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Saving On Toothpaste 牙膏也能省

This was another common sight when I was growing up. My mum would fully use up all the toothpaste because as we know, it’s not easy being a wife cum maid cum mother. I knew she worried about money though she never let it show. So do I save on toothpaste? Yes, in the beginning. That was when I wasn’t sure of our (my husband and my own) future. Nowadays, I throw toothpaste ‘scraps’ out too, because well, I don’t want to live like that. Again, I’ve done my ‘research’, the most expensive toothpaste is about $8.15 for 110g, so perhaps we are saving $1? Why is it alright to save on toothpaste but not toilet roll? I guess it’s mainly because of hygiene reasons. Agree? You don’t want to struggle when you go to the loo. LOL. I’ll tell you about money and saving money in a bit. So if you are just starting out in your career, and money is tight, you can save on toothpaste. But the condition is you must only do it only for a while (1 or 2 years maximum!) And for goodness sake, don’t scrape and scrape until every bit of toothpaste is gone. That’s really miserable.

这是我成长时另外一个常见”妈妈省钱“的方式。坦白说我婚姻前几年也有省牙膏,因为当时我不知道自己将来有没有钱,如果可以我也想省着用!为什么牙膏可以省,卫生纸不呢?应为卫生呀!你用马桶时。。真的要与卫生纸”战斗“吗?🤣牙膏管减成一半里面还剩大概一块钱的牙膏。我大概算了一下!哈哈!如果你在乎这一块,也不觉这样刷牙会带来太大的不便,你就省吧!不过要风水好,我有两个条件·:(1)这省法你只可以用一, 两年(2)用牙刷把牙膏挖出来,大概大概就可以了。这不是鱼子酱,不用挖的干干净净!我现在已经没有省牙膏了啦,应为我不想这样活着!