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Something Has To Give (I Can I Can't) 牺牲复活者 (可以不可以)

What sacrifice means to me is different from what sacrifice means to you. Make Feng Shui work! It worked for me, it can work for you! But as told in my story about Mary’s husband and my husband in ______, some sacrifices have to be made even if you have the best Feng Shui Master in the world to help you! As the saying goes: Some sacrifices are sound, the rest of mine. Read on to find out more about making sacrifices in life, and about sacrifice for the sake of others in your family.
牺牲对你我意味着不同的事情。让好风水实现!风水帮忙我,它肯定会帮到你!但是,正如我在——————————玛丽的丈夫和我的丈夫的故事中讲解,即使你有世界上最好的风水大师帮助你,你也必须实际点, 牺牲是必定的!应为我们活在真正的世界呀! 有句话:有些牺牲是明理的,其余的是我自己的牺牲。请继续阅读,了解更多关于在生活中必须做出的牺牲,以及为了家人所需要做的牺牲。

Many people misunderstand that Feng Shui can work without help. In my Feng Shui journey, I have learnt to change my attitude from “I’m not sure it can be done” to “I will do what it takes”. Feng Shui is not just about placement of objects in the home, it also includes what a person must do to make Feng Shui work. In both of these ‘actions’, I will do what it takes! If at first glance, I cannot do what needs to be done, I will try to find a way around it. If a solution still cannot be found, I will accept that it cannot be done at the moment, and I move onto other things that I can do. I don’t get stumped and stop, whilst waiting for a solution to come up!

Here’s what I have learnt in this ‘I can do, I cannot do’ game in Feng Shui and in life:

(1) What I can do, I must do.

Action Result Reason
I do it. It works! Of course, because I did it.
I do it. It does not work after 1 month. It will work soon. Keep at it!
I do it. It does not work, even  after 10 years. I have double-checked that what I am doing is correct, and there is no better alternative. So I will keep doing what I can.
I do it. It does not work, even when I am at my death bed. I accept that it was not meant to be, but I have no regrets because I have done my best.


(2) What I cannot do, I will find a way to get it done. And I try my best to get it as close as what needs to be done.

(3) What I cannot do, and I have already tried my best at finding an alternative, I take it that it really cannot be done now. So I chuck it at the back of my mind.

(4) I always keep in mind that there is something yet to be done. In the meantime, I accept that I may not get what I want (because I have not done what needs to be done) and I just shut up about it. Of course I am upset, and I feel pained, but I shut up about it. Because it really cannot be done! What else is there to say when it really cannot be done?!

(5) if something really cannot be done, I will force myself to go do something else that can be done (even if it is a totally different and unrelated matter). I use the word ‘force’ because I am just an ordinary person, of course I feel discouraged, and I want to give up. Life is too hard!

Writing about ‘Feng Shui Fish Tank’_____ made me think of an ex-colleague who quit his job to go set up his own company. I will tell you that entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It was a struggle being a small start-up, because you are competing against the big boys. He read about fish tanks being Feng Shui money magnets, and because we shared mutual friends, I felt obliged to go help him find his fish tank corner. Of course, there are a million excuses why the fish tank cannot be put in this corner, and another million excuses why the fish tank cannot be put in that corner. Whilst he was still stumped about where to put his fish tank, his only business partner pulled out of the partnership, and took the only customer along with him. Of course I am not saying that the lack of fish tank caused my ex-colleague’s ‘downfall’, but his attitude towards putting the fish tank was the same as his attitude towards his business:

“Are you sure the fish tank is necessary?” (Excuse me! You are the one who called me over to help with the fish tank?!)

“I’m not sure what I want to do.”

“I’m not sure it can be done.”

“Do you think I should do it?”

Whilst you are deliberating over whether it can be done, you should pro-actively be looking for alternatives to getting things done. Also, if you are too scaredy cat to  even try, remember that there are always braver cats out there who are willing to give it a shot! Read about ‘competition’ in _________.


很多人不知道: 风水也需要帮忙的! 在我的风水旅途,我学会了改变我的态度和想法,帮好风水实现!从 “我不知道能做到吗?” 改变成 “我一定做到!” 。风水不仅是放置在家里的风水摆设物品,它也包括一个人的想法和实际行动。在这两者中,我一定尽力做到!如果莫种情况我不能做到需要做的事情,我会尽力找可行的办法把它做到。如果还是做不到,我会接受目前无法完成这‘任务’,并转移精神做其他我能做的事情。我不会陷入困境停留下来!



行动 结果 原因
我做到了 成功  当然! 应为我做到了!
我做到了 一个月了, 还是没有效果  耐心等待, 一定可以。 继续加油!
 我做到了 十年后, 还是没有效果 我仔细检查了, 我所做的是正确的。 所以我会继续尽我所能再接再厉。
 我做到了 我临死之前, 还是没有效果 我没有后悔,因为我已经尽力了。我接受这不属于我。




(四)我还没有忘记这件事情还没有完成。我接受后果, 可能我得不到我想要的东西(因为我还没有做到需要做的事情呀!)。 我不埋怨。虽然我感到沮丧,但我闭上我的嘴。因为真的做不到呀!埋怨不能解决问题。


写一篇关于’风水鱼缸’——————的博客让我想起了一位前同事。 他辞去稳定工作, 去建立自己的公司。不过, 创业不适合每个人。小小规模的公司,真的很难跟大企业竞争。这位前同事读到鱼缸是风水的财运磁铁,所以他想在家里放置一个鱼缸。 因为我们共享了共同的朋友, 我不得不帮他找可以放置鱼缸的好位置。当然,这前同事有百万借口为什么鱼缸不能放在这个角落,还有另外百万的借口为什么鱼缸不能放在那个角落。就在他长期犹豫不决的情况下, 他的唯一生意伙伴退出了合作关系,并把唯一的顾客抢走。当然,我不是说缺乏鱼缸是必死之路,但这位前同事放鱼缸的态度和他对待做生意的态度是一样的:

“你确定我需要鱼缸吗?” (奇怪了! 鱼缸并不是我说要的, 是你主动打电话给我的呀!)




当一个人长期考虑太多, 没有行动, 我说过世界不会应为你犹豫不决而停留。 所以每一个人一定要主动寻找替代的方法来完成要做的事。如果你我应为太害怕, 太多借口停留太久,请记住,在这世界上总是有比你我更勇敢的人愿意尝试一下!在_________阅读“竞争”和好风水的关系吧。