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What is Good Feng Shui (5) 好风水 (五)

Good Feng Shui is having an idea about the future that you want for yourself and your family, and then you do something to make it a reality! Don’t think that your dream is impossible to achieve, because along the way, good Feng Shui will help you to get to where you want. And more! This I promise you! 🤞 But first, you need to do something, and you need to start now! Do something! Anything! Just make sure that you take action in this real world that we are living in! So start with thinking good and productive thoughts ____, then you use your own inborn energy ______ to amplify your thoughts into actions. It’s not going to be easy, but it can be done! One trick I have learnt is that if you can buy your dream, it is the easiest way of keeping track of your Feng Shui working. For example, you dream of coming home to a resort-themed home. So to create that look, you need to buy an artificial coconut tree, a teak day bed and a brown-color wooden ceiling fan. Start saving for the cheapest item first. In this case, it would be the artificial coconut tree ($150?). You put aside $50 a month, and in 3 months, you can go buy that coconut tree! One item by one item, we can all do this! Good Feng Shui,  here we come! 🙌


So we have a small and poorly furnished home now. Yay! Remember I said that it’s good to daydream? So I dreamt: “What shall I buy next?” for this home of mine! I never thought of my daydreaming being part of good Feng Shui, until I met people who, to say the least, are the non-doers who don’t like to think! Such people are content to just leave things be, and worse, they ‘think’ that making things better is, of course, a natural course in life – it will come naturally, and in any case, it is ‘not my job’ (e.g. I am already working in a full-time job outside, why is my home improvement also my job?, e.g. I don’t know anything about interior design, I will leave it to my spouse to handle it, e.g. my husband is the sole breadwinner, let him save and plan for our retirement money too.)! They think their parents will do it, or their spouse will do it. So they just leave things be, and things will come naturally! 😱 Will life get better if nobody does anything? Of course there is a possibility. Remember I said before that anything is possible! If someone in your family is wild about making things happen (e.g. improving the home living environment, e.g. proactive about planning for retirement, e.g. enjoys organising family outings for the whole troop to attend etc), then congrats, you are lucky to have such a do-er in your family!

A worse scenerio is when a family is full of non-doers. The husband and wife both hold full-time jobs outside, so both are too tired to think about how to make their home/family/savings better. The parents think that they are old, and it is up to the young to serve them. And the young think they are still studying or they are still looking for a job, so why should they get involved in making life better? And anyway, this flat unit is registered under my Parent’s name, not mine, why should I put my money into renovating it?

I used to work in an advertising agency, and the General Manager was an Indian expat. He told me this story that I took for a joke then, but now I think best describes the point I’m trying to make here. He said that in his hometown, the public buses are so damn packed, and every passenger is squashed up inside. Some passengers dangle dangerously out of the buses, and hold on for their dear life to get to their destination. Not boarding this bus merely means you will need to dangle off the next bus. All buses are fully packed. When he lived there, he would also follow the crowd and squeeze in/dangle out of the bus. After he came to live in Singapore, and he had grown used to our good and spacious public buses, he groans whenever he thinks of going back to his hometown for the holidays. “But because we are human beings, we are the Earth’s most adaptable creatures. I just need to stay there for a month, and pretty soon, squeezing in/dangling out of buses is my way of life again.” he laughs.

My point is that everyone needs to participate in making his/her own life and his family’s/her family’s life better. If I accept things as they are, and I am not pro-active about improving things, then my current lifestyle will become a norm to me, and it will be my way of life. For example, back in my MIL’s place, there was only 1 water heater in the common toilet. Everyone showers there… unless you fancy freezing your butt early in the morning, whilst showering and getting dressed for work. Every morning while we were ‘fighting’ to use the shower room, I’m sure everyone thought about installing another water heater in the other bathroom, but still nobody did it!  Get my point? It has become the norm (our way of life) to take our shower in only that toilet.

‘Going back to my drawing board’ 😆 , fortunately for the rest of us, we will say that we should buy more furniture for #04-94. See the empty spare room and kitchen in my drawing? Yup! My husband and I are missing a study table and a dining table. So I became a supporter of Home and Decor magazine. When I could afford to buy an issue, I would definitely buy and flip through the magazine again and again, looking at the pictures, until the pages were dog-eared and crumbled. Of course I had no money to buy any furniture, but I began to identify patterns and styles that I liked. Sometimes just flipping through and looking at the familiar pictures makes me so happy… like it was my own home that I am looking at! 😍

I have a friend who also has just bought a new place, and it was missing furniture. She and her husband would spend every weekend going to furniture showrooms and furniture exhibitions looking at anything and everything, but mainly to compare prices. They too, saw the same furniture they wanted displayed in several shops. By seeing the same furniture item several times, it becomes clear to them which styles they like.

So don’t just dream about missing furniture. Be specific in your dream! It doesn’t matter whether the furniture you like is expensive. It is a dream, there is no budget! You can dream whatever the price tag! 🤑 “I am missing a study table. Oh wow! I will definitely go for this style kind of study table from Star Living (shop name), and I would put it in the spare room, in front of the left side window. I will buy the Ergoworks (shop name) chair to accompany the Star Living table. It will be an all-white, matte kind of white (I hate gloss white) color set. The Ergoworks chair seat must be made of high quality mesh, because my husband hates heat. My husband likes blue, so I will incorporate some blue here, here and there. On the table, I will buy this style lamp from Million Lighting (shop name), and I will put the patterned pencil holder that I saw in Ikea (shop name) here. ”

The idea is to be very specific in your dreaming! Don’t just dream: “I need a study table. Any kind will do.” You can do better than that! Inject more power 🚀🚀🚀 in your daydreaming!

Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui Work!


好开心呀!我有自己的家!#04-94很小,家私又旧又烂,为什么我还是觉得这么开心?😊咳咳咳!喜欢发白日梦的我开始想:“我一有钱该买什么家私呢?”。读者们,你们知道吗?其实好风水也包括不停的发白日梦! 小时候,我经长因为喜欢做白日梦而给我妈妈骂! 哈哈,亲爱的妈妈,你可知道你女儿我发白日梦是有出‘功力’呀!  😆



(二) 哎呀,我不会啦!我又不是读屋内设计的。


(四) 我们做父母的,已经尽我们的责任把孩子养大,我们接下来的人生当然是换他们养我们。我们什么都不用做,只要享清福就好。


(六) 这间屋子又不是我的名字,我为什么要用我的钱装修‘别人’的屋子?


读者们,我这印度总经理说出了这个博客的重点!你看,如果你等我,我等你,到底改善生活 (不只是屋内设计,还有家人关系,还有理财等等)是谁的工作?先生的?老婆的?爸妈的? 成年的孩子的? 如果没有人做, 难道我们就顺其自然? 当然我说过,世界百变,任何事情是有可能的。 有可能生活会变好, 有可能会存够退休需要的钱。 不过我建议每个人主动点比较实际,有保障点!主动的开始就是发白日梦!比如说,你看看我#04-94的平面图。我们家缺少餐桌和读书桌。所谓发白日梦不是想:“只要有四只脚的桌子就可以了”。不!我们发白日梦时要很明确。比如说:“我要买的读书卓是白色的,不是光泽的白,是要哑光的白色。我会买IMM (购物中心)里 Star Living(店名)的哑光白色读书卓。这桌子送来,我会放在空房左窗口前面。读书椅子我一定会买Ergoworks (店名)的。我先生怕热,所以椅子座位我只能买网格类型的。先生喜欢蓝色,我这里会挂一副深蓝色的画,那里会摆三个浅蓝色的文件夹。我会去Million Lighting (店名) 买他们LED的着台灯,还有我很喜欢上次在Ikea (店名)看到的铅笔筒,恩,就买那个!”

如果你没有头绪要买什么,很容易,先买几本室内设计杂志参考。以前我没什么钱,每三个月我才买一本。翻了翻,翻了再翻,我喜欢看杂志的照片,同样的照片看这么多次,仿佛是在看我自己的家!😍 如果你不喜欢看杂志,那么你去家具展览和家具陈列室也一样。重点是你一定要去几次,让你的脑海里有深刻的印象,你喜欢的家私风格!最重要的一点:发白日梦不需要保持在你的预算内,家私你喜欢很贵的也可以!反正是发梦嘛,就选最贵的,好好的发我们的白日梦吧!好耶!👍
