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Paying Tribute To Someone Special (3) 贡献(三)

Feng Shui theory and Feng Shui knowledge going around are plenty, each Feng Shui Master claiming to be the best. It’s time again to pay tribute to the same someone very, very special_____ in my Feng Shui journey. I think that destiny, fate and luck all play a part in who is the chosen one to teach you Feng Shui. To me, my Feng Shui Master is the best. Why? It takes two to tango. When I was willing to learn, she was there (in her books) willing to share her knowledge. Most certainly, results showed because we all do! 🙌 It is my wish to help people who were trapped in the same circumstances as me back then. I am just so relieved that I got out of that mess, and I give all the credit to this very, very special someone who has been such an inspiration in my life! I hope to inspire you too, my dear reader. Make Feng Shui work for you!
市面上的风水理论和风水知识那么多, 选择哪一门风水理论和风水知识最适合自己不是容易的事。 我认为时间,命运和运气都参与其中。对我而言, 我的风水师父是最好的。 为什么? 应为我在困境的时候, 我很想找一个出路, 我这位风水师傅(通过她写的书)给与我这条让我改变命运的出口。 我太感激她了! 可是, 我心里明白, 世上任何感情(友谊, 情亲, 老师学生关系等)讲的是: “缘分”。 最终, 你会选择哪一位风水师,你可以接受哪一‘门派’的风水理论, 这一切都归结于你。记得,一个巴掌拍不响, 老师愿意教, 你一定要愿意听, 才可以看到明显的效果。 我希望我可以通过这个网站激发那些像我当年一样,处在困境的人。 我并没有什么真正的风水功夫,我承认所有风水理论和风水知识是我看书学到的, 但有一点我做到了: 我让好风水实现! 这我做得很成功! ✌ 让我教教你吧, 我亲爱的读者们!

I have several friends who pay Feng Shui Masters to conduct a professional Feng Shui analysis of their home. Some Masters do a really thorough job, they start with your ba zi (they need your time of birth to calculate this), before even going on-site to do the house feng shui. After one such consultation, the Feng Shui Master told one friend to cut her hair short because her wood element is too strong! According to that Feng Shui Master, because the hair grows, it represents the wood element. Then there is another Feng Shui Master whom I mentioned in my blog (see _________) about my husband’s university mate. If you remember, that friend was told by the Master to fix the kitchen tiles and also to buy a dog to keep as a pet. Then there was another Feng Shui Master who told my other friend that a particular sector in her apartment needed 21 hanging lanterns. Here’s what happened: The first friend who had to cut her hair only trimmed it a little. Her reason was because long hair suits her face shape. The second friend (my husband’s university mate) did fix the kitchen tiles and his wife went to get a dog. This university mate and his wife were too busy working, and they did not have time to groom the dog. Because it was always smelt doggie, my husband’s university mate refused to even play with it! The friend who was supposed to hang 21 lanterns, she did so! And she did so with passion! She bought tickets to Vietnam and she went over to buy the prettiest and most gorgeous handmade lanterns for her home! The effect was glamorous! Imagine entering her apartment and seeing all 21 colorful lanterns. I’m one who loves color, so I definitely loved it!

The one who did not follow the instructions on cutting her hair short concluded that Feng Shui is rubbish. That was the one and only time she paid anyone to do Feng Shui analysis. As you know, my husband’s university mate did move onto better things, and when he became successful, his wife quit her job to stay home full-time, and they hired a maid to help with the domestic chores. Because his wife had more time, she brought the dog to the groomer’s every month. Pretty soon, Ms Dog began to smell like roses and she also looked like magnum (LOL)! My husband’s university mate is now willing to at least pat it on the head once in a while. The last time I saw Ms Dog, it was also happily living in the Bukit Timah private apartment with the whole family. I guess Ms Dog did bring the family luck, so they did not desert it when they upgraded from the Farrer Road 3-room flat. And finally, the 21 lanterns couple had some hiccups in life, but they continued to ask the Feng Shui Master to go back every year, so my feel is that there must be more pros to cons in their life after the Feng Shui consultation.

As for myself, I did not get to meet my Feng Shui Master until 3 years ago. This means that I have been reading her books for more than 15 years, even before I got to meet her in person! I’ll tell you more about our first encounter later.  It also means that I have been doing my own Feng Shui analysis for that long a period! Prior to meeting her, I did not know that she would even come to my (your) house to do Feng Shui analysis. I heard of a very famous Feng Shui Master in Singapore who chooses his clients. He started off doing house consultations, but because he is so good, he could soon ‘afford’ to choose his customers. So you see, money is not that powerful if you cannot use it to move mountains. I suppose if you were willing to pay him 10 times his rate, you could move him (or not?!). Haha, I don’t know. Anyway, forgive me, I deviate.

So at my friend’s (the one who had to cut her hair) request, I loaned her some Feng Shui books that my Feng Shui Master wrote. And because we were quite close at that point in time, I even went down with my compass to identify the sectors and directions for her flat. Guess what happened? Ya, of cos! She had 1 million excuses why she cannot shift this table, and why she cannot put a lamp in that corner there. And though she did listen to me and she went to buy a small fish tank, she did not bother to look after her fish and they kept dying. Instead of treating the water_____ like I taught her, she even ‘argued’ with me why she did not want to buy a dedicated pail to hold water for the fish. Her reason is that there was already a pail in the toilet, so she was just going to use that! Her solution therefore was to keep buying new fish to replace the old fish. Without fail, she would lament to me that her fishes died (again)!  It’s like a death accelerator machine for the pitiful fish that she bought, because she simply refused to learn how to treat aquarium water. What kind of good Feng Shui do you expect from a death accelerator machine? Of course, after 5 rounds of buying new fish, she gave up rearing fish altogether.

As I predicted, shortly after she gave up rearing aquarium fish, this remark came out of her mouth: “Aiyah, I don’t think your Feng Shui Master is that good lah. Her school of Feng Shui does not work!”. Hearing that remark makes me so mad! If you give a half-past 6 effort into implementing my Feng Shui Master’s suggestions, then what kind of results were you expecting? I did not get from that miserable place 20 years ago to here, by adopting a half-want, half-don’t-want attitude! If you want something badly, then go for it all the way! No excuses! Charge!!! 💪 💪 💪

我有朋友支付风水师来他们家进行专业风水分析。 风水师各有奇招, 有些风水师做得非常彻底,他们从你的申辰八字开始(他们需要你的出生时间来计算这个)。 讲解了你的八字, 他们才会进一步到你的处所做房子风水分析。我描述三个朋友的经验:

(一)朋友开了一间小吃店, 生意不理想。 她父母亲一直生病, 病好了过不久又再生病。 朋友应为父母招致了很多医疗费用, 她想出去找稳定薪水的工作, 不过就是找不到好工作。 风水师算了算,喔, 原来我朋友的八字‘木’太硬,所以那位风水师建议我朋友把亮丽的长发剪掉。这位风水师说头发属于五行中的‘木’,所以一定要砍掉这多余的‘木’。 当然,我爱漂亮的朋友只把头发修一修。她觉得女孩子还是长头发比较美,有女人味。 预想得到,过了不久,朋友就说她被骗了, 风水没有效果。 风水是骗人的!

(二)在我的————————博客提起我先生大学的朋友。 他原本住在花拉路的三房式政府组屋,那时他曾经邀请我国慢著名的风水师到他家看风水。这朋友花了$888进行一次的专业风水分析。 风水师在他家走了一圈,只叫他们把厨房的地砖补一补, 也叫他们买一只狗养为宠物。 这朋友照做。 夫妻俩白天要工作, 晚上要看孩子, 根本没有理会狗狗 🐕。 那个先生清口跟我说: 狗狗很臭, 毛发很乱, 所以他只是在容忍这只臭臭的小狗。 只要狗狗没有靠近他, 他就继续养它。 后来, 读者们, 你们也知道这朋友真的‘发’起来, 他的太太辞职不做工了, 请了佣人清理家。 太太反正有空, 就带狗狗到专业的‘狗美容院’。从那天开始,狗狗闻起来很香很棒,看起来又美又整齐 🐩。 我们的朋友养了狗狗这么多年, 第一次拍狗狗的头! 😦 后来,他们整家人搬到武吉知马的私人公寓也把狗狗一起带过去, 全家人和‘好运风水狗’开开心心住在一起。

(三) 住在新加坡东边私人公寓的夫妇朋友虽然赚很多钱, 不过他们很有野心, 想赚更多更多的钱。 他们请来的风水师叫他们在家里靠近大门的地方挂二十一盏彩色灯笼。 呐!读者们, 你们知道吧, 本地的私人公寓很小间! 想想这么小的住宅还要挂二十一盏彩色灯笼!!!不过我朋友的夫人听了风水师的话,她照做了。 不仅挂二十一盏彩色灯笼, 她还特地去越南买了越南手工灯笼, 有长方形的, 有椭圆形的。反正她要挂上去, 她就干脆挂世界上最美最精致的灯笼! 虽然他们夫妻俩挂了灯笼后,开始还是碰到不如意的情况, 不过新的一年还没来临之前, 他们又再请这位风水师进行新一年的专业风水分析。 我想在他们的情况,有更多的利弊比缺点。

我描述第一个情况的朋友, 她后来听我‘混’得不错, 她就跟我讨了我风水师的联络方式。 她也想支付我的风水师去她家进行专业风水分析。哇塞!我自己从来没有看过她(我的风水师父)!我是读了她的书,自己研究我家风水,自己进行我家的‘专业风水分析’。 处于好心, 我答应帮忙这朋友进行她家的‘专业风水分析’。 我后悔死了! 我叫她做的每一件事都给她反驳了。这里为什么不能放一盏凳, 那里为什么不能把桌子移过去, 甚至为什么她用手机的指南针方向和我用的传统指南针方向不一致? 到底是她手机坏了, 还是我传统指南针出了问题。 唯有我叫她买一个小鱼纲养小鱼, 她说🆗, 她听我的。 要养鱼当然要学会养鱼,来, 我教你如何处理自来水给鱼儿。🐠🐠🐠🐟🐟  她说: “哎呀, 不用啦, 那么麻烦。。。还要处理自来水! 不要啦, 我倒自来水就可以。” 果然, 死了十批小鱼后, 朋友就说不想养鱼了。鱼缸要吗? 她送给我。 她还加了一句: “我看啊, 你的风水师父没有什么本领啦。 她的风水理论和风水知识也没有效啊!” 听了这句话, 我真的气死了!我很生气, 很生气!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 如果你不想听劝告,你只听一半的建议,更糟糕的是你只有十分之一的投入,你期望什么???这样, 你对我的风水老师太不公平了!!!