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Filial Piety Is Important (1) 孝顺的定义(一)

Where filial piety is involved, there is no winning over your parents. LOL! 😂 You disagree with them, you are unfilial. You agree with them and you feed them what they want to eat (like very hot and very spicy food, which my MIL loves!!!), you are unfilial too. Hahaha! For those of you who don’t know, it is said that the older you get, the more bland the food you should eat. Very hot and very spicy food will give you gastric problems.  Just so you know, even though my husband and I enjoy good Feng Shui, it is not easy when it comes to handling our parents. We also have to deal with all sorts of ‘old age problems’. Why? Because though parents are parents, they are just human beings. And where there are humans, there are human relations problems. Agree? But it is important that we deal with it. Like I said several times, everyone wants to do good, and everyone want to be seen as a good person. So being reciprocal towards our parents is a must-do. Why? Because it is a correct thing to do. Of course it helps a lot if you want to do it (remember what I said about your thoughts controlling your actions____), so tell yourself: I want to be filial! I want to be filial! I want to be filial! (P.S.: Shhh… but you know right, dear reader, that practicing filial piety makes Feng Shui work too! Shhh… 🤐)
关于孝心,我只能告诉你: 我们孩子不可能胜过我们的父母。哈哈哈! 😂 你不同意他们的想法,你不孝。你听她的话,喂她想要吃的食物(我家婆超爱吃热辣的, 伤胃的!!!),我也不孝。哎哟! 做人难, 做孝子更难! 😅 即使我先生和我享受好风水,在处理父母事务并不来得容易, 我们也面对所谓‘老年问题’。为什么?因为虽然父母是父母,但他们也是人。有人的地方就有人际关系问题。 我说的对吧! 不过我们所有人面对问题一定要设法克服它, 而不是选择逃避。 孝顺在我们东方社会是很重要的! 就像我多次说过,每个人都想做好人,每个人都希望被视为一个好人。因此,我们孩子互惠父母是一定要做的。为什么?因为这么做是正确的呀! 如果你和你父母的感情不是很好, 记得我在————提到, 我们的想法控制了我们的行为, 所以只要我们把正确的‘心’态放进头脑里, 做孝子会更容易。 想: 我要孝顺!我要孝顺!我要孝顺!(附: 嘘。。。亲爱的读者, 你们知道吧,要好风水实现, 孝道免不了!嘘。。。 🤐)

My Mother-in-law (MIL) always had weak knees, which got even worse after she fell down, and she fractured one of them in late 2013. My Father-in-law (FIL), who had been pretty healthy all along, surprised us when he had a massive heart attack in mid-2017. You know who accompanied them to-and-from hospitals? Yup, me! ✌👴👵👩

Whereever we go, people will ask my PIL what is my relationship with them, and all are surprised when they hear that I am the daughter-in-law! Hospital staff, restaurant waiters and retail staff remark that they seldom hear of daughter-in-laws accompanying parents-in-laws (PIL)! You can’t beat my hubby and me when it comes to filial piety.I am happy 我很高兴I am happy 我很高兴

But… I’ll tell you something regarding parent-children relationship, which has nothing to do with whether I am filial or not. It is extremely unfair for parents to use ’emotional blackmail’ on their kids, ‘simply because we raised you, we gave you food and water, and we paid for your education.’ If a parent was not ready to do all that, then they should have used contraception. To make a relationship (even a parent-children one!) work, it has to be two-ways. No matter how old (even an old parent) you are, you can try to understand this give-and-take, and you can at least try to change your behaviour. Don’t get me wrong! It’s not that I am an ungrateful brat. I love my parents! And I love my parents-in-law too!

When I was a child, I wished that I could live with my parents until the end of time. I still desperately wish I could do that. But they live in a humongous landed property in Katong (which is one of the ‘rich man area’ in Singapore). I can’t afford to buy there (more importantly, I don’t want my husband slaving his whole life paying off the mortgage). We (the 3 sisters) have tried to tell our parents to move into more ‘affordable’ housing, but Dad only wants to live there. Even my elder sister, who holds a very high post, and who makes a lot of money, is ‘helpless’. So what if she makes a lot of money? It does not mean that my parent’s neighbours will sell their property to her, even if she wanted to buy. Because they, just like my parents, want to live (only) there. These ‘rich old people’ of that neighbourhood don’t need more of our money! 🤣

It is the same case with my parents-in-law (PIL).  It is hard to get them to do things different from what they are used to. For example, I invited them to move in with us (my husband and myself) in late Nov 2014. But even simple things like washing the bedsheets turned out to be a battle, because the PIL had all along (only), and they (only) wanted their bedsheets washed every Wednesday (same-old same-old for the past 50 years). Co-ordinating laundry space became a big challenge because singlets were to be washed every 2nd Tuesday of the month, and shorts on every 2nd last Friday. I understand. They never had a dryer in their home, and everything was air-dried in the living room. Space was a huge constraint in their home, so their clothes were washed in scheduled batches. My mother-in-law did not stick bamboo poles of clothes out to dry, because many years ago when they lived in Clementi (a suburb in the West side of Singapore), a neighbour from upstairs threw a soiled sanitary pad out of the window. So that was that. My husband and I tried to get them to use our dryer at home, but there were many excuses why not: (1) don’t waste money on electricity, (2) the dryer will spoil your clothes. Public laundromats were a big no-no, because “it’s so dirty, everyone washes their dirty clothes there!”. They did not even want to hear about getting their clothes picked up, washed, dried and returned. When the clothes piled up and tensions got high, they always used the same retort: we are his parents, we raised him, and we paid for his education.

So this is the untold true story.

I contemplated whether I should sugar-coat my stories (because Feng Shui is supposed to work, and life should be perfect, unflawed, fine and dandy!), but I don’t want to do that. I’m not writing fiction. If I only tell you about the good side of every aspect of my life, then it is untrue. I don’t want to give you unrealistic expectations about how good Feng Shui really, really works! This is not a ‘politically correct’ website. It is a very real website of events that many real people face in the real world, albeit in varying degrees. I know that sometimes the media shows people who seem to have it all in their life, but if you think rationally about it, how can this be possible? Read my take on leading a perfect life in ____.

As children, we must be grateful. Whatever you think about this subject, there is no denying that they are our parents. So try, try again, try again and then try again to look after your parents to the best of your ability! If you can spare a little money, then give them some money. If you have time, then take them out. Even if you can only manage $100 a month, and you can only take them out once every 2 months, that is good too. I applaud you! 👏👏👏 I know of people who dump their parents, and they want nothing to do with them!

Till today, I am still trying to convert my parents and my PIL.  They drive me crazy! 😅 On some days, it seems my husband and I have made progress, and some days it seems everyone took a big step backwards 😥. I am absolutely baffled!? But our parents are human, and they are getting old. Their body is ‘no longer as strong’ as they used to be, so perhaps they find solace in routine. Giving up on our parents is not an option for me, and it is not for you either! You want to know why? Keep reading my blog. If you believe in Feng Shui, and you want to make Feng Shui work, you won’t give up on your parents. Trust me! Fighting! 💪

“这丫头!她捡到了,给她赚到了!过得真好,有什么好埋怨?” 我周边朋友常说。是!的确没错!我不否认我过得很好。我很感恩啊! 🙏

我家婆一向来膝盖不好,2014年初,她不小心在她家厨房摔了一跤,右边膝盖骨折,从此走路更不方便。我家公身体一向很健康,突然2017年中心脏病,我们吓到了!他们俩进出医院, 又复诊又拿药, 你猜是谁陪着?对了!是我!!!
👩 孝顺 👴👵 。。。我拍拍胸口大声说“我先生和我做得特别好!”I am happy 我很高兴I am happy 我很高兴

父母我分两种:(一)宝物, 或(二)负担。你想:“天啊!这可恶的丫头!怎么能说出这样的话?” 主流媒体,宗教,学校,儒家思想教我们:我们身为孩子一定要孝顺。我不是不孝,我只觉得你我是真人活在一个真的世界里,我不想骗你。我考虑过,我的博客要写好听的虚构小说,还是不好听的真实?如果风水好,难道就代表一个人过得很梦幻,比童话故事的公主还好?真的?连美国总统特朗普,他有钱、 有势利、 有美丽夫人也有爱他的大家庭,而且还有大多数美国选民投票支持他, 难道说他人生一切顺利,没有阻碍?🤔 我们都知道答案!

回到话题重点,就说我父母吧!他们住在‘加东’(新加坡东部)有钱人住的地方,我问过他们要搬过来吗?他们说住惯大房子, 他们不可能适应政府组屋的。 我虽然想每天看到妈妈,不过实际上这不肯能呀。难道我整天坐车从‘蔡厝港’(新加坡西南)跑回‘加东’的娘家,我自己人生不要管了?叫我搬过去,这不只是钱的问题。就算我狠下心叫丈夫向银行借庞大的贷款,全天全夜像奴隶服务抵押贷款,可是,父母的邻居肯把他们房子卖给我吗?钱对他们‘有钱人’不是最重要的,他们跟我父母一样,住惯了!

我家婆, 家公在2014年尾受我邀请搬过来一起住。这可是我们第三次试着一起住ok! 好难呀, 比登天还要难! 哈哈! 😂 虽然时间过了,但他们和我们的生活习惯越来越固定。他们觉得难改掉习惯,我们也是。。。 比方说家婆, 家公每月第一周的星期一洗上衣,第二周的星期三洗被单。时间表不能改。我们试着解释我们家有衣服烘干机, 所以他们不用象以前那样愁洗过的衣服不会干。家婆不肯用烘干机,她说不止浪费钱,烘干机也会把衣服损坏。请专业洗衣公司把衣服拿去洗,或用邻里的自助洗衣房,她都不肯接受‘摩登’的洗衣服方法。我们整天为了衣服没地方赛干烦恼。整个客厅像军人障碍场一样绑满掉衣服的绳(完全像我家婆家公以前的住的家)。。。搞到我好风水的家变一大乱!😓

你看?真实生活中我想孝顺父母也不简单。 我知道有时候, 媒体会展示那些似乎在生活中拥有一切的人士,但, 如果你理性地思考,这怎么可能呢?阅读我对过着完美生活的看法——————。

我真的觉得如果父母可以从我们的角度想一下, 试着配合我们年轻人, 他们肯定会看得出我们的孝心 👪❤💕👍。为什么不是我们年轻人配合老年人?应为我在谈孝心呀!是我们照顾他们!可惜的是, 我双方父母最擅长用同样一个借口, 让我们失去沟通:“应为我们是父母, 我们养育你,供你上大学”。我觉得如果父母坚持用这个理由, 不考虑我们的立场, 那么他们无可避免的变成我们的负担。 😰