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Win Lottery (15th February 2017) 赢彩 (二月十五日)

There are times where or when we had not planned on buying any lottery tickets. You know, cosmic energy is very real. On that day, my husband and I had just finished running an errand, and we were driving in our car along Mandai Road, on the way home. The sun had gone behind the clouds, and I felt relaxed because we had a pleasant day. Out of the blue, I said: “Why don’t we go to the Singapore Zoo for lunch, since we have to drive past it anyway?”. For those of you who have not visited the Singapore Zoo after their revamp, there are many restaurants located outside the Zoo area. You do not need to be a zoo-goer to eat at the restaurants. My husband and I had a nice time watching the tourist crowd and the many zoo-goers entering and exit from the zoo.   😛  After a not-too-delicious meal (LOL!), we headed towards our car…
有时候, 我们没有计划购买任何彩票。有时, 你必须相信宇宙能量是非常真实的! 那天,先生和我刚刚完成一项差事,在回家的路上我们沿着‘万礼路’。我记得那天太阳已经落在云后,不是一个炎热的一天。 可能应为天气好的关系, 我‘突如其来’的说:“不如我们去新加坡动物园吃午饭好吗?” 如果你不知, 动物园翻新后, 餐馆设置在动物园区外,用餐的顾客不需要买动物园入门费去餐馆用餐。真好! 先生和我一面吃饭, 一面看旅游人群和动物园观光者进入退出动物园, 时间不知不觉就这样过去。 😛 说实在的, 我们那天吃的午餐并不太美味 (哈哈),不过应为我们可以慢慢的用餐, 还算是一件好事! 吃饱啦, 我们朝着我们的车走去。。。


As you know, my husband and I love animals! This peacock caught our attention, and we stood at the side looking at her and her kids. There were other bystanders but they left after taking a few photographs.  My husband and I stayed on, and we quietly looked at her until she went out of sight. Knowing she also preferred to be alone with her young, we did not pursue her.

我先生和我很喜欢动物!这只孔雀引起了我们的注意,我们站在一边看着她和她的孩子。还有其他的旁观者,不过他们拍了几张照片后便离开了。先生和我一直留在孔雀妈妈身边,我们静静地看着她,直到她离开了我们的视线。我们没‘追’她, 应为孔雀妈妈应该比较喜欢宁静。

A short distance from her, another peacock stood and looked at us. When we approached our car, the peacock walked and came closer to us, seemingly ‘beckoning’ us to follow.

离孔雀妈妈不远的地方,另一只孔雀看着我们。我们没想到要过去打扰它。 当我们接近我们的车时,第二只孔雀走过来靠近我们,似乎暗示我们跟随它。

The second peacock finally stood still next to a tree. We were puzzled by his behaviour, so we waved goodbye, and we wanted to leave. I saw this number on the tree, and joked with my hubby: “Maybe Mr Peacock wanted to show you this number!”

第二只孔雀停留在一棵树旁边。我们觉得好笑又不知所措。 😆  我在树上看到了这四个数字,就开玩笑说:“也许孔雀先生想给你看这个数字!”

How my husband found time to go buy the lucky peacock number, I will never know. But his iBet 5601 won him $250.  ✌

Thanks, Mr Peacock!

不知我忙碌的先生如何找出时间去买这孔雀给他的幸运号码, 不过幸运孔雀‘送’我先生iBet 5601两百五十元! ✌

谢谢你, 孔雀先生!