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Rearing Fish (7): Air Pump For Fish Tank 养鱼风水 (七): 空气泵鱼缸

I mentioned in my earlier blog ________ that ordinary people want to rear fish because we want ‘moving water’ in our home, in the name of good Feng Shui. We don’t need to know how to breed exotic fish for sale, neither do we want Nemo marine aquarium and the work associated with it. An air pump for our fish tank is one of the ways we can achieve ‘moving water’ in our home. Is an air pump necessary for an aquarium? It depends on what the fish that you keep. A fighting (betta) fish, for example, does not need an air pump. But I consider a fighting fish good Feng Shui because it is an active fish that responds to my presence. In my opinion, it is akin to ‘moving water’.  I like fish air pumps, especially those that I have attached an airstone to. I just love little bubbles in my fish tank!
我早时候的博客_____中提到,我们普通人家里要放鱼缸是因为我们想要在家里有“流动的水”,我们养鱼是为了有好风水。我们普通人不需要知道如何孳品种独特的鱼, 应为我们没有打算出售小鱼赚外快。 购买空气泵给我们的鱼缸是我们能够实现‘流动的水’的途径之一。鱼缸需要空气泵吗?这就看你养什么鱼。打斗鱼(Betta)的鱼缸不需要空气泵。虽然没有空气泵打出来的泡泡, 我认为打斗鱼是好风水,因为它是活跃的鱼类。它的活跃好比‘流动的水’,很类似。我喜欢空气泵,特别是附加一粒空气石的, 看到我的鱼缸里满满的小泡泡, 我太喜欢了!😍

How do you introduce air into a fish tank? The answer is you need to break the surface of the water, and an easy way to do that is to introduce an air pump to your aquarium. Here are the 2 types that I use at home:

如何将空气打入你的鱼缸水?答案是: 使用能‘打破’水面的鱼缸空气泵。照片里是我在家使用的两种鱼缸空气泵:

I buy an air pump that has 2 air outlets. You can ask your aquarium uncle to recommend a good air pump, but I find that all air pumps (no matter if you buy a cheaper one, or a more expensive one) make noise, so you have to be mentally prepared for a constant vibrating sound in the still of the night. If you are a very light sleeper like me, good luck! LOL! 😂

There are 2 air outlets for this type of fish air pump: 1 of the air outlet goes to the fish filter, and the other one I use a rubber tube to introduce air bubbles in the water. Over the years, I have used airstones and long air tubes that blow a stream of bubbles. Pretty!

But nowadays I just leave it simple, with neither airstones nor long air tubes. Here’s a photo:

我买的鱼缸空气泵是有两个出气口的鱼缸空气泵。你可以叫鱼店叔叔推荐一个好的鱼缸空气泵,但是我发现所有的鱼缸空气泵, 无论便宜或昂贵的, 都有噪音。那些像我很轻睡的读者们, 祝你好运, 你要有心理准备夜晚的寂静会被鱼缸空气泵振动的声音取代喔!😅

照片里这个鱼缸空气泵有两个出气口:第一个出气口是我插入鱼缸过滤器的 (看——————————)。,另一个我多年来都使用特制的空气石头和长行的空气管将气泡引入水中。 太漂亮了!

现在, 我只是很简单地插入白色空气管。看看这张照片:

Here is the other type of ‘air pump’ that I use. It is the waterfall filter that I talked about in my blog _____________. Remember I said that as long as your gadget is able to break the surface of your aquarium water, it will introduce oxygen into your fish tank water? This one does the job beautifully.

这是我使用的另一种’鱼缸空气泵’, 也是我在博客_____________中提到的瀑布鱼缸过滤器。无论什么形状的鱼缸空气泵, 只要能够‘打破’水面,就能将氧气引入鱼缸水中。 这第二种鱼缸空气泵再好不过。