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What is Good Feng Shui (2) 好风水 (二)

In ______, I told you that some people are forever waiting for the perfect moment before getting started. You know, I’m lucky because the advertisement for an upcoming Feng Shui event caught my eye, shortly after I had resigned myself to, and I accepted my fate. I can’t help but wonder how it got this way. I also wonder if there were other first-timers, like me, at the Feng Shui event at that time, and what was their experience with Feng Shui after these years. In _____, I told you about some friends who ask Feng Shui Masters to audit their house. The Feng Shui audit review results varied for all of them. I’ll admit that I was impressed by the remarkably good results for a couple of them, but I also noticed that struggles precede success. Nobody has it easy. Feng Shui success stories are aplenty, and I’m sure everyone (including Feng Shui Masters) agree that the biggest Feng Shui activation factor is you. 🤗

在______中,我告诉过你,有些人在开始之前永远在等待完美的一刻。你知道,我很幸运,因我被即将到来的风水讲座广告给引注.这发生在我刚刚接受了我的命运。我不禁想着,到的这是如何发生的. 我也想知道是否还有其他像我这样的第一次参加风水活动的初学者, 以及这些年来他们对风水的经历是如何。在_____中,我告诉过一些朋友,他们要求风水大师对他们的房子进行审计。风水审计的结果各不相同。我承认,我对他们当中的几个人取得了非常好的结果留下深刻印象,但我也注意到,奋斗一定在成功之前。没有人不劳而获。风水的成功故事很多,我相信每个人(包括风水大师)都同意,启动风水的最大因素是你。

It was 20 years ago when I was there, in that miserable stage of my life. I never want to be there again, ever! Indeed, I would define the period when I landed my first real job after my University graduation, as the 2nd worst stage in my life. I’ve been through far worse experiences when I was a teenager. So painful my mind blanks out. We all know how teenage years are! Having gone through very painful teenage years as well, I wonder why I had not learnt any life skills regarding how to cope with bad times. Am I stupid?! On hindsight, my life really started getting better after I listened to a Feng Shui talk. Of course it did not happen immediately, but eventually I figured out how to do it! But why do I say that my life got better after I heard the motivational Feng Shui talk? Because I decided there and then to get out of my misery, and I did something (I didn’t just wish, I didn’t just dream, I didn’t just hope) to get out of my miserable life! I took action! I did not wait for some sign from Heaven, and I did not wait for my knight-in-shining-armor to get started, I just started! I depended on me! Read more about how I put “Start Now” into action!

Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui Work!

二十年前,我大学毕业后正式上班,那段刻苦煎熬的日子可说是我人生第二困难的阶段。😱难以置信,我青少年期经理过更惨的遭遇,那段日子难过到我到今天还颤动。我不能了解的是: 为什么青少年时经历了这么多, 我还是没有学‘精’呢? 为什么毕业后碰到那么多不如意的事, 我还是被打倒? 或许, 我是真的真的很笨!!! 还好, 第一次听风水讲谈会,那位风水演讲师激发了我的‘生存本能’,我采取行动。 当然, 我不是马上被‘点醒’, 我是经过了很多年的挣扎, 我才发现我需要做的是什么! 我发现我不能期待别人,也不能希望别人帮我,我不等白马王子,也没等‘老天’给我暗号。 有一天, 我想通了,马上采取行动!我自己来,不靠别人!这就是好风水!💪
