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Using Keywords For SEO 研究关键词

“Keyword Research”. When I turned on my laptop this morning, this section mysteriously appeared in my editor. “Keyword is missing, do you want to define it?” My programming guy later told me that he had added in this keyword inspector tool for my reference. Oh my goodness! Did you know I can’t write what I think? Instant website hits became hits only because of proper planning + proper controlling, so I can’t just blah whatever.  😆 That’s just great, now I have to write and keep to the code. Keyword research code, that is! Remember, all the tips for good Feng Shui will be useless if you cannot adapt to change.

“关键词”。 今早打开电脑想输入博客时,突然发现有一个新编辑部分。噢!原来负责网站账户服务的年轻人帮我安装关键词工具!天啊!怎么没早说?!我如果希望这个网站成为互联网热点,我一定要用关键词来造句。不是我喜欢就好,想写什么就写什么。 😆 我这时刻准备着尽量使用所谓的“关键字词语”。读者们,记得哦,如果你要好风水实现,你必须愿意适应变化!

Using keywords for SEO is the way to go moving forward in my blog, and that is fine with me because Google is my best friend. 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ Change is the only constant in life. We already know. If I insist in my opinion, it will not help me in any way. Why? Google is the largest search engine. So is Baidu. I am a writer amongst millions who are creating their own internet website. And I want this website to be very successful. Of course I do, and yes, it will be very successful because I am willing to change, and I am willing to compromise. The most basic criteria for life is to be willing to learn and grow. Only then, and with the help of Feng Shui, my dream will come true! I have never been more sure of anything in my life!

The definition of success for me is that this website will be read by millions and billions. Most importantly, ordinary people will know that whilst everyone’s journey is different, nobody has it easy. It is my belief that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and if I write the story of my life as it is, then simply knowing that you are not alone, you will have the strength to go on. There is no point pitting yourself against how the world works. Remember, we are ordinary people, we only have ourselves. Go with the flow! Press on! 🤜

Ok. Wow, that was a little difficult. I had to write the above 2 paragraphs using keywords for SEO. Haha, my dear reader, what do you think? Not too bad, right? 😁 You know this thing called change, I hate it. I find comfort in habit and familiarity. I like to eat at places I frequent (for me, it is a small zhi-char stall in the coffeeshop behind my home), and I like to go to the same supermarket (because I know where the items are put, in which aisle), and I like to go swimming at 3pm in the afternoon (because the building next to the public pool casts a shadow over the pool, and I get to swim in the shade.)

But because change is something that nobody can control, and it will happen no matter how much I resist it, or how much I pray for it not to happen, I have grown very adaptable to change. As you know, in my younger days, I fought against change. Why should I change? I am doing the correct thing, so why must I change? I am right, so why must I change? I live by my ethics, so why must I change? The answer is very simple: Change is going to happen anyway. Don’t waste your energy fighting change. Use your energy to adapt to the new circumstances after the change. Pretty soon, the new circumstances will become part of your ordinary life, and you will forget that you ever had to change in the first place. 

Like you, I was also forced to change many times in my life. As you know, I am by nature a sullen person, but I became very good at talking sugar words. Smiling and laughing is my first reaction to any circumstance, though I do not agree with my reaction sometimes. Some people deserve a kick in the face, and another big kick in the bottom!!! 😈 But like I said before, I always take the easy way first. If it does not work, then my fangs will show, very very slowly but surely. But I’ll take the sweet way out first, anytime!  😀 It’s the same in my marriage. Sometimes my husband drives me up the wall, and sometimes I drive him up the wall. But we have grown accustomed to each other’s body language, and every day, we change our own reaction according to the other’s reaction. He can’t control or change me, and I can’t control or change him. Heck! I can’t even control or change myself sometimes! ROFL! See? Change is the only constant.

So here’s what I am going to do. As you can see from the screen capture of Google search engine, I will need time to get accustomed to writing using keywords for SEO. But I don’t want to change my style of writing altogether, so I’ll just write the description paragraph, and the first 2 paragraphs of each blog using keywords for SEO. I think that is good enough, and we will see how things go, when I get this website ‘live’ in August. If it works, then hooray! If it doesn’t, then I will have to write each blog using 100% keywords for SEO. Will that work? *Fingers crossed* 🤞   I won’t fight it, and I won’t insist on writing in my own style, because I know that change is the only constant. I can always adapt my writing style to suit what works. Does Feng Shui work? Make Feng Shui work!

“搜索引擎优化seo从入门到精通”。这个‘短语’在谷歌搜索引擎中排名第一。 读者们, 作者我被吃掉了!哈哈 😆 。想想看,谷歌与我,百度与我,谁比较大? 狐狸和兔子赛跑, 谁比较容易摔倒?当让是兔子(我)啦,应为兔子急嘛!!!🦊🐰我只是一个‘小小作者’,像是鱼在‘金融海啸中找生存‘。成千上万类似梦的作者们想制作自己的网页。为什么说作者我被吃掉了?我一定要把这个网站成为互联网热点