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Sugar Glider 甜言蜜语

You know what turns up tops in Google search engine when you key in the words: “Words are…”? It is “Words are cheap” and “Words are powerful”.  Isn’t it the truth?  And isn’t that ironic?  My next Feng Shui tip for you which, just like your smile, is free-of-charge and which you can start immediately is to say words out loud. Let truth be told, seldom do we have people in Singapore who would give you both a megawatt smile and who will say nice words out loud. I did that! That works wonders! You want to make Feng Shui work? Pay attention to my words of wisdom!  😉  The possibilities are endless: words of encouragement, words of affirmation, words of love, words of comfort etc! How do you start a conversation? Read on!
当您键入这个单词: “话语是…”进谷歌搜索引擎, 你知道排列第一和第二的搜索结果是什么吗? 答案是: “话语是便宜的”和“话语是强大的”。这两个搜索答案事实上是真实的! 我们口说出的话语就像我们的微笑:是免费的,也是我们可以立即开始说出的。说实话,在新加坡, 很少人会给你一个兆瓦级的微笑,并且口说出好听的话。不过, 我做到了!对我来说简直是奇迹! 😆 为什么? 记得我在——————博客提到, 我的本性是属贴的, 本性是冷酷,坚强和坚定不移’的。 所以我说是奇迹! 你要好风水实现?那么就听我的‘智慧语言’! 我们人类能说的话语真的很多:有鼓励的话语,有肯定的话语,有爱的话语,也有安慰的话语等等!


I’ve figured out the easiest way of capturing someone’s heart. You should always start a ‘conversation’ by calling a gentleman “Boss”, and a lady “My dear”, “Pretty One”, “Darling” or “Beauty”. My personal favourite is “Lady Boss”. For example, you walk into a shop and you want good service. Instead of going “Excuse me”, which is perhaps the most common ‘salutation’ the salesperson receives, you say “Lady Boss, do you have this dress in other colors?”. Sometimes it is very obvious that the salesgirl manning the shop is only a part-time student, but it will not hurt you to call her “Lady Boss”. Trust me! 😆  Sometimes, you will hear this remark back from her: “I am not the Lady Boss”, so you just reply “Oh, but you sure look like the Lady Boss!”. I assure you that she will wait ‘hand and foot’ on you after hearing that remark! LOL!  😆

我已经想出了‘捕捉’人心灵的最简单方法。如果你需要男生帮你, 你应该称呼那位先生“老板”。 如果男生是年轻的, 你就称他“帅哥”。 如果你碰到的是一位女士, 你可以称呼她“亲爱的”、 “美女”、 或“老板娘”。例如,你走进一家商店,你想要得到很好的服务。销售人员最常收到的询问是: “对不起, 请问你。。。”。 如果你可以在问售货员问题前加上一个好听的称呼, 例如: “老板娘,请问这条裙子有其他颜色吗?”, 我肯定售货员的服务态度会有很明显的改善。 当然,有时店里的售货员是一名兼职学生,但是, 你称呼她一声”老板娘”真的不会在你身上少一块肉, 相信我, 就算她真正的老板娘吩咐她不能打折, 她一定会想办法给你免费礼物!如果年轻美眉说“我不是老板娘”,你只要回答“哦! 但你看起来真的很像老板娘!”。亲爱的读者, 我向你保证,年轻美眉听到这句话后肯定细心的服务你!哈哈哈! 😆

You know from reading my blog ______, that I have the worst kind of personality on earth! I don’t smile and I don’t say nice things. Why can’t I sugar-lace my words? I have a really good excuse for myself: I am not a fake! I cannot say something that I don’t feel. My mum and my school teacher taught me never to tell lies. For example, sometimes you need the hawker centre cleaning aunty to help you clean up the table in a jiffy. Pity the hawker centre cleaning aunty, she is very underpaid and super overwhelmed (let’s face it, some diners have really poor eating habits!!!). It will only do you good if you call the hawker centre cleaning aunty: “Miss, do you think you can help me clean my table?”. Of course I know, you know, she knows that she is not a “Miss”, but will she be offended? Heck, no! Of course not! Who doesn’t want to look younger than her age? Take heed though, she may retort “I am already an aunty!!!”. The first time this happens, you will be stumped, and you might go home and wonder why her reaction was so big. But the next time it happens, you would have thought about it, and you will know how to give a witty comeback: “Oh, but you look so young! How can you be an aunty?”. See her polish your table after she hears that!

你从阅读______我的博客中知道,我的性格很糟糕!我不会笑,也不会说好听的话语。为什么我就是这么死脑精, 不会说甜言蜜语?我有一个很好的借口:我是很诚恳代人的!我不能说我没有感受到的话。我从小就很听妈妈学校老师的教导, 我不能说谎话。例如,有时后, 午餐时间, 我们赶着回办公室, 我们急需小贩中心清理阿姨来帮助清理前一位顾客留下的肮胀碗碟。小贩中心清洁阿姨工作幸苦 (有些食客的饮食习惯真的很差劲!!!), 薪水也很低。 如果你需要她帮忙, 你可以叫她:“小姐,你能帮我清理我的桌子吗?” 当然,我知道,你知道,她也知道她不是一位“小姐”,但相信我, 她不会被冒犯的。 谁不想看起来比实际年龄好要小呢?你可知道小贩中心清洁阿姨可能会反驳“我已经是阿姨了!!!”。你第一次碰到这种情况, 你一定会想: “为什她的反应如此之大”, 但是, 下一次再碰到同样情况,你就会回一个机智的复出:“噢,但你看起来很年轻,你怎么会是阿姨呢?”。听这句话之后,她一定会用力擦亮你的桌子,直到它闪闪发光! 😆

Which brings me to my next point. Say you are in a situation where you either have to say something bad, or you have to say something really, really bad. Haha! 😆  What will you do? The answer is to give some nonsense answer that can brush the question aside, or you just pretend to misunderstand the question. Why? No matter how well we try to phrase a bad answer, it will be taken badly. So my very first instinct would always be to pretend that I misunderstood the question in the first place. Sometimes, it pays to act the ‘Blurr Queen’. Saying sugar words, just like a smile in _______, need practice. The more situations you get into that require you to say stuff, the more kind of diverse reactions you will get, the more you will know how to say more stuff! 😎

假设你处于一个尴尬的的情况,你不得不说难听的话。你会怎么做?我的答案是: 给一些无意义的答案,尽量把问题抛在一边。 如果那不行, 你可以假装误解了问题。为什么?只要是难听的话, 无论我们多么努力地掩盖或‘改说’,只要是难听的话, 听者肯定听起来觉得难听一千一万倍! 所以我建议你学我假装误解问题。有时候,我们人类活在这世上要扮演‘糊涂虫’的角色。 😆  说甜言蜜语,就像我的博客——————学微笑一样,需要练习。你遇到的情况越多,你就会想到更多、 更机智、 更风趣的反应。熟能生巧! 😎