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If You Want A Better Life 比较优势人生

Can Feng Shui change your life? Yes, it can! Can good Feng Shui give you a better life? 😊 Yes, it can! Can Feng Shui make you rich? 🤑 Yes, that it can too! Be the energy you want to attract, and the energy of Feng Shui will follow suit. If you want a better life, then the first thing you have to do is to hope! Hope is a good thing! 👏👏👏 Hope is a thing with feathers, and hope is like the sun when you are living in the dark moments in life. I experienced first hand what hope can do for a down and out me, and I want to tell you that you can find sunshine 🌞 in the rain 💭💦. Just like me! ✌ I found hope in misery, and at that time, I was not even out looking for hope. When the tide goes out, and when the tide comes in, nobody knows for sure. So never give up waiting!  Hope for the best! 🍻
风水能改变你的生活吗?可以! 好风水能给你一个更好的生活吗? 可以!风水能让你富有吗? 可以! 你只要事先投入你想吸引的能量, 风水的能量一定会随之而来。 如果你想要一个更好的生活, 首先你需要的就是希望! 一个人抱着希望是好的! 希望是有‘羽毛’的,当你生活在黑暗中,希望就像太阳 🌞。我亲身体验了希望带给我的好处。我想告诉你,你可以在雨中找到阳光。就像我!我在苦难中找到了希望, 找到了风水! 那时,我根本不是在寻找希望, 我自己也不知道我在寻找的是什么?! 🤔 人生的起起落落, 没有人知道。 重要的是你不要放弃希望! 也不要放弃风水!

Back then, if you had money only to buy 1 set of newspaper, it would be the Thursday print of ‘The Straits Times’. It has the Recruitment section. We are all familiar with ST Jobs, right? Everyone has flipped the Recruitment section at some point or another. 👍 Browsing through the limited job postings did not provide miserable job-seekers (or people looking to switch jobs like myself) any form of salvation, because most jobs state they wanted ‘someone with relevant experience’. However, an advertisement in the Main section caught my eye. It wasn’t a particularly big or colorful advertisement, but the words “How To Make Life Better For Yourself” stood out. I can’t explain why it stood out, so I can only attribute it to the fact that because I had accepted my ‘fate’, so I felt better about myself and my pathetic situation. Because of this, my mind and my heart cleared enough_____ for me to see the newspaper advertisement. All these conditions made me able to really ‘see’ and ‘feel’ the statement  “How To Make Life Better For Yourself”. In my heart, I felt a tiny sensation that had been dead for a very long time. I know now that that flicker was ‘hope‘. Was it possible for my life to get better? Really? And again, because my mind had cleared, I allowed myself to feel ‘hope’ instead of just pushing the advertisement aside as another impossible in my already swamped life. This is why I stress that you have to accept your life as it is now!!! Stop adding misery on top of misery! You must stop the spiral immediately, so you can open your heart and open your mind!

So my mum and I went to attend this Feng Shui talk, and I was absolutely clueless what metal, fire, water was! Absolute disaster, LOL! 😂 But I remember one thing that this effervescent speaker (The Inspirational Writer)________ said, which was “Take Action!!!”. The Inspirational
Writer managed to inspire even my mum, who spent the next few weeks going to the library to read up on this subject called Feng Shui. As for me, I had to go about my life to earn my salary, but I made time to go buy a compass from a stationery shop. I did “take action”, and today I tell you that at that point in my life, I sent the signal to the cosmic energies that I wanted to take action!

那时,我们穷到连花钱买报纸也要考虑再考虑。一份报纸五角钱乘七天是三块五毛钱,三块五毛钱乘四周就要花十四块!太贵了!我们决定只买星期四的报纸, 应为今日报纸包括了招聘广告。对吧? 每个人都有翻过本地报章’The Straits Times’的招聘广告!  🗞👍 不知道算是神迹,还是宇宙力量,我注意了一个’不起眼‘的广告。记得我————————说过如果你能阻止你心里痛苦的螺旋,你会对环境开始有感触,有感想。我认为这是我为什么对那个报账广告到今天还留下深深的影响的主要原因。这一次,我并没有毫无理由,连考录都不考录就认定任何事都不可能, 我的命很差,不可能好转, 什么事情(何况是广告)都是骗人的!这通让我命运改变的报纸广告标语是:“如何让你的生活过得更美好” 。  我当然要!有可能吗? 真的吗?

妈妈陪我一同听风水报告会,什么铁生水,水生木,东南西北?听得我们一头污水,不清不楚,哈哈! 😂不过这位旖旎的演讲人(
鼓舞人心的作者————————————)说了一句我到今天都没忘记的话:“你必须采取行动呀!” 就这样,我开始我的风水路程,向往比较好的生活迈进!