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Sullen Child 不开心怎么办

Whether a child grows up sullen or cheerful, is it really dependent on his or her birth element chart? A child’s development and experiences in his early childhood years have a direct effect on how the child grows and develops. In addition to growing up healthy in the physical sense, there are also traits such as sociability and emotional intelligence that could either be inherited or formed in the early childhood years. According to experts, there are 4 periods of a child’s development: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, early adolescent age. What a child needs from his parents is continuous care – from birth through to the formative early years to the ‘character-development’ adolescent age. As parents, we want the best for our children, whether in the old days or in modern times. For sure, parenting in modern society has many challenges and issues that were unheard of in the old days. Old-school parenting was authoritarian, whereas modern parenting demands that you treat your child equally and with respect.
儿童早期的教育和经历对他(她)们的成长和发育有着直接的关系和影响。除了身体健康成长之外,还有一些特质: 如社交能力和情感上的寄托能力,这两种特质可以是从父母亲继承的或儿童发育期形成。据专家所言,儿童发育期有四个阶段:婴儿, 幼儿, 儿童中期, 青春期。父母养育孩子不简单, 需要持续的关怀, 而且是长期从出生到成长初期到青春期!太久了! 😅 身为父母,无论是现在还是过去,每个父母都希望给他们的孩子最好的关怀。现代社会的养育方法有许多挑战和问题,这些挑战和问题在过去前所未闻的。过去的‘老派教养’是专制的,而现代的养育儿方法要求父母倾听孩子的意见和在乎他们的感受。

So yeah, I was born in a rich family, and we was lucky because my mum took care of us full-time. As kids, we grew up in a lap of luxury, we went on multiple holidays every year, and we either ate my mum’s cooking or in restaurants. But somewhere, somehow, something went wrong. Why? You know the saying: ‘The laughter of a child is the light of the home’? That was missing – a lot of it was missing! 😬 Was it because of my ba-zi? Was it because of my ‘strong metal’ element? Or was it simply because my parents enjoyed pitting us playing examination games ————————with one another, in public and at home?

————————我提到我出生在一个富裕的家庭。 姐妹们和我都很幸运,因为我们的妈妈全职照顾我们三姐妹。我们成长时期享受‘荣华富贵’,每年都去度假好几次,而且还时常到餐厅吃饭。听起来很棒吧! 不过, 就是缺少了什么。。。你们都听过这句话:’孩子的笑声是家的光’吧! 我们这个家就是缺少孩子的笑声! 是因为我的生辰八字吗?! 难道真的是因为我是‘属金’的个性?还是仅仅怪罪于我的父母亲喜欢孩子挑战孩子玩无聊的‘考试游戏’———————?

Don’t take my word for it. Look at my student appraisals. The one before this says “pleasant and hardworking”, this one says “quiet and unassuming”.

我没瞎说! 看看我学生时期的评估。老师们都说我是“和谐、 勤劳的孩子”,也说我是“安静而不张扬的孩子”。

This one simply says I’m a “responsible” student.


And this one says “well-behaved”. Isn’t it strange that no teacher said that I liked to laugh, or that I was a cheerful kid? So you see, my dear reader, I’m not kidding when I said in _____ that my ‘strong metal’ element personality was a stubborn and inflexible one. But I don’t think that that was the one and only reason for my sullen character. My experiences as a child moulded my character as well. The constant pitting of ‘exam skills’ with my cousins, my friends and my siblings resulted in me shunning people (classmates) and groups (class)! 😩I am sad 我很难过

Does Feng Shui work if we are born with a lousy birth element chart, and therefore we have a bad inborn character? What if, in addition to this, we also had childhood experiences that affected us so badly, that we end up emotionally scarred?!  Don’t be disheartened! As you continue to read my blog, you will see how I willed myself to change my personality to make Feng Shui work! It can be done! 😊✌

这位老师说我“乖巧”。奇怪吗? 没有一个老师说我爱笑,也没有一个老师说我是一个开朗活泼的孩子。 孩子不是应该笑哈哈, 跑来跑去, 无忧无虑的吗? 亲爱的读者,你看,我不是在开玩笑,我在_____说我‘属金’的个性是倔强又野蛮的,再加上我儿童时期的经历塑造了我不喜欢与人接触(同学)和群体(课室班)的性格!这么说来, 我们是不是一旦生辰八字不好, 风水就没有效呢? 是不是连尝试的机会也放弃?! 当然不! 继续阅读我的博客吧! 你会见证我如何为了让好风水实现, ‘强迫’自己改变自己的个性! 我们生为人类什么都可以做到! 是真的! 💪