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Where Will You Sit (1) 你会选哪一个位置 (一)

This is a fast food joint in town. Lunch time – very crowded! There are 4 seats, will you pick and choose? I’m just in for a quick bite, it’s true, but eating well is good feng shui too:

In order of preference:

Seat D: This is the best seat because I can see the entrance, and it’s far away from the trash bin.

Seat C: I’m not too fond of looking that the trash bin, but no choice, it’s really crowded.

Seat A: There is a wall behind me and that sort of ‘protects’ me from the trash bin. But 2 peeves: (1) The person seated in Seat B will keep looking at me as I eat, because I’m in his line of vision. (2) Better eat fast because it won’t be fun when the staff comes and clears the bin.

Seat B: I won’t even sit here! I’ll either order take away or go eat somewhere else. This is the worst seat because I’m just beside the bin, and you know what is worse than staff wrapping the garbage? It is when they use the metal poke to compress the garbage, before stuffing the bin back for more rubbish collection. Yikes!

午餐时间这快餐餐厅人很多!有四个位置,你会选座位吗? 还是你认为快餐啦,吃了就回了,不要紧。如果一次不要紧,两次不要紧,那么你到底忍受多少才发现吃饭跟好风水也有关系?


位置B: 我肯定不会坐这,宁可’打包‘或去别家吃。这位置靠近门,人很多走来走去,而且垃圾桶就在旁边。人人走过来丢他们的垃圾,待一会工作人员还会清理垃圾。你知道什么比工作人员包垃圾袋把垃圾拿走还要’恐怖‘?就是他们用贴铲子把黑纸袋里边的东西压缩。天啊!你想到垃圾臭气和细菌乱飞,你是不是马上没有胃口?

位置C: 这个还可以接受。坐下来我左边有屏风’挡‘着大门。虽然看到垃圾桶不过如果我快快吃了就回应该OK。人太多了,我勉强可以接受。

位置D: 我最喜欢这个位置。离大门远,最重要垃圾桶很远!!!