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Win Lottery (27th May 2017) 赢彩 (五月二十七日)

Can good Feng Shui help us to win the lottery? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”. As you can see, my husband and I win a lot of lottery! There are two types of wealth: Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth. When I first started to practice Feng Shui, my main objective was to get out of our ‘no-money’ situation. It’s terrible being broke, I hated those times when my husband and I were very poor. Even though we were working from the wee hours of the morning till late at night, we were just making ends meet. The salary from our jobs is ‘direct wealth’, the amount of which was truly pathetic. Even after working for 5 years, I was only earning $1,600, and my husband was only earning $2,000. After deducting Central Provident Fund (CPF), our take home pay was so miserable. How can 2 graduates be so pathetic? So I used Feng Shui to improve our direct wealth. We were struggling so much, I did not even think about energizing indirect wealth! The truth was, I did not even know there was such a thing, and in any case, I did not think that I would win anything, much less the lottery! But you see, as long as you do something about your situation——————————, and you do it correctly, you will get more than what you ever wished for_______. In my case, activating direct wealth gave my husband a very high monthly salary, and the BONUS of good Feng Shui is that indirect wealth also inadvertently gets activated, and that’s why we win a lot of lottery!
好风水可以帮助我们赢得彩票吗?答案: “可以!”。 如你所见,我先生和我经常赢彩! 在风水理论上, 有两种类型的财富:正财和偏财。 当我开始使用风水时, 我的主要目标是摆脱我们当时的穷日子。 没有钱真的很可怕, 很惨, 我讨厌那段很穷的日子, 永远不要再经历那些日子! 我还记得, 即使我们俩从凌晨做到深夜, 我们只是维持生计。 有经历过的人都很清楚‘吃不饱,饿不死’的遭遇! 这种情形就是我在——————博克提到的‘被卡住’!!! 正财是我们工作领来的薪水,那时虽然我们夫妻俩已经工作超过五年,我的收入只有 1,600 新元, 我丈夫的收入只有 2,000 新元。 扣除公积金, 数目少到可怜。 我用风水来改善我们的正财。 说真的, 我们一直在苦苦挣扎,我根本没有想过偏财! 甚至可说, 就算我知道有偏财这条路可以选择, 我也不认为我会赢得任何东西! 我们真的忙到晕, 没心情想赢彩票! 但是你看,只要你开始做点什么—————,而且行动是正确的,你就会得到比你想要的更多______。 我激活的是正财, 让我先生领非常高的月薪, 好风水给我们一个奖金, 就是偏财! 我们无意中激活了偏财,这就是我先生和我赢彩的原因!

iBet 7798 won $20.

iBet 7798赢二十元。


iBet 3141 won $6.

iBet 3141赢六元。

iBet 3114 won $6.

iBet 3114赢六元。