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Money Money 钱字

Money money. Everybody wants money! It is a common belief that money can buy happiness, and I say that it’s true! I love this quote that I found on the internet: ‘People who say that money can’t buy happiness have apparently never used money.’ This is what I feel about money. The happiness that money can buy is real. To a person who has worked hard, but remains a person who is poor, it’s a real struggle because we all need money to survive. I hear people say that if they were alone (if they did not get married), then they would not fret over lack of money. I don’t think so. Why? Because being alone also needs money to survive. We live in a society where looks matter. If you want a job, you have to at least look like you suit the job! And to get the look that will land you a job (and therefore a steady stream of income), you need money to buy clothes and to take transport. So whether you are single, or you are married, you need money! It is only after a person has reached a certain stage in life, that money can’t buy happiness. Well, it can buy happiness but it won’t make you happy anymore. Why? Because you have already tasted that form of happiness, so naturally the feeling of happiness from that source can’t be bought again. What you need to do then is to go find another form of happiness, and as Anna Paquin (a Canadian-New Zealand actress) puts it: “You find happiness where you find it.” 🏖
钱钱钱!每个人都想要钱!人们普遍认为金钱可以购买快乐,这推理是真确的!我喜欢在互联网上找到的这句话:’那些说金钱买不到幸福的人显然从来没有用过金钱。’ 说得好!赞! 👍  这是我怎么看金钱。钱可以买到快乐!!! 对于一个努力工作但仍然是穷困的人来说,活着是一场真正的斗争,因为我们只要是活着就需要钱生存。我听有人说: “如果我是一个人(如果没有结婚),那么我不会因为缺钱而烦恼。” 我不这么认为。为什么?因为独处也需要钱生存呀! 我们生活在一个很现实的社会。如果你想要找到一份工作,你至少看起来要适合做那份工作呀!对吧?! 为了看起来要适合做那份工作, 你就需要钱买衣服, 买鞋子, 有钱打车去上班。 如果没有工作, 哪有稳定的收入? 所以无论你单身还是已婚,你都需要钱!钱钱钱! 只有一个人到了人生的某个阶段后,金钱就会买不到那种幸福。为什么?因为你已经尝过了那种幸福呀,所以自然的, 同样的幸福就不能带给你同样的快乐。你需要做的是另外找不同形式的幸福,正如安娜·帕奎恩(加拿大新西兰女演员)所说:“你在找到幸福的时候就找到它。” ❤

My husband and I graduated from University in the late 1990s, in the midst of the Asian financial crisis. Our parents were old school, they told us to grab the first job offered to us. And so we did – afterall, we had to pay our parents back for the money they had coughed up for our studies. Plus my mum would hear nothing of me bumming at home – waiting for the ideal job – after I had graduated from University! Her job as a Mother was done, she said! Go out and work!

Even though my husband and I worked very long hours, and we worked extremely hard, there was hardly any money left at the end of every month. It was a terrible time for us! We scrimped on everything but still there was little money. I badly wanted money! As a matter of fact, I only wanted money! I wished and I wished for more money. But I never thought about HOW I would make more money come our way.

Instead I blamed the world, I blamed my parents, I blamed his parents, I blamed my husband, I blamed the company, I blamed everything and everyone! I even blamed myself!

想起我先生和我刚‘出道’(大学毕业)那段日子。。。只有一个词语可以形容‘年轻人最大恶梦’! 当时经济危机,工作难找,出于无奈只能双手感谢肯给我们工作的雇主。做什么工作都行!请我吧!工钱少无所谓! 求求你!

心里想, 反正我们年轻嘛, 只要我们肯奋斗,我们一定可以升官发财,出人头地!哈!真是天真的想法!当时我们做牛做马,省吃减用,不过还是没有看到钱!钱呢?看见我的同事渐渐晋升,为什么我没份?到底我做错什么?我早来晚回,默默接受上司给我更重, 更重的工作量,难道我是透明人吗?

我责怪世界, 我责怪父母, 我责怪先生, 我责怪给我工作的公司, 甚至我也恨恨责怪自己命苦倒霉没出息!I am angry我很生气