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Google Is Your Best Friend (1) 谷歌好友 (一)

Guess what I saw when I minimised my screen? An illustration on the Google landing page. There’s a different one every other day. Google is fantastic, they are constantly changing the pictures on their landing page to suit the season or occasion. Google rocks! Come on! My drawings are quite similar to the ones drawn by the professionals, right? 😂 Use your imagination! Alot of imagination! I’m seriously not too bad an artist. Give me a break! _____

你瞧!这是谷歌今天的搜索主页。谷歌真的做得很成功,他们的主页每次都会随着季节或场合更换。 我相信百度也不赖,有人可以告诉我吗?读者们,如果你们用想像力(很多的想像力),是不是觉得我的画也有专业水平?我还算可以吧!好耶! give him a break!!!! _________________**********