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Preparing For Year 2018 (Step 1) 开始迎接2018年来临(筹备一)

Is “spring-cleaning” the first word that comes to your mind when you think about the New Year? Haha! No, it should be “buying a diary”. Yeah, yeah, I know many people are shocked that I still use the old fashioned ‘paper and pen’ diary, but this old way of planning your year ahead is simply wonderful!

新的一年来临,你是否第一时间想到”大扫除”?哈哈,不对!迎接新的一年,你第一需要的是:日记本!天啊!她还在用日记本子!天啊,好老套!🤣不过我坚持旧的记录法是最快最有效的!我没有骗你!赞!  👍👍👍