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Paying Tribute To Someone Special (1) 贡献(一)

Wow! I have written almost 30 blogs. Amazing, isn’t it? At first it was just an idea in my head, then 1 alphabet at a time, word by word, paragraph by paragraph, page by page, and Voila! I have typed 30 blogs! Yay!!! 👏👏👏 I think it is the right time to pay tribute to someone very, very special in my life. Actually, there are 2 of them. The first person I want to pay tribute to is a very special someone who literally saved my life when I was in my late 20s. Her words helped me to overcome my feeling of hopelessness, and better than that, she inspired me. She said through her writing that it is possible to do whatever it is that I wanted to do. Of course I could have chosen to disbelieve her, but thank God she instilled enough confidence in me (through her writing) to give it a try! What wonderful and unbelievable results! I’m in awe of this someone special, her literacy skills, and of course her unbeatable Feng Shui skills! Kudos! 💯

哇!我写了近三十个博客。太令人惊讶! 起初这只是我脑中的一个想法,刚开始是一个字母, 一个字母,连接成一个字, 一个字,变成一段, 一段,然后一页, 一页! 不知不觉, 我输入了三十个博客!好极了!!!我认为现在是一个很好的时机了: 我想表扬一位对我生命中非常特别的人, 我一定要致敬这位特别特别的人物。其实有两个啦!㊗㊗ 我第一个要致敬的人是一个在我心里非常特别的人,当我二十多岁时,她算是挽救了我的生命。她的话帮助我克服了绝望的感觉,并且她激励了我。她通过写作说,每一个人, 包括我可以做我们心中想做的任何想做的事情。当然,我可以选择不相信她,但感谢上帝,她通过她的写作灌输了足够的信心让我试试!多么美妙和令人难以置信的结果!我敬畏这个特别的人, 我爱她! 💖 她的写作能力,她的积极, 她的活力! 当然我也称颂她无与伦比的风水技能!赞!💯

Why do I want to create this website? I wrote in ____ that there was a time when someone confided in me, and as she poured her heart out to me, she cried and cried and cried. It was heart-wrenching! 😭 Even though she was a stranger that I met in the temple, I felt so sad for her because I know how hurt feels like. All human beings feel hurt. The pain is the same for all of us. I know that there are times when even though you are already doing your best, but there is just no rainbow after the storm. That kind of hopeless feeling is just awful, and I never ever want to go through it again! Subsequently, I got to know a few more people (real people, not bogus people I dreamt up to write this blog!!!) who were also going through very tough times. Some cried, some did not. Some were hurt and wanted to hurt back, some just wanted to hole up and die. The rest were like me then, living a life of a zombie! 💀 Did you know that there are zombies in many forms? 💀☠👻👽🤖 You could be alive and just going through the motions, or you could be alive but hoping to get out of zombie state, or you could be alive but wishing you were dead. Or you could be the ultimate zombie: Just a walking dead! This feeling of hopelessness is so real, and if it gets too overwhelming, I know that thoughts of suicide or doing bad things for revenge will eventually follow. I know, because I have been there as well. So the real purpose of this website is to tell people who need help: Don’t give up! Use Feng Shui! There is no start-up cost, unlike what hearsay there is out there that Feng Shui costs a lot of money! It’s not true!!! You can start using Feng Shui even if you have no money! 

Thankfully, I managed to crawl out of that very dark hole, and the person who made it possible is someone very, very special to me. I am so very grateful to her. Without her writing and her words, I may already be dead. Or half dead, or alive but wishing I was dead. Thank goodness I got out of that mess! 💢 So this tribute goes to this special someone, whom I thank everyday for this amazing life that I live! Like every ordinary person, my journey to here has not been easy. Life is never easy! Some people just make it look easy. Feng Shui made my money woes disappear, and it healed my disintegrating marriage. I made peace with my aging parents whom I fell out with when times were really tough. It also gave me the heart to love my husband’s parents with a sincere heart, because Feng Shui gave me so much. And I do regular volunteer work and donations. What more can an ordinary girl ask for? Does Feng Shui really work? Yes, it does, and I discovered that you must help Feng Shui to help you! I’m in awe of Feng Shui. Feng Shui needs you to make it come alive! You are the biggest Feng Shui activator, as I told you in ______!

At the end of the day, when you find that your life is heaps better after putting my advice into practice, I sincerely hope that you will help someone outside of your own family, or that you will adopt (adopt, do not buy) a pet. You can also choose to go vegetarian, or you could forgo your yearly leisure holiday, and go do humanitarian work instead. In doing so, you will realize that there is no greater Feng Shui than what I am doing now. Let me teach you, my dear readers, for free – really it is free! I also want to dedicate this website to my incredible, loving and simply wonderful husband, because it is only with his support that – together – we made Feng Shui work so quickly! There were times that I thought we were finished as a couple, but hooray! We made it though! I tell you this everyday, dear hubby, so today I’ll do it different and write it down instead: I love you!!!

Thank you both for an amazing, fulfilling and incredible life! XXXOOO👄👄 Look at me, an ordinary nobody doing some pretty great things in life! Life rocks! 💃🙌

我为什么要创造这个网站? 亲爱的读者们, 你们记得我在————————提起我有在佛堂做义工吧? 在哪儿, 我碰到了各界人士。 有些是去佛堂祈祷的, 而有些是应为人生中心中有挫折过去的。 可能是应为我是那里定期的志愿者, 他们看我‘看惯’了, 觉得我很‘面善’很‘舒缓’。 😊 久而久之, 我们就变成‘似曾相识的朋友’。 我还记得有一位和我差不多同样年龄的女士, 她跟我诉说她家里的莫些事, 说着说着, 她应为太难过竟然哭了起来! 我想她是真的觉得很辛苦很难受, 看了真让我心痛!!! 😭😭😭💔 就那天, 哦! 我知道原来我二十多、 三十多岁时候情绪堕落的心酸、 困难、 苦楚。。。 只要是人, 就会同样的感到这些低落、 郁闷和消沉。 只要是人, 无论你是婚姻出现问题, 或爱情路途上碰到挫折, 或工作不顺利, 每一个人都心中会痛!!! 💔💔💔 我知道这种无奈的心情不好受, 我永远永远不想回到我二十岁, 三十岁那段日子!!! 🤞 有时心情低落会哭, 有时不哭, 有时想死, 有时想报仇! 豁出去算了!!! 对呀! 我也知道这种感觉!!! 真的很难受, 生不如死!!! 💀☠👻👽  在佛堂的那段期间, 我有试着帮忙这些人, 不过真的很难, 很费时间和精神。 为什么? 应为金钱和感情问题并不是一天、 两天可以解决的。 所以我想, 我可以做到的是教你们怎么用风水来改善你们的人生! 风水真的有效! 而且风水并不难啦。 别听别人胡扯什么风水很难, 风水需要很多钱! 就算你没有钱, 你也可以做些风水什么的! 真的, 我没有骗你!!!

我真的很庆幸我可以从那黑暗的地方爬出来! 感恩, 感恩! 🙏 并不容易呀,  不过还好我有这位我说是我人生中非常特别的人士! 👸 她很棒, 很棒! 我每天都很感恩这位特别的人士! 💕 她用她那乐观和鼓励的写作方式督促她的读者们(包括我!)。 我想如果当时我没有缘分看到她的书, 我可能已经死了。 今天的我, 我生活过得真的很美好! 能走到这儿真不容易,我只是一个普通人,不过我做到了!每个成功人士都得克服匆匆困难,不过我们不会看到他们背后的辛苦。风水真的帮我很多,很多。钱,爱情和亲情的问题很快就解决。你问我风水有效吗?当然有呀!不过, 我在—————— 提到风水没有你不行,没有你, 风水发挥不了威力。你要好风水实现,你就要准备帮风水一把!

你如果照我的建议去做(就算你不是百分百听我的,不过你在你的范围内尽力),你的人生一定会越来越好。到时,我希望你也可以跟我一样帮助其他人(家人不包括哟!)。你可以领养(请领养,别买)小动物成为你家人,或吃素,或做人道主义工作等等。由你决定!助人为快乐之本,你一定会很快乐,也可以理解我为什么要做这网站免费帮你,我亲爱的读者们!我奉献这网站给两位我心里和人生中很铁别的人。 还有对于我先生,我想说声谢谢! 谢谢你站在我旁边一起相信, 一起采用风水。 好耶! 我们没有离婚!!!✌✌✌😂
