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Stuck In The Middle (Tolerance Level) 被卡到(忍耐)

You must constantly do a reality check of your life: “Is everything ok? Are my family members ok? And more importantly, am I ok?” In my Feng Shui journey, I often see how a stuck situation can do harm to people. I was a victim of stuck circumstances too! It’s true that everyone is busy, and because human beings are the most resilient, we always tell ourselves that we can do it, even when things start to get overwhelming. Pressure builds up, we add on more, then more… and then boom! 💥 Everything collapses! More on that later. My sweet friend became the sole breadwinner in her home, because her husband was not mature enough to shoulder that responsibility. It’s not that my sweet friend had an easy time at work, or that she enjoyed her work, but she had a more responsible kind of character, and she was realistic enough to know how the real world worked. Mortgages needed to be paid, and food needs to be on the table. And she also knew that she wanted a peaceful home, so she was willing to hold her tongue when she had to bear the brunt of the ravings of her insecure husband. It’s not that her husband did not love her, or that she loved him more, but the reality is that alot of effort, patience, maturity, and understanding is needed to make a relationship work! Good Feng Shui is about doing the best that you can when you are in a stuck situation. First to cope, and also to find a way out of stuck.

你必须经常检讨你的生活:“一切都还好吗?我的家人都好吗?更重要的是,我还好吗?”在我的风水旅途中,我经常看到人们因为被卡住而受到伤害。我也是被卡住过的受害者!确实,每个人都很忙,而且因为人类是最有忍耐性的,即使事情开始变得势不可挡,我们总是告诉自己我们可以做到,。压力增加,我们增加更多,然后更多……然后。。。 爆炸! 💥 一切都崩溃了!稍后会详细讲解。我的好朋友成了她家里唯一的养家糊口的人,因为她的丈夫还不够成熟,无法承担这一个责任。这不是因为我的好朋友有一份轻松的工作,或者是她喜欢她的工作,但她有一种责任的性格,而且她非常现实而且知道解现实世界是如何运作的。组屋贷款需要支付,食物需要摆在桌上。而且她也知道她想要一个安宁的家,所以当那没有安全感的丈夫对她咆哮时,她不得不忍受。这并不是说她的丈夫不爱她,或者她更爱她,在现实中,一个良好的关系是需要很多努力,耐心,成熟和理解来建立的!好风水就是在遇到困境时尽力做到最好。首先是要应对,并找到一种解决困境的方法。

We kept in touch even after I left the organisation. Without fail every year, we would visit each other’s home over the holidays. I truly liked her because she was quiet, sweet and kind. Her husband got from bad to worse, because he kept changing jobs as he felt unvalued in each one of them. Eventually, she felt the strain of being the main breadwinner, and in her 50s, she said she would go study and complete the Diploma that she never passed. She saw studying as the only way out, so she could get a higher salary. I guess she finally accepted that she could not depend financially on her proud husband. She got her Diploma, and she started making plans to study a private degree. I salute her not only for her resilience (we all know work and study is very tough), but because she kept the peace in her worsening relationship with her husband. Truly – if I paid the bills in the family – I’ll kick him out for shouting and degrading me in public! I am angry 我很生气

But I know that some of my younger readers are thinking why doesn’t she divorce her husband? Well, we are from a different generation and we don’t talk about divorce easily. Marriage is hard work! Of course! You are taking 2 individuals and forcing them to live together as one!!! Getting divorced does not mean that one will be happier. The way I see it, even if she left him, she would still need to pay the mortgage of her new place, and she would still need to put food on her own table. Am I right? Maybe this man was my friend’s true love, or perhaps she just don’t like to be alone after a hard day at work. It’s nice to have company, don’t you think?

So guess what happens when you have to live with a man who doesn’t mince his words? Maybe all will be fine and dandy? Maybe not?

我已经离开公司很多年, 不过我们任然保持联系。她人真的很好,我们性格很像, 不爱吵闹。她先生讲话越来越大声,他时常在公共场合大声喊我和好友:“你们女人笨!你们女人不会啦!” 不过我能怎么办。他老婆不跟他吵,我总不能说:“哎,你老公,你应该给他一点颜色看看!” 不能啊!!我不能说! 两夫妻好好的, 我怎么能挑拨离间呢? 不过, ##%¥%#@¥%说真的,如果屋子的贷款,水电费都是我交的,我一定把这没用的男人踢出去。 所以我超爱我这个好友! 她比我成熟的多! 看到自己老公没有稳定工作,就想法子要怎么做才可以领更高的薪水。她努力把她当年没读完的文凭念完,然后计划报名读学位。值得敬佩的女人!当年她已经五十多岁啦!!! 半工半读不容易呀!!!💪💪💪

我知道有些比较年轻的读者在想为什么她不离婚?我们是不同的一代,我们不容易谈论离婚。婚姻是很艰苦的!这我们都知道!两个不同的人迫使一起生活! 当然不容易! 离婚并不意味着一个人会更快乐。我想, 即使好友离开了先生,她仍然需要支付她新家的贷款,她仍然需要买吃的。 对吧! 也许这个男人是我好友的真爱, 也或许她觉得辛苦工作了一天后, 她不想独自一个人。 怎么说, 家里有人陪伴着, 总比一个人好。 读者们, 你们觉得呢? 如果反过来是你跟一个时常贬低你的话的男人生活, 你可以吗?