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Takahi Crockpot AKA Slowcooker Takahi 牌电子砂锅(常称为焖锅)

My FIL and my MIL don’t take their meals at the same time, so I wanted a gadget that could keep their food warm. I need to be clever about this because if I (or the maid I am going to get in the future) had to warm up their food every other hour, then nothing else can get done! ROFL! Plus I can’t take my meals with them because I want (need) to wait for my hubby to come home and eat with him. More on this later. I remember my mum used to have this crockpot, so I googled and found out that the Takahi brand crockpot is still in business. 3 cheers for Japanese technology and Singapore-made Takahi! Hip hip hooray!!! Please get this model 3505 because it is (1) energy-saving and (2) it has a removable crockery pot which is also safe to use on the stove. It sells for about $75 at OG Chinatown.
