still has to be ‘subservient’ to the man of the family. Hey! Don’t get me wrong! I don’t mean women are inferior to man,  but it is less accepted in this society if the man is ‘subservient’ to the woman of the family. It’s true that there is more equality in the genders, and it’s true that women are just as capable to men. But the problem is that men are still the same! 😂 They still have their pride and their ego. And they still need to look good in front of their peers, their family and the public. Gradually, of course, and with time, this traditional viewpoint of the world will change, but first human beings would need to figure out how to let men bear children, and for men to produce breastmilk to feed the baby. Until then, all women of the world, let’s do what we physically can, for the sake of the continuity of the human race! 👪


Why is time more precious than money? If we have time, we can make more money. For instance, we can take on 2 jobs. And if we had money, we could buy more time. Hang on… could we really? If human beings will not grow old, then the passing of time will not matter. If we did not have our individual wants and preferences, then the passing of time will not matter either. If we did not live in a world full of judgement, then the passing of time has no impact on whatsoever.

Let’s say finding a companion (love) is very important to you. Assuming that all couples love and get married and want to have children eventually, how many years does a woman have to find a companion? Maybe from mid-20s to mid-40s? If a woman finds a man after her mid-forties, because I say that the world is judgemental, the woman must still look young despite her age. Otherwise tongues will wag. Assume she looks fab, the man (and his family!) must understand that she may or may not be able to bear children. Yes, yes, I know medical science has advanced blah blah blah. But I’m just trying to explain why time is precious, and that sometimes we cannot control things, and that sometimes there are ‘timelines’ to consider. If we put all possibilities and permutations in, this blog will end up a thesis! 😂

In another scenerio, let’s say it’s a man looking for his companion, he may fancy a younger woman. But she may not be ready to settle down, and even if she was ready, she may not be ready to be a mother. Granted the man is willing to wait, but he also has to face the fact that he is not as fertile as when he was younger. Assuming that all the above couples beat all odds and have children, will they be able to have the energy level to ‘take care’ of their kids (compared to if they had kids when they were in their late 20s)?

Let’s say money is very important to you. I would be fair to say that if you are looking for an entry-level job, then you have a higher chance of being recruited if you are mid-20s to early 30s. It’s not that the companies are not willing to hire a person in his/her late 30s, but it is very likely that their pay scale is more than the company’s budget. Even if a person was willing to take a pay cut to get the job, can he/she work overtime and weekends too (like the younger crowd)? The younger guy may not have as many family commitments as the older one, simply because his parents are likely to be younger too. Do you get what I’m trying to say? It’s not just about you. It’s about society, ideals, companies, your parents, your wife, your wife’s parents, your children and your children’s peers. How do you fare compared to the other guys who can work in the same capacity? Can you match their energy and their drive and their attention? A younger guy just out from school only has to focus on his career. He is not ‘distracted’ by other commitments. And yes, I know that older workers have more experience and are more likely to stay in the job. I’m not debating this. You are correct. But I’m just saying that in most cases, companies will hire entry staff who are younger, simply because they are more energetic and cheaper to hire. Experience is not the most important criteria for entry-level jobs. I’ve seen men who hold out for that dream job, and some willingly go ‘jobless’ for many years, waiting for their dream job! They waste their good years waiting, and by the time it hits them that they are not going to get their dream job, it may be too late for them to even apply for an entry-level job!

Assuming that hooray, hooray, everyone gets the job! The younger guy will have more time to invest his money, because assuming all human beings die at 100 years old, the younger guy can leave his money in the bank to earn interest for a longer period than the older guy. And if nobody is keen to earn money from fixed deposits, the younger guy will have a longer time to ride out stocks, commodities and properties up-and-down cycles. And because he is younger, the bank is willing to let him stretch his loan repayments over a longer term etc etc. Please remember that my blog is for ordinary people like me. If you are an investment maestro, and you can beat the investment cycles whatever your age, then you certainly are not ordinary! 👍

What am I trying to drive at in this blog? Same old message: Start Now! Time (and life) does not wait for you or me. Whatever it is that you want to do, Start Now!

时间和金钱,两个都很重要。你有时间,可以做好功课把钱投资好,赚很多利息。时间越久,利润通常比较好,对吧?钱滚钱呀!如果不喜欢投资,你手上很多时间,可以多打一份工作,赚两份薪水,到时肯定钱很多!💰💰 反过来说,你有很多钱,你可以买时间吗?可以,比方说: 公司赶货不够人手,可以用钱多聘请员工,把货赶出来。如果我怕看起来枯槁,我可以用钱买最珍贵的护肤品和保健品。外人肯定看不出我的年龄!不过。。。钱可以买回错过的时间和流失的岁月吗?不可能!

我们人类其实很‘可怜’。为什么?应为我们每个人有自己的理想和梦想,我们每个人心中有自己所追求的完美。不过我们这些理想,梦想,完美还得看是否符合社会和家人的‘要求’?!比方说,我要找个伴,对我来说爱情🧡最重要。我现在已经四十多岁了,还好保养得算好,肯定可以找到男人爱。还好呀!heng 呀!如果我没有保养好,虽然男生不介意我看起来老气(毕竟他爱的是我,不是我的脸或身材),不过他的家人,朋友,同事会怎么想?我身为他太太偶尔也要在社交场合‘抛头露面’,如果我美美的,我可以给我先生脸上带来光彩。已经四十出了,我还能生小孩吗?我结婚后马上要生宝宝,应为我认识很多新加坡女人,不到五十岁就绝经了。不懂几时轮到我? 😕  如果结婚没有蜜月时期,男生会介意吗?如果我不能怀孕,我先生OK吗?他家人可以接受吗?反过来说,如果现在找伴侣的是事业有成就的男人,他肯定(通常)会找一个比他年轻的。可能那位女生不介意结婚,不过还没有做妈妈的准备。男人可以等女生,没问题。不过那位男人可以等多久呢?男人和我们女人一样,身体会退化,健康多少应为年龄受到影响。不是说要生孩子就可以马上生一个。就算很好运,以上的夫妻们都开开心心生了宝宝,他们有没有他们年轻时的‘力气’照顾小孩呢?我们都知道照顾小孩不容易!你们看?是不是做人有很多顾虑呢?做人很‘可怜’吧?!是,是,我听到!医学那么发达,科技进步,而且照顾宝宝可以找女佣呀。我不是写论文啦😂,我只是描述时间不等人,别错过良机。世界上很多事情不是我们能掌控的!

再举个例子:钱对我最重要。我们普通人通常唯有替别人打工,领固定的薪水的份。是啦!很少普通人会把所有积蓄(一)买万字票,或(二)敢敢投资股票或房地产,或(三)自己出来做生意。我们普普通人,我们有家(父母,儿女)要养,屋子要供,我们觉得安安稳稳就可以了,对吧?我们能打工的时间有限,你同意吗?不是我们想做那份工作,公司就一定聘请我们。外面有很多很多竞争者呀!比方说:业务工作和客务服务工作经常缺人。为什么?工作不好做,而且要轮班。最理想的申请人其实是二十,三十岁较年轻的工作群。这个年龄薪水要求不算太高(没有‘我有工作经验不能接受低薪水’的心态),家庭负担不算多(可能没有孩子,他们爸妈也不是很老需要家人照顾)。这样一来,是不是二十,三十岁比较适合做这种工作?他们可以把所有精神投入他们的工作!就算很好运,每个人找到他们理想工作,时间过了存了一笔钱。一个年轻人‘有时间’冒更多的投资风险,比如说房地产或股票的上下循环。就算投资错了,他们‘反身’的可能性也比较高。记得:我博客是要帮助像我这样的普通人,你如果是投资专家,或你有赚钱的天份,所以你不认同我‘时间越久,钱可以赚得更多’的说法,那是应为你不是普通人啦! 😉 你比我厉害很多!!!我普通人没有这种天份或运气或胆量。。。我胆子小到不行!
