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Rearing Fish (8): Fish Food 养鱼风水 (八): 鱼吃什么?

Choosing fish food in Singapore for your fishes, well, to say the least, your fishes are spoilt for choice! Depending on your choice of fish, you can ask the aquarium shop man to recommend something suitable. The types of fish food include: flake type, sinking pellet type, floating pellet type etc. All types promise to keep your fish happy, healthy and colourful. I am sure that the aquarium shop man will recommend something that suits the swimming nature of your fish. Do you have fish that swim at the top of the tank, or are your fishes swimming at the bottom of the tank? Floating type pellets suit fish that swim at the top of the tank.
鱼吃什么? 在新加坡, 你的鱼饲料选择种类繁多! 你养的鱼肯定被宠坏!根据你选择你想养的鱼类,你可以叫鱼店叔叔推荐适合的鱼饲料。鱼饲料的种类包括:片状型,下沉颗粒型,浮动颗粒型等。所有鱼饲料,无论社么类型都承诺保持你鱼的快乐,健康和丰富多彩的颜色。你就根据你选的鱼类游泳性质买鱼饲料。看看你想买的鱼, 它们是否在鱼缸顶部游泳, 还是在鱼缸底部游泳?漂浮式颗粒的鱼饲料, 你买给在鱼缸顶部游动的鱼吃。

This is the brand of fish food that I use to feed my fish. Nope, my fish are not discus, LOL! I feed this because I have been using this brand for many years, and also because the pellets don’t disintegrate too quickly. This means that when my husband overfeeds the fish (Argh! Men never listen! 😅), I can use a net to scoop out the unwanted fish food.

P.S.: You MUST scoop out any unwanted fish food almost immediately. If you leave it inside, the water will grow cloudy and your fish will get sick.

照片里是我多年用来喂养我的鱼的鱼饲料品牌。不!我现在没有养铁饼鱼了!我曾经有养过一只, 不过它已经往生。 🙏 我是习惯性买这个牌子的鱼饲料,我喜欢它的鱼饲料颗粒不会快速分解。每当我先生喂太多鱼饲料(啊!为什么男人讲不听?!)时,我可以用鱼网捞出鱼吃不完的鱼饲料。

P.S .: 你一定要马上用鱼网捞出鱼吃不完的鱼饲料。如果你把它留在鱼缸里面,水会变得阴沉,你的鱼会开始生病。

How much do I feed my fish? I know the theory is that we have to feed enough fish food that the fish can gobble up in 2 minutes, but the fish shop uncle will tell you that less is better. As a matter of fact, the fish shop uncle only feeds his fish every other day.

鱼吃多少? 有一个普遍‘机宜’: 我们必须给鱼吃它们能够吞噬两分钟的鱼饲料。 不过,鱼店的叔叔肯定会告诉你,别喂鱼吃太多。 最好是每隔一天喂一次。