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Practice Makes Perfect (Smile More) 熟能生巧 (微笑的力量)

Smile and the world smiles with you. Smiling is infectious. Smiling is contagious. If you are feeling down, and you have no mood to work on your smile, I highly recommend you to read ‘100 jokes for kids’, and I also recommend you watch a cartoon like Tom and Jerry cartoon, or Mr Bean cartoon. Set the mood to learn to smile! Practice makes perfect!

微笑, 世界和你一起微笑。微笑是传染性的。 如果你感到沮丧,没有心情练习你的微笑,我建议你阅读“孩子一百个笑话”本子。 我也建议你观看Tom and Jerry卡通或Mr Bean卡通。只要不用你较劲脑子的方法, 你都可以尝试。 记得, 设置心情你才可以开始学习如何微笑!熟能生巧!