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Burning Incense In The Home (2) 在家里烧香 (二)

This is another type of incense holder that I use. You can buy from any neighbourhood incense shop for about $3. It holds the coil type of incense, which when lit, gives off smoke in a slow-release manner. The reason why I use this type of burner is because most ingot-shaped incense are made of ‘sandalwood 檀香’, but the coil-shaped incense has both types: ‘sandalwood 檀香’ and ‘agarwood 沉香’. I’ll tell you the difference between these 2 woods in my next blog. I alternate between burning ‘agarwood 沉香’ coil incense, and ‘sandalwood 檀香’ ingot incense in my home, and honestly my choice depends how much time I have set aside to pray on that day. I prefer to look after my incense after it is lit, but I think that it is safe to leave the coil incense to burn itself out. If you waited for it, it would take hours! But the same safety rules applies: don’t put the holder near paper materials or curtains, and choose well-ventilated (but not windy!) area. I tend to stick to the same ‘brand’ of incense if I like the fragrance of the incense. The same ‘sandalwood 檀香’ made by different companies have different smells, so choose the one you like.

这是我所选择的第二种香炉。在邻区的香店买大概三块钱。这香炉适合点线圈类型的香。 为什么我需要选择不同类型的香呢?原因是元宝型的香通常是”檀香sandalwood”制造(源自)的而线圈型的香有两种:“檀香sandalwood”或”沉香agarwood”。这两种香有什么区别?我下博客会讲解。选择点线圈类型的香的好处是它慢慢的散发烟,如果你选择你喜欢的’香味‘,这’香味‘会渐渐沉浸你的家,感觉很舒服。同样的安全提示:(一)安置香炉不可以选择靠近容易点燃的物品例如窗帘布,纸料等等(二)要选择有空气流通的地方,不过不是刮风的地方。我本人比较忧虑性格,如果没看到香烧完我会不放心。。。是我的”痼癖”。。。如果你把线圈香插得好是没问题的。如果你选择较小的线圈香,需要一小时左右才能烧完。较大的可以烧上半天。