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What Is Good Feng Shui? (6) 什么是好风水? (六)

I said in my _____ blog that I wanted to make my life better, so I took action to get out of my misery.  I did not wait for a sign from above to start taking action. But what has happened? Nothing concrete. 😣 Round and round I go in circles, and round and round I get it. After I had bought an apartment, and after I realised that a knight in shining armor did not exist, finally I get it right! There are many ‘help yourself quotes’ on the internet, we ask for advice on ‘how to help yourself’, motivational videos always tell you to ‘help yourself’! They say: ‘Only you can help yourself’! But how do you help yourself? Why did I end up banging my head against the wall, when I took action to get out of my misery? Good Feng Shui is recognising that we do not exist in isolation, and to recognise that we are powerless against ‘situational’ forces.
我的_____博客中说过,我想让自己的生活改善, 过得更美好,所以我采取行动, 认真的想摆脱我的痛苦。我没有等上天给我讯号才开始采取行动。 但无论我怎么做, 还是没有具体的好事发生。为什么? 我绕着圆走了一轮、 两轮、 三轮,终于我明白了。买了一间公寓后,意识到白马王子不存在后,我终于明白了!互联网上有很多‘只有你自己可以帮助你自己’的引用词,我们有困难时询问人们的意见, 还是那句话: ‘帮助你自己’,甚至看了很多遍动机视频, 他们也建议:‘只有你可以帮助你自己’!但, 说真的, 我们如何帮助我们自己? 我下定了决心, 也采取了行动想摆脱痛苦,为什么最终还是失败?好风水是意识到我们人类不是孤立存在,并承认我们对‘情境力量’是无能为力的。

We do not live for ourselves alone, we do not live to ourselves, we do not exist in isolation. The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you can turn this fact to your advantage, the faster you can make Feng Shui work! It sucks. The fact that we can put in the most overtime at work, and that we never fail to submit the report to our Boss first thing in the morning, yet we are still passed over for promotion. The one who gets the promotion, however, may not be the one who puts in the most overtime. Why is the world so unfair? The reason is this: you see, when you are in top management, what is most important? Is it the fact that you can work a lot of overtime churning out reports? No, because you have your subordinates who can do that for you. Is it the fact that you have studied more, and so you have more paper qualifications than other people? Not necessarily, because if this were true, then all university professors with their Ph. D.s would sit on the Board of Directors of all conglomerates.

What is important is that you have to be a people person! People have to like you! When you have the like factor, then it is easier for shareholders, for staff members, for the public to accept you! And then when you speak, whatever you say about your plans for the company’s future, or for saving the Earth, or even for launching a rocket into outer space, it will be more readily accepted! Of course I’m not saying that any marketing guy who can speak eloquently will get to the top, but it sure helps. I’m saying that though working overtime, being efficient, being effective, having a proven track record is important, you must also be likeable. The reverse, however, is not necessarily true. You can work 24 hours a day for the rest of your life, but if your supervisor does not like you, there is no way on Earth you can get promoted! It is easier to get somewhere, and it is easier to get what you want, when people like you! Go think about it, and you know that I’m not fibbing! Read on and discover how I trained myself to become likeable, and in so doing, good Feng Shui came my way naturally.

Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui Work!

我们不是单独为自己而活,我们不是孤立存在的。你越早接受这个事实,你就越早可以把这个事实转化为你的优势,你就能更快地让好风水实现!事实烂透了, 对吧? 我们可以加班时间最长,也可以每次都一早就把报告提交给我们的上司,但我们仍然错过职位晋升。获得晋升的同事不一定是加班时间最多的人。为什么这个世界不公平?原因是: 当一个人在高层管理时,最重要的是什么?不是你可以加班, 因为你的下属可以为你加班, 赶出你需要的报告和数字。也不是你学习很多,比别人多了纸质资格, 因为如果这是真的,那么所有拥有博士学位的大学教授都应该成为所有联合企业的董事会成员。 😆

重要的是: 人们必须喜欢你!唯有别人喜欢你, 无论是股东,是工作人员,是公众会更容易接受你!到时候, 无论你说你对公司未来的计划,或你想拯救地球, 或你想发射一枚火箭进入太空, 只要别人喜欢你, 你的注意将会更容易被接受! 当然,我并不是说任何可以雄辩的营销人员都能获得奖励,但口才好肯定有帮助。当然你可以时常加班,也可以是办公室里最高效率的员工,也可以拥有良好的记录, 但是, 如果你的主管不喜欢你,那么恐怕你没有机会晋升!现实社会是很残酷的, 通常一个‘打工仔’是需要上司提拔你, 你才会有机会升职。 如果你可以做到让别人喜欢你,那么你就可以更容易得到你想要的东西!我不是跟你说笑的!读者们, 请继续阅读我的博客,了解我如何训练自己变得‘可爱’,讨人喜欢。 就这样,好风水就自然而然在我人生出现了。
