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Success Needs Sacrifice (1) 牺牲复活者 (一)

You know it’s funny, but when I first started to use Feng Shui, I thought it was a matter of getting the ‘formation’ correct. Remember as kids, whenever we watched those filmed in Hong Kong martial arts episodes, and the good people would have to pass through some impenetrable formation outside the cave, and they would have to beat the formation if they wanted to see the Martial Arts Expert who resides inside the cave? I seriously thought that was the foundation of good Feng Shui! LOL! I’m too funny!  😆  Today, I will ask you a question so important to making your Feng Shui work: ‘What are you willing to sacrifice to reach your goals?” Success needs sacrifice! You need to work at it to get it! If you are under the impression that Feng Shui will grant all your wishes, then let me tell you that many things can also grant your wishes, for example: Aladdin’s lamp, your parents, your loving hubby, a sugar Daddy, a departmental store’s ‘Make-A-Wish’ X’mas promotion etc. All of these also promises to grant your wishes, but your present does not drop from the sky. You still have to do something to get it, right? 😉 For example, you would have to travel to Arab to go look for Aladdin’s lamp, or you need to behave to get into the good books of your parents, or you have to act cute in front of your husband and so forth. Am I right?  😉
你知道这很有趣,但是当我刚开始使用风水时,我认为这是一个让’阵型’正确的问题。记得小时候,每当我们看到那些在香港武术片中拍摄的人时,好人必须穿过山洞外阵才能见到武术专家。我真的认为这是良好风水的基础!咳咳咳!我太有趣了! :咳咳咳:今天,我会问你一个如此重要的问题,让你的风水实现:’你愿意牺牲什么来达到你的目标?“成功需要牺牲!你需要努力去获得它!如果你认为风水会给予你所有的愿望,让我告诉你,许多事情也可以让你实现愿望,例如:阿拉丁的灯,你的父母,你爱的丈夫,甜心爸爸,百货公司的圣诞“许愿”促销等等,所有这些都会保证你的愿望,但是你的礼物不会从天而降,你还得做点什么来获得它,对吗?例如,你必须前往阿拉伯去寻找阿拉丁的灯,或者你需要在你父母面前好好表,或者你必须在丈夫面前表现得可爱,我是对的吗?

I needed help, but help did not come. This thing called Feng Shui promised me money, love and a solution to all my problems, but I don’t know (nobody in my family knows!) how to call upon it for help. My mum, who was the only rich person I knew then (who had the ability to help me), still refused to bail me out. I thought that we had drawn closer because of Feng Shui, but she was resolute about my being independent. 🤬 My husband, who was working like a dog, was still seriously underpaid. 🤬 I was still stuck in that job, collecting money for the company. 🤬 They call my department ‘Credit Control’, but what I was really doing was calling people the whole day long, asking them to pay up! It was at that time that I started seeing a ‘disgusting’ side to people. I never knew people could be so shameless! Instead of feeling contrite about not paying up on their debt, they would yell at me for disturbing them with my phonecall. “Do you know that I can sue you for harassment?”, they threatened. And the postal system got slammed by these people for failing to deliver letters. Somehow, for this group of people, the mails reminding them to pay up never (ever!) reaches them. No matter that our Singapore postal system is top notch, there’s always a reason why they did not pay. Some even demanded to see evidence that we had registered every letter sent to them! “If you can’t prove that you sent me the letter, how can you say that I owe you money? You did not tell me that it is time to pay!”, they reasoned. I learnt to say “sorry” many times.

“Sorry, it was not our intention to disturb you.”

“Sorry, it is our fault that you did not pay.”

“Sorry, we will wait quietly for your payment to come in then. Please pay at your convenience (never mind that you are 2 months overdue!!!)”

You see, even though I accepted what was, but I was just a robot calling customers to pay up and getting yelled at and saying sorry. I felt numb after a day at work. But I did ‘behave’ in a manner that was required of me to keep my job. 😣 My husband, too, was not doing well. He was posted to ‘Audit’ department which, though his primary job function was to check the posting of accounts, it was really a people’s job. He had to go snoop and investigate people’s work, and we know most people go on the defensive when you try to ‘audit’ their work. For our shy and quiet personalities, our jobs were a huge mismatch! But it was still the financial crisis, what choice did we have? My husband, he is Superman. 🏋Instead of sinking into depression over his miserable job and his miserable wife, our misery only served to spur him upwards!

By then, we had worked (suffered) in our jobs for about 2 years, which makes us eligible to take out a very small bank loan. He never discussed it with me, but he took a study loan. Thinking back, if he had told me he was going to borrow money, I would have freaked out, thinking we would have been more in debt, and therefore had to be stuck in our jobs even more! The bank was only willing to grant him a credit limit of $2k (I’m only guessing the amount) at a time, so he would borrow to pay for 1 study term, then as stipulated in the loan agreement, he would pay off that loan, before taking another to pay for the next study term. And boy! My crazy Superman 🏋 husband gave up sleeping altogether, and he mugged over the books 📚📚📚 every evening after work. Even if we reached home at midnight after working overtime, he would study! 📚📚📚📚📚📚 I thought he was crazy to torture himself like this! By that time, we had been fighting our cold war for so long, we had become strangers. I guess I made him feel that he had ‘failed’ me, so whenever I had my temper tantrums, he only kept quiet. He never argued with me, and he never defended himself. He just let me rant and rave like a mad woman until I tire myself out!


我需要帮忙,不过就是没有人肯帮我。难过到!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭风水答应我们钱财,爱情,还有事事顺利,万事通,不过没有人教我(家人也没有人会!)如何采用风水帮我解决现在面对的问题! 风水对我根本没有用处!!!我可恶的妈妈虽然有钱还是坚决不肯帮我。看到女儿这么憔悴,难道她没感觉吗?后来,我人生好转以后,我心中任然一个结。还有我先生,还是从早做到晚,只领那么一点点工资。不知道该讨厌他或可怜他!我太绝望了!!!到底几时可以从黑暗中走出去?!

金融危机还没有过,所以我们想换工作也难。只好继续做我们的工作。我那时被派到‘信贷控制’部门 – 好听的名字 – 不过基本上就是整天打电话叫债务人还钱!对于从小成长在富裕中的我,加上认识老实的先生,我做了这份工作对人类另眼相看!你知道世界上有些人,他们虽然欠你钱,还可以理直气壮!“你冒冒然打电话跟我讨钱,你知道我可以告你损坏我的形象和名义吗?这是一种骚扰!”他们不但骂我,他们连我的经理也臭骂!😱 太厚脸皮了,这些人!我经理教了我一个‘绝招’,就是先道歉,然后才跟他们讨钱。


“对不起, 是我的错, 您如果可以的话, 可以把欠我们两个月钱的债还清吗?”

“对不起, 我不应该打扰你。 你可以帮我一个忙吗? 你可以还我们钱吗?”

亲爱的读者们,你们说这有理吗? 我那时虽然接受我的‘命’,不过我感觉到我的人(心)慢慢麻木了。我讨厌我自己,为了混口饭吃,要向这种不知羞耻的人低头!我就像机器人,整天说对不起,对不起。。。我先生被派到‘审计’部门,对一般人来说,‘审计’是跟会计有关系,不过‘审计’其实是人际关系部门。真的!你想,我先生当时的工作是窥探和调查别人有没有好好的做他们的工作!读者们,你们都知道,如果有人要查我的工作或讯问我工作程序,我只有两种反应:(一)我怕你,所以我会好好配合,或(二)你要调查我,我为什么要帮你?我故意不说,让你慢慢找!😅 读者们,你们说对吧?!这就是人!可怜的我们,本来性格文静又害羞,你说我们做这两种工作是不是要我们的命?!

我们做工大概两年以后,银行看到我们有固定的工作,肯贷款给我们。那时,我先生偷偷借了两千块(当时我们工钱少,他想多借些,银行也摇头啊!)报名读课程。我现在回想:如果他那时候老实跟我说我们有更大的债务要还,我可能真的会崩溃!我先生和我那时已经‘打冷战’很久了,我女人心里‘不平衡’时有事没事都会痛骂他,我这张嘴根本不留情,我简直像个疯女人!总之,当时的我们,关系真的不能再受打击! 就这样,我那超人先生 🏋 就每天每天放工后窝在房间读书 📚📚📚,就算要加班到半夜,他干脆不睡觉,整夜看书 📚📚📚📚📚📚 。是真的!他读完一个课程,要招银行的规则把贷款还清后,银行才肯再借钱给他报名下一个课程。我现在想想,他那几年的煎熬,不知道对他的身体造成什么伤害 😢 希望他吉人有天相! 🙏