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Start Now 现在开始

START NOW! There are plenty of quotes regarding this. Find one that catches your fancy, print it out and paste it on your wall, or make it your wallpaper. Anything! The essence of making Feng Shui work is:
(1) you don’t have to wait until you figure out your ba-zi, and
(2) you don’t have to wait till you meet a Feng Shui Master to get started, and
(3) you don’t need to go study a Professional Course on Feng Shui to use it, and
(4) you don’t need to wait till you save enough money to buy all your Feng Shui cures.
You only need to start now! Of course, if you can get all of the above points done, that’s great! But if you can’t, what will (can) you do? Do you intend to wait another year until all the conditions are met? Do you intend to wait 5 years? 10 years? How long are you going to wait for the conditions to be perfect??? Don’t wait anymore. Start now!
只要你开始,你就可以马上踏上风水路途!别再犹豫,等碰到好的风水师傅, 或等存够钱上专业风水课, 或等买足所有风水物品。。。 等这, 等哪。。。 等到几时? 你有没有听过一个短语: ‘没有完美的时间’? 我们要等的东西、 情况和人, 我们可以开始了同时一起等呀! 所以我们开始吧, 做我们要做的! 🙌

So, going back to this topic on my self-element character____… you see, in those days, parents were wierd. Whenever we went to a friend’s place or a relative’s place, we children had to line up with the kids of the other families, and the parents would shoot off mathematical questions that we kids would ‘compete’ to answer. Of course, I was never as quick as that smart-ass cousin of mine, so my mum would always say: “aiyah, you are really stupid!”. This friendly competition took place in every home we visited, and even when the relatives came visiting! So I grew up hating being with the other kids, and I always ended up pretending to be really interested in the tv show in every living room I visited. Relatives often ask “Hey SL, aren’t you going to play on the swing with the other kids?”, and I’ll always shake my head. They will then lament that I am different, but thankfully, they left me alone.

Even at home, my parents enjoyed asking us 3 sisters ‘test questions’, and we always had a friendly competition amongst ourselves. I don’t know, but I guess this is my parent’s idea of pushing us to study harder (so that we can win the ‘game’ (stupid game) next time). Unfortunately, whilst my grades did go up, it must have moulded my character to hate being with people, and I especially hate groups! ✖👬👬👫👭👭✖ So you see, even if I were born under another element (not strong metal), and my self-element says I’m supposed to be really friendly and bubbly 🌞, the experiences that we were put through as children do have a lingering effect on our personality growing up. In my opinion, this is how you should interpret your ‘true’ self-element. Keep that in mind ok.


关于性格,同样的,我们需要从我们小时候看起。成长时,我父母有个怪癖。不管是朋友或亲戚来我们家,或我们去探望他们,所有小朋友要排排站,让后在场父母一个一个发数学题,我们小朋友抢答!当然我没有我表哥厉害啦!他这个天才儿童,我怎么比?妈妈就会当场指责我:“哎呀! 你真的很笨!”。一年接一年,我们虽然年龄比较大,父母还是喜欢让我们一群孩子比上下!

在家里也一样,爸爸妈妈时常把我们三姐妹叫来考验。不懂啦!可能这是他们督促我们努力学习的方法(我是这样安慰我自己!)。我虽然成绩变得比较好,不过性格变‘隐遁’。后来,我到了谁家就假装对电视节目很有兴趣。亲戚问我为何不跟其他小朋友一起荡秋千(以前没有Samsung或iPhone,小朋友只有在屋里屋外追来追去),我就摇头。叔叔婶婶们说:“这女孩不合群”。 不过,幸好他们没有逼我陪其他小朋友玩。 还好! 😓

不奇怪的,我讨厌与人接触,更明确说:我讨厌任何群体活动。 ✖👬👭👫👭👬👫✖

在我风水路途中时常碰到情况需要帮忙的朋友,比如说他们夫妻感情不好,先生就埋怨妻子和他八字不合。虽然我不完全否认这说法,不过我觉得不能完全把责任推到夫妻五行或八字不合。凡事都要看大局,如果坚决不接受其他理由是错的。 一个婚姻会出问题, 大多数是夫妻之间少了沟通, 让一方感到委屈。 所以两者因该坐下来好好聊一聊, 看怎么改善情况。必定两个人能凑在一起也是应为爱, 是一种缘分。

如果我不是‘属金’,可能说我五行(天生)性格比较乐观开朗 🌞,不过在我家成长时常常被骂是笨蛋,我可能志气不变低落吗? 我还可能不被情况影响到吗?我的意思是说不能‘一竹竿打翻一船人’,别盲目的怪你的生辰八字。 你也要考虑你周围的特殊情况,好吗? 👌