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Smile More 微笑的力量

The first thing people notice about me is my smile! Bet you didn’t know, but I underwent training, and I had to learn how to smile. I found a few smile quotes on the internet that describes the stages of my learning how to smile.
我的微笑非常迷人。 读者们, 你们不知道,但我微笑的力量是经过训练的,我学会如何微微一笑, 也学会灿烂的笑。我在互联网上找到了几句微笑引语,描述了我学习如何微笑的过程。

“Behind this reluctant smile, I hide my pain and sorrow, Behind this devilish look, I hide my tears of sadness, And behind this shattered body, I hide my broken heart. – Iqan” is the best quote that describes my first attempt at smiling again then. I was ‘happy’ that I was doing something positive, even though nothing in my life was going well. Work was miserable, I had to work overtime every day, and my marriage was as good as over. You know what is the best thing about this Feng Shui tip? Yup! A smile is free-of-charge, and you can start smiling immediately! Anyone can smile at anywhere and at anytime and at anybody. There are no prerequisites.

But why do I call this the biggest Feng Shui tip that changed my life? Of course I did not know this then, but you see, as soon as people see you smiling, they instantly like you. This is true! After a while, I did notice that people seemed to treat me better. Why? Because when I smile at you, you will naturally smile back. It is your natural instinct, or at worst you will smile back at me out of courtesy. And when you smile, the upward pull of your mouth sends happiness energy to your brain, and you feel better too. And so you will treat me better. See how marvelous this Feng Shui tip is?

“在这不情愿的笑容背后,我隐藏着我的痛苦和悲伤,在这个‘魔鬼般’的表情背后,隐藏着我悲伤的眼泪,在这个破碎的身体背后,隐藏着我的伤痕 – Iqan”。 这个引语描述我第一次尝试微笑时的心情。即使那时后, 我生活里并没有任何事情进展顺利,我仍然觉得‘高兴’, 应为我做了积极的行动。工作虽然很糟糕,我每天加班,再加上我的婚姻早已破碎, 尽管如此, 我还可以做点什么, 难以置信吧!这是不是该‘高兴’的理由? 读者们, 你们知道这个风水提示最棒的是什么?对了!微笑是免费的,你可以立即开始微笑!任何人都可以随时随地微笑, 而且你可以对任何人微笑!没有先决条件!

但, 我为什么称这是风水提示为改变我生活的最大风水提示?我当时没去想它, 不过现在我很清楚, 任何人看到你脸带微笑,他们立刻就会喜欢你! 真的!我注意到人们似乎更好地对待我。为什么?因为当我对你微笑时,你会自然地回我微笑。这是人的自然反应, 就算那个时刻你不想回我的笑, 不过你不得不, 否则你会显得很没有礼貌呀! 哈哈! 因为你微笑,你的嘴角向上拉动会给你的大脑带来幸福的能量,你心情自然变好, 所以你也会对我好。

“A fake smile may fool the crowd but it never eases the pain. – Kelly Brook” is the next quote that describes my smile in those days. I realised that fake smiling was easy. You just pull the corners of your mouth upwards, and that counts as a smile. Or you could flash your teeth, and that counts too. Let’s face it. Life is not easy. Some days, work does not go smoothly, and you really don’t want to smile at anyone. Or we really don’t have any reason to smile. We all know that feeling, when everything and everyone gets on your nerves! But pull that fake smile anyway, because most people find it harder to be mean to a smiling face. To be frank, most people do not really care if your smile is genuine or not anyway.

“虚假的微笑可能会欺骗人群,但它永远不会缓解痛苦。 – Kelly Brook” 这的引语是描述我学习微笑的第二步骤。我意识到, 原来假笑很容易。你只需向上拉动你的嘴角,那就算是一个微笑。或者, 你可以闪光你的牙齿,这也算是一个微笑。生活真的很不容易。有些日子,工作不顺利,我们真的不想对任何人微笑。有时我们找不到任何理由对任何人微笑, 对吧!你我偶尔会有这种感觉。 无论你心情如何, 我建议你还是假笑吧,因为大多数人如果看到你对他们微笑, 他们也不忍对你不好。反正, 大多数人并不是真的在乎你的笑容是真是假。

“A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.” is the next progression in my learn to smile training. As soon as I realised that people really treated me better when I smiled at them, guess what is Feng Shui move that is also free-of-charge? Yes, you are correct! I practiced a megawatt smile! You know who has a megawatt smile? Cameron Diaz! She dazzles! And I also remember that our local models were once featured in ‘Her World’ magazine, and if I remember correctly, the writer wrote that both Zoe and Fann were born to be superstars because they had smiles that went all the way up to light up their eyes! So I sat in front of the mirror, and I practiced and practiced to get my smile up from my mouth to my eyes. The trick was to squint your eyes a little whilst you pull the corners of your mouth upwards. But you seriously need to practice because you are going to look ridiculous if this is not done properly! To make this easier, it really helps if you think of a happy occasion or a happy experience when you are practicing your megawatt smile. Practice makes perfect!

“微笑是你可以穿的最漂亮的附属品”是我学习微笑训练的下一个步骤。当我意识到很多人应为我的微笑真的对我更好,你们猜猜我的下一个风水动作?对了!我练习如何给一个兆瓦级的微笑!你知道谁有兆瓦级的微笑?Cameron Diaz! 她是闪亮之星!!! 还有, 我记得两位本地模特曾在‘Her World’杂志上被访问,如果我没有记错, 作者是这么写的:  这两位本地女王Zoe和Fann是天生的超级明星,因为她们的笑容很闪烁,点亮她们的眼睛!于是, 我坐在镜子前,练习又练习又练习,如何把我的笑容从我的嘴巴‘传’到我的眼睛。诀窍是在你将嘴角向上拉的同时眯起你的眼睛。但是, 读者们, 你们需要练习一下,因为如果做得不好,你们会显得很荒谬。为了更容易抓住诀窍,如果在练习的同时, 你可以想想一个好笑的场合或一个好笑的体验,你肯定会在训练兆瓦级的微笑时给与很大的帮助。

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” is the smile that I gave everybody at the ‘peak’ of my Feng Shui success. I was genuinely happy then, and this smile just glowed from inside out. It was a genuine and sincere smile because I really wished happiness and success for everyone, because I had made Feng Shui work! And I was so grateful, so blessed and in awe of Feng Shui!

“温暖的微笑是仁慈的通用语言。”是我让好风水实现后给予每个人的微笑。发自我真心善良的微笑。 那时, 我真的很开心,感到很幸福! 我笑容从内到外闪闪发光! 我衷心祝福所有人幸福,因为我让好风水实现了!我做到了! 我非常感激,我感到敬畏!真的太感激了!!!