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Sit And Wait 坐以待毙

I keep telling myself that patience is a virtue. But those noisy water pipes when someone is running water in his or her home are really getting on my nerves. Pity us government flat dwellers! We are helpless, and we are at the mercy of the Town Council staff and the HDB staff, who are supposed to help us. God send me a very experienced staff  to help me. 😅 It never crossed my mind to go kick up a row though. My husband and I are already losing sleep over the noisy water pipes, so I need to counter this ‘bad energy’ by cultivating Feng Shui peace of mind. Om. 🙏
最近,我在培养我的耐心。 记得几个月前,我请求市镇理事会工作人员帮忙找出水管嘈杂的声音来源,到今天还没有结论。到底是哪里的水管坏了?!🤬 吵死了!不瞒你说,我那时已经做好心里准备市镇理事会工作人员的服务水平可能会‘欠佳’。我住政府组屋二十年,什么种格性的市镇理事会工作人员(和建屋发展局工作人员)我都看过!唉!虽然觉得很烦(我先生和我已经六个月没有好好的睡觉),不过我从来没有想过要到市镇理事的办公室大闹!😅 你看,情况越糟,我们就要刻意地实践调养冷静的心情。我现在唯能做的是祈祷他们分配一个实际经验很多的负责人给我。 Om.  🙏

Remember what I said about taking the easy way out of life first. Always take the easy way out, if you have a choice. I know some experts say that we should not take the easy way out because we are just avoiding the problem, but I still think that I am right. Why? First and foremost, life is tough enough without you biting your nose to spite your face. I don’t see why you should deliberately ‘challenge’ yourself and take the hard way out in the first instance.

Feng Shui for peace and happiness ranks high in many ordinary people’s mind.  I know this is true. You see, we work, we play and we rest. This is the most basic life that ordinary people should have. We demand it! This noisy water pipe is already causing ‘lack of sleep’ stress to my husband and me, and because of the incident back in 2008 that resulted in ‘backlash’ from my next door neighbour, we are really concerned whether this time, there will be a miscommunication again. The uncertainty in the situation itself is also very stressful to us. Double whammy! I don’t want to quarrel with my next door neighbour over some stupid misunderstanding again!!! That’s so ‘small circle‘!

You know, these chaps at the Town Council (and HDB) don’t have enviable jobs. If you don’t believe me, then go ask any ex-‘Estate Officer’ (people who handle matters that have to do with your residential property). It is a tough job because they end up being punching bags for both the ‘feedback provider’ as well as the ‘culprit’. Do also kenna (get whacked), don’t do also kenna. 😅 It takes a special kind of character to do this ‘Estate Management’ job, I have seen staff who work for only a few months, and I have also seen staff who have worked for more than 19 years! Wow, salute to the latter!

Because I empathise with them, I don’t want to start off by being a meanie. The worst thing I can do now, even though I am very frustrated with the situation, is to ‘bite the hand that feeds (helps) me’. I need to help the Town Council staff and the HDB staff, so they can help me! This is why I have to consciously tell myself not to over-react, even though they are shifting the work to one another. Never mind, let them dilly-dally. How long can they stay idle about the situation anyway? They would have to do something about it eventually, because I have sent them emails of the issue, sound recordings of the noise, as well as the timing of the noises. They will need to do something because everything is in black-and-white. Gotcha! 🍻 See? I have learnt from my previous lesson of Year 2008, and this time I am armoured and well-prepared for any ‘battle’ to come. Let’s hope it does not come to this, though! 🤞

But I am no sitting duck. I am not just going to sit idle whilst the Town Council sorts this out. I understand that they have to deal with the public, and it’s probable that they have 100 such cases to handle concurrently. In any case, my dealing with them in Year 2008 has taught me a big lesson. Preparedness is everything when you need to deal with the Town Council staff or the HDB staff. It seems that this is the only way they function, so I have to ‘play along’. But you see how crazy the situation is? If you stand from afar and look in, this is a very small matter of either a neighbour’s faulty water tap (which can be easily replaced by a plumber), or the wear-and-tear of the roof top water pipes (which can be easily replaced by the Town Council contractors). No wonder people often say  ‘it is useless to complain’. 😂


除了钱,我们普通人想要的是和平与幸福。我们做工放工,除了出去玩,就只有休息。这是我们普通人最基本的生活水平呀!一定要,不能妥协!这吵杂的水管害得我先生和我已经六个月不可安宁。应为是别人在屋里开水关水时造成的吵杂声,如果那家屋主没有休息,我们也没有缓解噪音的时刻。早上吵,下午吵,晚上也吵!周末噪音也没有停。😰 想起2008年,可能应为沟通不好,那位市镇理事会员工说的话搞到我们邻居不和,我担心这次又历史重演。真的很伤脑筋,很费神。 亲爱的读者,你们同意吧?如果我为了这么小的事再度和邻居有纠纷,那真的很‘小圈子’。我不想留在‘小圈子’呀!!! 请求上帝帮帮我!🙏

你们知道吧,市政理事会和建屋发展局的工作人员,他们的工作一点都不好做。根本是人民的‘撒包’。👊💢 每个人都知道这些工作人员是领工钱的,就故意欺负他们! 如果工作人员帮这个人,那个人就会反击,如果帮那个人,这个人也会反击。如果你谁都不帮,他们俩也会反击。所谓的‘为国名服务’是骗人的!!!如果你不相信我,就随便找个做过这份工作的人问问看。这工作真的不容易啊!想要胜任这种工作,你需要一个很冷静的性格,脸皮还要很厚, 而且不能把一天的不如意放着心上。 不然肯定做不久。总之,那些可以的,就可以坐上十多,二十年。不可以的连六个月也难熬!

应为我可以‘同情’他们的工作真的很不容易做,我也不想一开始就做坏人。我告诉我自己市镇理事会的工作人员在帮我,我如果不能以‘爱’对待,至少我不能对他们不好。这就是我所谓的‘找出容易走路的’。我有意识地告诉自己不要过度反应,不过,说真的, 看他们把工作你推我,我推你,真的很考我的耐心。唯一让我感到很安慰的是,我这次我做好了万全的准备,不会像上一次2008年措手不及。我学会了! 如果要和市镇理事会和建屋发展局的人进行通信,唯有黑白行得通。没有黑白‘免谈’!不过, 我还是希望嘈杂水管的问题可以轻轻松松的解决啦!我没有空,也没有多余精神和政府部门的人员纠缠!😅 他们很忙,要照顾我们市区上万个家户,我请求上帝让这件恼人的事快快过去。

读者们,你们看?我尽然可以为了一个小小小的水管问题写了一大段文字!可笑吧?!其实,往后退看看,这事情真的微小!!!如果邻居的水龙头坏了,就找个水管工人修理坏的水龙头就好了。如果是天台的水管坏了,市镇理事会只需要叫他们的承包商换掉破损的水管就好了!两件事情很容易可以解决问题!难怪人家说:“投诉是没有用的。” 叹气! 😥