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The Revelation (1) 启示 (一)

There are some people in life who are forever waiting for the perfect moment before getting started. Whether it’s this or that, there’s always next time. Here’s my revelation: To get started on Feng Shui, you just do it! Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! But you need to start. Good Feng Shui limits only exist in your mind. There are no limits! In all honesty, I don’t think it’s a matter of overcoming procrastination. When you offer a listening ear and you ask the reasons why people are not willing to try Feng Shui, they probably will admit: “I don’t know how to get started.” And then there are some people who are forever waiting for the other shoe to drop, because they cannot accept change, and they think change is bad. Even when things are not going well, they’d rather leave things as they are.
有些人永远在等待那完美的时刻。需要开始任何项目或计划,他们总会推延到“下一次”。我想跟你分享我的启示: 如果你想用风水,你只开始用!风水有效吗?有!但你需要开始。好风水没有极限, 任何限制只存在于我们的头脑中! 坦率地说,我认为这不是人们纯粹拖延的问题。如果你倾听并询问人们为什么不愿意尝试风水,他们会承认:“我不知道如何开始。” 当然, 也有些人被别人影响, 认为风水是魔咒。 如果风水做不好, 他们就会出事, 所以他们尝试风水也不敢。

I thought about how I would end my life. If I tried this method, what level of pain are we talking about before I die? If I tried that method, how will I look like in death? Will my body still be whole? What if my plan goes wrong, and I end up in a coma instead? Will my parents or my husband be able to afford my hospital fees? Sometimes I visualised my death, and my heart beat like crazy! You know those scary movies where you float around with no where to go after death, wooooo 👻…. Man, it was really scary – the thought that I was going to die!!!

No, no, no! I don’t really want to die! I just want to get out of this s#*@ %^^&$%^#^ situation, that’s all!

The saying ‘what goes down must come up’ is very true! I can’t really say what prompted the change in my life, but I came across this quote that completely struck a chord in me. In truth, it just happened! Just like that.

我想:死就死吧!只是死而已! 我要怎么死呢?我很怕痛,什么方法死时不痛呢?我也怕‘走’的时候不美,要怎么样死后尸体还是‘美美’的?如果自杀计划搞砸,会不会因此昏迷?如果半生不随但不死怎么办? 会有人来医院探望我吗? 我先生会跟我离婚吗? 我那无情的妈妈会诅咒我还是照顾我? 当我认真考虑我自杀的方法时,我发现我不是真的想死!!!死很恐怖, 电视我看太多了, 焰魂不散, 在人间飘来飘去 👻。。。 好可怕!!! 如果我真的想一走了之,为什么我心敲打这么厉害?我想到我要死了,真的感到害怕!


有一天,你发觉世界不会为你而改变 – 你真的受够了,不可能比现在更糟糕 – 那一刻你就会被’点醒‘!真的!人是要继续活下去的!!! 我喜欢这引用词。最后一句是“就这样我决定改变”。