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Peace And Quiet 安静了

Let’s face it. Peace and quiet is very necessary for many good things to happen. Good Feng Shui is no exception. For example, if you want your children to be good in their studies, you need to give them a good and quiet place to study in. And if you want your family to have a melodious relationship, the core of the family, the Father and the Mother must have a happy, peaceful and quiet bond with one another. Similarly, when you want good Feng Shui in your home, you first have to be at peace with yourself. Only then will you be able to attune yourself to the energy of the home, and sense exactly what is needed to fine-tune the energy of your home. However, peace and quiet sometimes cannot be commanded at will. What we can do in those circumstances is, as I will tell you many times in this website, that we just try our best and do what we can.

现实: 如果我们要美好事物发生, 和平与安静是必要条件。好风水也不例外。例如,如果你希望你的孩子在学习上做得好, 考的好成绩,你需要给他们一个安静的学习场所。如果你希望你的家人有一个悠扬的关系,家庭的核心(父亲和母亲)必须拥有一个快乐、 恩爱、 安静的夫妻关系。同样地,如果你想要你家拥有好风水,首先你必须要找到你自己的安宁。只有这样,你才能调整你家庭和你家里的能量。  在——————, 我会告诉你, 能量和风水有密切的关系。 然而,平时和安静有时不能你随意指挥, 为所欲为。在找不到安宁的情况下, 我们可以做什么呢? 我将会在这网站里多次告诉你同样的劝告,我们只能尽力而为,尽我们所能创造和平和安静的周围。

I grew up in my parent’s huge landed property, and it was really hard for me to get ‘acclimatized’ to HDB living. To me, communal living was terribly noisy, and I really suffered for many years, particularly in my first few years of marriage.  I could hear the neighbours walk, I could hear the people on the ground floor talking, and I could even hear the arrival ‘ping’ from the lift.  It was crazy noisy!!! As you know, I suffered from insomnia for over 20 years, and I want to share with you this wonderful ear plug that I use now. It cuts out a lot of noise – so if I can’t sleep, it will be because I have issues, and not due to noise. We do what we can, and bear with what we cannot! 😎 These ear plugs sell at pharmacies for about $3.


小时候住大洋房的我,结婚后搬进我家婆的政府组屋单位住,那时我真的很难受。我觉得有很多杂音, 不止从左邻右舍传过来, 从楼下地面人家讲话传上来,而且连从电梯、 楼梯口的声音也会传过来,天啊!!! 我什么都听得见!   为什么别人家在等电梯时,一直讲话不停?!!!  😠 这些吵杂是整天整夜不停的吵!!! 啊!!! 😵  真的,我差点崩溃。  你知道吧,我的失眠症超过二十多年。 当然不止应为杂声, 也是因为心里很烦, ‘猴子头脑🐵’不停的整我! 我试了很多耳塞,终于找到这美国制造的。你在大药房可以以三块钱买到。现在如果我晚上不能入眠, 不再是应为有杂音。就这样, 我们慢慢一样一样把挑战克服吧!