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Dream Good Dreams 有梦想的人

How do dreams come about? I Googled this, but nobody knows for sure. What is certain is that dreaming occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and not everyone remembers what they had dreamt about. There is also an interesting take on taking control of yourself in your dreams (lucid dreaming), and thus achieving feats (like flying) that you are not normally able to do when you are awake. Daydreaming, on the other hand, is a normal form of dissociation, akin to taking a mental holiday. 💆🛍🏖Daydreaming is good for your brain, and in my opinion, it is good for your heart too. Why? Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, am I right? When things get tough, what do you do? Daydream! Because you can control what you daydream about, it becomes a form of energy that can push us to our limits! Control your daydreaming, control your destiny.
我们睡觉时, 为什么会做梦?我谷歌这问题,没有人确切知道。连专家也不肯定。 我们知道的是: 做梦是发生在快速眼动(REM)的睡眠中,而且并不是每个人都记得他们前晚做过的梦的内容。我还读到许多关于在梦中控制自己的论文, 那些可以控制自己在梦里的人, 他们甚至可以实现在苏醒时, 通常无法做到的壮举(如飞行)。 哇! 超棒! 👊 另一方面,做白日梦是一种正常的分离形式,类似于让头脑休假。🏖🏞🎠 做白日梦对我们的大脑有益,而且我觉得做白日梦也对我们的心脏有益。为什么?有时我们活在这世上必须做我们不想做的事情,对吧? 而且还蛮多的! 😅 每当我们碰到艰难事情时,我们可以做什么?做白日梦啊!不过你要记得, 我们做白日梦时,我们是可以控制我们想做的白日梦。 在——————我提到做白日梦是让好风水实现的一个动作, 一种能量,可以将我们推向极限! 控制你做的白日梦,你就控制你的命运。

For over 20 years, I suffered from insomnia. As children, my Dad enjoyed playing this stupid game of tickling us when we were sound asleep, and he found it funny when we stirred, and we moved our hands or legs to get away from the tickling. Another stupid game. 🤬 I know that I’m older, and that I no longer live with Dad, but it’s like a shadow I can’t shake off.I am fear 我很害怕

Plus I have that sort of mind that never sleeps. Again, as kids, my parents (especially my Mum) taught us to always prepare for emergency days. Couple that with my inflexible ‘strong metal’ character, so for many years, I couldn’t stop thinking what if this happens, what if that happens? I did not like this ‘monkey🐒 mind’ of mine, yet I could not control it.

I wanted my life to get better. Nobody owns this ‘monkey🐒mind’ but me! It is inside my head, for goodness sake! 😥 My Dad and my Mum are part of my past, but they do not live in, and they do not control my brain. So I told myself I had to take action! I was the only one who could think positive, think good things! This does not mean that I do not think bad things. Those irritating thoughts still creep in, but I force myself – consciously – to visualize more and more goodies (to the point that bad thoughts are a soft nag at the back of my head). Daydreaming will not help you if you do not think good things – remember that! I know I said it’s good to daydream, but you gotta control those thoughts! 🤜


妈妈疼爱我们,整天怕我们不能照顾好自己,所以从小到大都教我们未雨绸缪。凡事都要有打算。这两个原因还有其他不便说的因素真的害到我多年无法安眠。 再加上我这个脑袋最大的毛病是胡思乱想,想不停!😨 躲在我头里的‘猴子🐒脑袋’整整折磨我超过二十多年, 尤其到了睡觉时间, 它就加倍‘起头风’。不过你想想, 在这世上,除了我,还有谁有资格,有权利, 有办法控制我(我!)的‘猴子🐒脑袋’呢?爸爸妈妈的做法虽然让我有‘阴影’,不过那些已经是我的过去!爸爸妈妈不住在我脑力,我已经搬出来了, 现在我已经长大了!只有我能!我一定要控制我这‘猴子🐒脑袋’!

如果我想未来人生过得越来越好,我一定要往好处想!好也要过,不好也要过!那么就搏一搏吧!以其想像我前途黑暗,不如想像我前途无量,前途光明!!! 🙌 读者们, 你做白日梦时一定要想美好的幻想世界,知道吗?如果不好的‘声音’还是不停的在脑后唠叨,你要有意想更多更多好的画面,把不好的掩盖着!加油! 💪