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The Cosmos Are Within Us (You Will Find A Way) 宇宙看地球 (办法总比困难多)

When I was a kid, the education system in Singapore was ‘flawed’ in the sense that it was an examination-based education system. I remember the time that we had to spend our study time memorizing every thing. Whilst we were encouraged to learn, my mum made sure she taught us memorising techniques for exams. In those days, as long as we could memorise by heart, we would pass the examination. And that was all that mattered.
我小时候,新加坡的教育体系跟现在的相比是很不同的。那时的教育系统是一个以考试为基础的教育系统。虽然我们被鼓励学习,但我的妈妈为了确保我们能考试及格, 就教我们记忆考试技巧。我们为了考试及格不得不花时间记住课本的每一段。只要我们能记住,我们就能通过考试。虽然学习是一个很好的概念, 不过考试及格是最重要的。

Because I was never brought up having to understand what I was reading (or maybe I was too stupid or uninterested in the subjects), I naturally applied the same reading techniques when I read the Feng Shui book. Indeed, I hovered over Chapter 1 for the longest time because I believed it was very important to memorise “Chapter 1: Introduction To Feng Shui”. When I had sufficiently memorised Chapter 1, then I would progress to “Chapter 2: The History Of Feng Shui”. My dear readers!!! We are no longer kids! There is no examination, it is open-book, so we can always flip back to Chapter 1 if we had forgotten some part about the introduction or the history of Feng Shui. Don’t make the same mistake that I made, trying so hard to memorise Chapter 1 and Chapter 2! There is no need to memorise anything because you can always flip back to that page and have a read again. I was lucky because as soon as I felt myself losing interest in the book, I quickly zipped to the library and borrowed another book called “Feng Shui Tips”. I feel that books written in point form suited me better,  because I could read and apply point 1, and then I could move onto point 2. It was better because I was actually doing something, instead of memorising paragraphs that did not seem to serve any purpose. There are some tips that can be applied almost immediately, like keeping your shoes tidily in a cupboard, instead of leaving them scattered haphazardly in front of the door.

You know the biggest Feng Shui tip that changed my life? It was not about clearing clutter, neither was it about placing a plant in the East. As written in my ________ blog, it was the fact that I was doing things (action) to improve my situation, so I found a reason to smile again! Finding a reason to be happy is the biggest Feng Shui tip of all time, because it gave me a reason to smile! And the simple action of smiling will open many doors for you, my dear reader! So, in spite of my miserable work, my miserable overtime, my already-disintegrated marriage etc, I found a reason to be happy because I was doing something. Guess what happened next? Yes, of course! As I had said before in ________________, the Cosmos are within us, they are paying attention to the energy that we are sending out!

因为我从来不需要理解我读的(事实上我可能太愚蠢或不感兴趣),所以当我阅读风水书时,我自然运用了相同的阅读技巧。我读风水书第一章时, 花了很长很长的时间,因为我认为记住“第一章:介绍风水”非常重要。当我充分记住了第一章,我才进入“第二章:风水的历史”。我亲爱的读者们!我们不再是孩子了!我们不用考试,书本对我们来说永远是‘开放式’的! 所以如果我们忘记了有关风水的介绍或历史,我们随时可以打开书本回到第一章, 第二章参考呀! 读者们, 你们千万不要犯同样的错误,我为什么努力记住第一章和第二章?! 想起来就觉得可笑可悲!我们从很早以前就没有必要记住任何课本句子了,因为我们可以翻到那个页面重新阅读呀! 我很幸运,因为一旦我觉得自己对这本风水书失去兴趣,我赶紧去图书馆借了一本名为“风水贴士”的书。我觉得点形式的书比较适合我,因为我可以阅读并应用第一点, 然后我可以进入第二点。我借了这本“风水贴士“书, 读了马上可以应用提示, 我觉得真的很好 。有几个提示几乎可以立即应用,比如将你的鞋子整齐地放在柜子里,不要将它们随意地分散在门前。

可是, 读者们, 你们知道哪一个风水‘提示’大大的改变了我的生活吗?不是清理混乱,也不是把植物放置家里的东边。像我在———————— 说的, 因为我为改善自己的状况做了事情(行动),我心情变的比较好, 所以我找到了再次微笑的理由!尽管我的工作还是很糟糕,我还是每天要加班,我的婚姻已经解散, 不过我在这种‘恶劣’的情况下,我还可以做点什么, 我心里真的感到开心!这‘找到理由微笑’是我可以教你们的最大风水提示!只要你微笑, 就会有很多门为你开。 为什么? 你们猜猜我‘找到理由微笑’后发生什么事情? 你们猜对了!正如我以前————————说过的,宇宙正在关注我们发出的能量, 宇宙一定会帮我们的!