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It's Good To Be A Little Crazy! 有梦是好是坏?

Does Feng Shui work if you are idle and daydreaming all day? No. But you will be surprised because there are people who say they believe strongly in Feng Shui, yet they do nothing about their belief. I call these people ‘Feng Shui idle heroes’. 😓 The ‘do nothing club’ is about: being lazy, being inactive, not willing to do anything, and it is a place where there is no progress. To put it nicely, these ‘do nothing’ people live in the present, and dream about their future. That’s not a good thing if you want to make Feng Shui work! If we live to be 100, imagine us doing the same thing over and over and over. There is something that you must know: Daydreaming is an action to make Feng Shui work, whilst you are living your current life doing the same thing over and over. It’s good to be a little crazy about your daydreaming, and as long as your dream is positive and uplifting. 😊👍 Daydreaming is not good if you have bombastic or unrealistic dreams though.
如果一个人一直闲着, 从早到晚都在做梦,风水会有效吗?不! 闲人是指无所事事的人。 ‘无所事事俱乐部’特征包括:懒惰,不活跃,不愿意做任何事情,总之是一个没有进步的‘俱乐部’。这种闲人说好听的, 是活在现在, 梦到将来! 如果要好风水实现,这真的不一件好事!如果我们人类能活到一百岁,想象我们每天一遍又一遍的做同样的事情, 你会不会无奈地叹气呢? 😪 你必须知道:做白日梦是要好风水实现的一个动作,而这个动作是可以同样时间和你现在的生活一起过的!虽然我们每天每天过同样的生活, 但做白日梦是好的! 只要我们的梦不是夸张或不切实际的,有梦是好的! 梦想我们积极向上,为什么不能呢? 好耶! 😊👍

Are you a dreamer? That’s great! I’ve always been a dreamer! A ‘Dreamer’, mind you, not ‘dreaming’! Remember the McDonald’s HELLO KITTY toy promotion back in Year 2000? My husband had to work overnight (yes, those were the days he always had to ‘camp’ in the office!), so he got these for me. You would think that the Chinese Emperor Hello Daniel would get a matching Empress, but he said “I got you the Fairy Kitty, because you are always in your Fairyland.” LOL! 😂

常常有人说你爱做白日梦吗? 太好了!哪。。。你跟我性格差不多,我也时常做白日梦呀!请注意!我是‘做梦’而不是‘活在梦里’。记得2000年麦当劳“凯蒂猫”狂热? 我先生那天又熬夜加班(是呀!他也经理过这种日子!),凌晨跟同事们一起快快吃早餐时,在当时就业的公司对面麦当劳买了‘皇帝Hello Daniel’和‘仙女Hello Kitty’想送我一个惊喜。“为何皇帝不是皇后陪着?” “哦。。我发觉你经常发神仙梦,让你继续留在梦里吧!” 哈哈哈!😂