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The Only Way Is Up 往上爬

I know how it feels like when life is spiraling out of control___. In the beginning, it’s not obvious to you. A small matter needs to be settled. Then something else crops up, and you go settle that. You thought it was only a screw-up, but before you can settle it, something else crops up and you rush over. 😥 Rushing around all the time, it’s like putting out fire with gasoline. The only thing you know is one bad thing after another, you start to feel overwhelmed, overloaded, and pretty soon you feel tired and depressed. You wonder if you are the only one having a bad time. “Why me?” When you have no energy to do anything, and you want to give up, can Feng Shui help ‘depression’? Does Feng Shui work for healing emotional health and for healing illness? Yes, of course! But first you have to know when things hit rock bottom, the only way is up! So don’t give up! Trust me, from now on, the only way is up! Use Feng Shui for positive energy flow upwards!
我知道生活是很累人的, 尤其是人生失去控制的时候。 这种感觉我也体会过——————。 一开始,看起来并不明显。一个小小问题需要解决罢了。然后,另外个问题出现,你就解决那个问题。 还没有解决眼前问题, 另一边又需要你的注意。 哪里发生事情,你就急于解决问题。一直在奔波,就像用汽油熄火一样! 一件坏事接一件坏事,你开始感到问题真的很多, 你不知所措,很快你感到疲倦和沮丧。 “世界上唯有我一个人过得那么辛苦吗?为什么是我?” 当你没有精力去做任何事情,你想放弃的时候,风水能帮助克服抑郁的感受吗?风水能治疗低落情绪吗?当然可以! 虽然你感到沮丧, 你可千万不要放弃!只要记得, 所有事情到了最底层,一定会反起来! 好风水可以帮你找这反弹的能量!✌🏀


See my 2 sketches? If I fall, one has a safety net to catch me, whilst the other one doesn’t. When a person is down and out, do you know what makes the biggest difference concerning his or her next steps? The answer is: “A backup plan”.

If I quit my job, can I survive without food? Maybe for a few days. But I know myself, I’ll be very miserable not eating. I’m always feeling hungry! Can I ask my husband to eat plain bread+water, so he can split his lunch money with me? Probably, but I would need to be on talking terms with him first. I have my pride, I’m not going to do that, not even for food! 😑

I have some friends who were still bumming around at home, because they can afford to wait for that job that allows them to do “strategic thinking”. How lucky they are to have such good parents who understand them! After all, we are graduates, so what’s the point of getting a degree if we still end up doing operational work? One university mate was even luckier! His parents gave him $30,000 to start his own business. Yet another mate – wow! – he practically hit the jackpot! His parents bought him an electronic organ, because he told them he wanted to discover his musical talents (this was after he earned his degree in banking!) Will my parents support me whilst I wait out the financial crisis? It’s very unlikely, and anyway I would be at their mercy, and my mum will probably yell non-stop at me for still using her money! I doubt I can hide in peace in my bedroom.

So the answer was very clear. I had no choice. Being the ‘monkey mind’, I contemplated other means. I can get a divorce, then I can find a rich man to feed me. But I need money to get a divorce, where will I find the money? Can I borrow money from my mum? Will my old-school mum support my decision to get a divorce? And in order to hook a rich man, I needed to get my beauty back! Was it a guarantee that I could hook a rich man?

My miserable thoughts even brought me to ponder over the meaning of existence and of life. Why do we suffer? Everyone must die when our time is up. Why was I put on this Earth to suffer? Was I suffering because of the misdeeds of my past life? Will I still need to suffer in my next life? Should I end my life?

一个人要改变环境, 你知道需要考虑什么吗?答案是:‘后路’! 如果我跟公司说“我不干了!!!”,我明天还有饭吃吗?是妈妈给我钱?不过我知道我妈妈的各型,她不会绕了我的!一定不会让我有一丝安宁,会一直用钱来压我。我先生自生难保,气死我! 😡 我一定要想办法离婚,另外找有钱人养我。不过离婚需要钱。。。哪里找钱离婚? 不是要上法院吗?公司会批准我请假离婚吗?会扣工钱吗?不过。。。离了婚不担保我马上可以搬进有钱人屋子呀!我还没找到有钱人!!!需要减肥,把头发皮肤照顾好,才有一线希望可以钓到有钱人呀!我够美吗?有钱人要我吗?

人活在世上是为了什么? 每个人都会死。反正人会死,为什么要活呢?难道是为了受折磨才活的?我这一世活得这么痛苦,难道是我上辈子造的孽?上辈子的债, 我这辈子还得请吗?下辈子还会受折磨吗?人活着有什么意义?我几时会死?死后还会受罪吗?我是下地狱还是上天堂呢?
