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Cosmos A Personal Voyage 宇宙的概念

The best way I can tell you about Cosmos being a personal voyage is by way of this quote by James Altucher: ‘Everything is either an obstacle to growth, or an obstacle to keep you from growing. The good thing is you get to choose.’ It’s true, all of it! You see, nobody has it easy. I know there are some people who seem to have everything in hand, or who seem to have everything under control. Swimming in money, loved by all, smooth-sailing life etc. Well, let me share one phrase with you: poker face. Think about it, how can it be? It’s impossible! Not because good Feng Shui does not exist, but because nobody can tell you what tomorrow brings. Here today, gone tomorrow. Who knows?! The only thing different about such people who seem to have everything is perhaps that they have a better support system than most of us. These are people who have people. People are willing to loan them money, and people are willing to put their life on hold to give him or her a helping hand, people who will ‘give them face’. Naturally because such people have access to such resources, they are quicker to bounce back. Perhaps so quick that we did not even know they had tripped at all! ☔☔

我可以告诉你关于宇宙是个人旅程的最好方法是通过James Altucher的这句话引述:“一切都是阻碍你增长,或阻碍你继续成长。好的是你可以选择。’这是真的,所有这一切!你看,没有人是不劳而获。我知道有些人似乎掌握了一切,或者似乎控制了一切。拥有财富,所有人都喜欢,一帆风顺等等。好吧,让我与你分享一句话:面无表情。想想看,这么可能?不可能!不是因为风水不存在,而是因为没有人能告诉你明天会带来什么。今天拥有,明天就失去。谁知道?!对于似乎拥有一切的人来说唯一不同的是,他们有比我们大多的数人拥有更好的支持系统。这些是有别人帮组或人缘非常好。人们愿意把钱借给他们,人们愿意放下自己的生命来帮助他们,人们愿意“给予他面子”。很自然地,因为这些人可以获得这些资源,他们便很快地反弹起来。也许这么快,我们甚至不知道他们曾经绊倒过!

Life goes on. ____ Gosh, it’s so true! It took me close to 10 years to see that life (and time) does not wait for me or for you. Everyone will get stuck in their lives at some point in time, and it is during such moments that we cannot see that life is actually passing us by. But it is! ⏳ The only difference between you and me is how long we allow ourselves to remain stuck. The time that we allow ourselves to remain stuck is the make or break factor in making your Feng Shui work! The sooner you can get out of a situation where you are stuck, the better! Of course this is dependent on the strength of your character, your determination to succeed, and it definitely also helps if you have a support system that you can rely on to help you spring back to life! 🌱 Back then, we continued suffering in our jobs, and my husband kept mugging over the books 📚📚📚 every night. I had long lost hope of ever switching jobs, so I no longer sent out resumes. It’s the recession, for goodness sake! I’m not going to waste my time anymore. And I’m going to save the earth by not wasting paper printing my resume. 🌏 And I can also save money on stamps and envelopes!!! ✉📫 (See what a negative mind I have? Trying to console myself that it’s ok not to try?! 😖 I was so stuck then!) On the contrary, my Superman 🏋 husband 🏋🏋 doubled up 🏋🏋on his efforts in sending out his resumes, never mind that he got a rejection letter every other day! You see how people react differently in the same circumstances? I was stuck in life, but he obviously was not. But this observation is only made on hindsight! At that time, I really, really did not see the point in wasting time and stamps and paper! It was the recession, for goodness sake! And I’m pooped out from work, I told myself that I needed to conserve my energy and I needed to rest. 😴 But because my Superman husband kept doing what he was supposed to do in his life, and he saw that he was not getting the other jobs, because (1) he had not studied enough, and (2) he had not gained enough work experience, he kept getting at it and he never stopped. At work, he volunteered for more work under his portfolio, never mind that he was not paid extra or given a promotion! Naturally, the Cosmos saw his persistence and determination, and so eventually he did get another job! Yay! As much as this is a good story, I never wish for him to go back to those days, because I can only imagine the damage he did to his body by giving up on his sleep and working like a dog🐕 for those few years! I fervently pray that his body will be blessed and protected from harm because of his kind heart. 🙏

时间不会为了你或为了我停留。这是真的!我说过吧。当然我指的不是‘时间’‘时间’,不是一点、两点、三点。。。‘时间’其实对我们人类来说是我们的人生。举个例子:一个三十岁男人想找一个百分百女人,想好好爱她,然后组织小家庭,开开心心过人生。他的朋友(也是三十岁)找了一个百分九十的女人,结婚了。小两口恩爱几年,生了宝宝。养育他,教育他。。。小孩大学毕业做工了。这男生和他太太包孙子了,开开心心过他们的人生。第一个男生还在等他百分百女人呀,不过他现在已经老了(赢到百分百女人的芳心机会越来越低)。可知道百分百女人其实也在找百分百男人呀!可以碰到,又可以结合的比率你们说有多高?🤔 所以我们做人要变通,如果看到情况不太理想,可能可以考虑降低标准?不然的话, 时间真的会从我们身边过去。。。

说回我的故事,我那时候寄了很多很多求职信,不过没有公司肯给我机会!甚至求职第一关面试也没有我的份!我绝望,放弃了!反正现在流行环保🌏,我就省纸吧!做工已经很累,寄出求职信需要花费体力、精神、邮票、信封还有那么多纸。📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄📄 这都是我辛辛苦苦赚来的钱!!!(读者们,你们看,我还拼命找借口维护我的行为,是不是太不应该?要好风水,千万不要像我!)还有,那个时候互联网没有那么发达,我们还要花钱拍照粘在求职信呀!!!对我来说是‘亏本生意’!我先生和我面对的处境一样,不过他的反应可大大相反。他如果收到拒绝信,他就会加倍发出求职信。这就是好风水的起源! 他没有停! 简直像机器人!🗿 他分析为什么别家公司不要他:哦,原来是大学文凭不够高,做工不够经验。他回公司时会努力把自己分内工作做好,然后自愿承担更多的工作, 没加薪水也没有关系。简直是‘神经病’! 回到家我先生还认真读书!📚📗📖📖📖 我们普通人看到的是他的努力,其实我先生在埋头苦干时,他的坚持和决心发出了‘能量’,这‘能量’宇宙感应到,自然就让他换工作了!是真的!💫