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Life Goes On (2) 继续努力 (二)

As I write to you about my #04-94 HDB flat unit, I had many thoughts and feelings come to mind. Life has passed me by. Indeed, life did go on, and I’m so glad that I got out of that mess! 🙏 I also wish that I had tons of photos to show you about #04-94, but I don’t. If I remember correctly, at that time, most people use the digital camera. But my husband and I did not buy one until much later. We just did not have the spare money to buy a camera. Anyway, what will we do with it? We were too busy working day in, day out. Tell you what, I’ll find some time to sort through the 30,000 photos, and I’ll also flip through what photo albums I have. See if I can find something for you, dear readers. But in the meantime…. yes, you guessed correctly: Life has to go on, and I’ll keep on blogging.

写#04-94时,我心中很多感触! 时间真的不会应为我或应为你而停留。 生活还是要继续, 我们继续努力, 好吗? 真希望我有照片与你分享呀。那时,刚发明数码相机。。。可能吧!我没什么印象,应为那时候我先生和我没有钱呀!就算买数码相机也没有什么心情拍照 想起以前,我们真的过得很苦!不过,亲爱的读者们,我答应你,我一定找时间翻我电脑里那三万张照片,看看有没有什么旧照片可以把我的‘观点’说明确一点。我知道‘百闻不如一见’这个道理! 🙂 你们猜一猜我现在(擅长)要说的话?对了,就是: 虽然我非常希望把旧照片找出来,不过我先把‘更重要’的文本写出来,我开始了!这个网站,我写博客比照片较重要,对吧!


You know, when I met my website programming team in August 2017, I told them that I’ll see them in 6 months time. Because that’s how long I think I need to at least key a readable number of blogs. You know the young people’s reaction? Gasp! and they said in unison, “So long???!!!” 😆 Having big brand clients under their portfolio, and where speed is everything, they probably think I’m a joker. I probably am! But as I’ve said in ____, I never thought I’ll do a website, but here it is. Along the way, I really had a ‘super’ (super-hard! 😅)time re-learning. It’s like going back to school again, but this time there is no teacher and there is no exam. Here’s evidence on what a computer expert I used to be, having taken various computer classes and programming examinations when I was younger:

记得去年八月尾,我与网站代码小组开会议时,我跟他们说我需要六个月时间,才可以写出像样一点的博客,他们那般年轻人,反应一致:“你需要这么长时间?!” 😆 我不怪他们啦,毕竟他们看惯大客户,什么都要快 、快 、快,我想他们客户群里,只有我一个是搞博客的!我创造这个网站真不容易,我有很多事需要重新学习。比如说, 我年轻时候算是很厉害用电脑呀。你看看我的电脑学历,不输给别人:

Starting with a teenage literacy course in computer skills…


And a software applications course…


And another software applications…


And a certificate awarded by IBM for Query/400…


And a Professional certificate in website design…


And a Diploma in Computer Studies…


Along the way, I was also tested in computer programming skills, where I was awarded ‘Credit’ for BASIC programming language…


And finally, a ‘Distinction’ in COBOL programming language!


😅 But so what? I have been a housewife for more than 10 years, and because I am always swamped with housework, I barely turn on the tv, much less the computer. As a matter of fact, I can’t even beam my laptop screen to the monitor that my husband bought for me because I told him of the strain on my eyes from looking at the laptop! 😥😅 ‘Pity’ the housewife turned blogger, LOL!  😆

You know the greatest ‘mistake’ I made? I under-estimated the power of good Feng Shui! I really did not think that it would bring me so many opportunities! I’m so awed by this fantastic skill called Feng Shui!!! My Feng Shui Master rocks! I salute her! 😍

I was ‘ashamed’ when I asked my programming team how I can hire a freelancer to draw pictures for me. Can you imagine that I don’t even know how to do that (draw a simple picture using the computer), with all these new software in the market now?! Whilst I sort that out, I twiddled a little and drew sketches. It looks comic and amateur to you, but my point is that I did what I could! I got started! I could have spent months learning how to draw a better-looking picture, or I could have waited until the guys found a reliable freelancer to draw pictures for me. But this is not a design website, and I’m not wanting to win some artistic award. With good Feng Shui, I know that the issues (problems) will sort themselves out, but I need to get started first!

So I relied heavily on Youtube on how to use the latest software, and the sweet guy in charge of my account also recommended some free softwares I could trial and error with. He doesn’t say but he probably thinks I’m a computer klutz. 😆

My dear readers, please forgive me for my pathetic looking pictures, but you know that I am trying, and I did not wait until the time when everything is perfect. The best thing you can learn from me is that I got started! Whatever you want to do, you get started too! We can do it! 💪

There is no perfect time. Just do it! Get started!

不过这些文凭对我来讲一点用处都没有!我已经当了十多年的家庭主妇,平时很少看电视,电脑就不用讲啦。不懂一年有没有用电脑一次!我好惭愧!😓 这是我自己的错,我低估了好风水的力量,没想到我不止从黑暗走出来,不只是迅速跑到亮点,甚至还有福气帮别人点灯!我真的,真的很感激, 对风水这门‘学艺’感到很惊讶,非常慑于!没想到我会有这个机会重新回到‘学生时代’,只不过现在没有老师,也没有学校,没有考试!好耶!✌ 我风水老师很棒吧!我对她饱满了感激的心💖!

为了写这个博客,我看了很多YouTube,从新学习怎么用电脑画图画。对啦!我不好意思,不过现在的软件我一个也不会用!怎么这么难用?!哈哈!管理我网站的年轻人,他真的很好,他说可以帮我留意, 帮我打听有没有适合的兼职电脑设计师可以帮我画图。在这段期间,亲爱的读者们,麻烦你们包容包容我非常幼稚,甚至可以说很可笑的画画。我在努力了!你们再一次猜猜我擅长说的话?对了,就是: 我开始了!亲爱的读者们,你们学到了吗?如果你有什么理想,有什么梦想,你也开始吧!别等了!那完美的时刻就是现在!宇宙在看我们!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️💫