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Past Is Past 过去让它过去

Experts tell us “Don’t think about the past, it’s gone!”. I agree, but it’s easier said than done. Everyone knows that! Does Feng Shui work if we live in the past? No. What defines a human being? Being human means we have unique personalities. Thus, we all have different moods, different attitude, different thoughts and beliefs. Most ordinary people are not rational – we are not Androids or Cyborgs: ‘we can’t just switch SIM cards between our heart and our brain’! But I believe that happiness is something we can all create, and what we can do is to accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be! Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care, what it means is you don’t let it affect you anymore. Let the thoughts flow (thoughts about the past will come to you, then it goes away, then it comes again, then it goes away), and learn how to let go of obsessive, intrusive and anxious thoughts. Control your thoughts, and you can make Feng Shui work! It’s not easy but it’s worth it! 🌈
专家告诉我们“不要想过去,过去让它过去”。我同意,但说容易做难! 如果我们活在过去,好风水会实现吗?不可能! 我们人类最独特的是我们拥有独特的个性。因此,我们都有属于自己的情绪、 态度、 思想和信仰。大多数普通人是不理智的,应为我们不是机器人呀!我们的脑和心之间不是切换SIM卡就可以受我们控制的!但我相信,快乐是我们都能创造的! 我们能做的是接受过去,让未来到来。 过去让它过去不是说你不在乎,而是你不会让过去对你产生任何影响。虽然我们不能完全控制浮现脑海里的思想,但我们可以学习不要让迷恋、 干扰和焦虑的想法控制我们。控制你的想法,你就可以让好风水实现!同样一句: 说容易做难,但这是你值得做的! 你一定要做到! 🌈

My Dad came from a wealthy family, so they could afford to send him to Australia, where he studied for and he graduated with an Engineering degree. In those days, that was a big deal! Too bad a relative took over my grandfather’s business, and the business went under. If it had been run correctly, I might have stood to inherit some of that whooping fortune! 😒 Imagine! 💲💲💲💸💸💸Girl Happy edited

In those days, people don’t talk openly about love. At least in my family, we don’t. As a kid, I heard a relative say: “In those days, who would reject a marriage proposal from a university graduate? Your mum is guaranteed a very comfortable life if she married your dad!”. In any case, I’d like to think that my parents married for love 💕🤞.

Why do I need to delve into my past? The reason is because everyone grows up in our own unique circumstances and therefore the choices we make WILL have some connection to our childhood experiences. For the average and the ordinary person (like me), it is very hard to disconnect that part of of our lives from our life now. We normally will not have the knowledge or the motivation to learn how to empower our brain, in our ordinary life it will take “realization” for us to start making decisions based on our education, our thoughts and our own reflection. I’ll even go far to say that sometimes we make choices out of “habit”! For example, as a kid, my short-tempered mum would yell at us, and if we did not react quickly, the caning would start. I learnt to just do whatever to placate an angry person! Of course, as I grew up, it was no longer about trivial childhood mistakes, but I kept making wrong choices that affected me simply, because the other party had no qualms about making a bigger commotion than a timid me! It’s like whoever shouts the loudest wins!😧I am sad 我很难过

Let me give you another example. When we were very young, my parents often fought over money. I know it because even though they shut their bedroom door, they shouted so loudly you can hear them a mile away! 🗣🗣💥💥💥 And after each shouting match, my mum would pack her bags and go stay elsewhere. Mind you! They were not quarreling over LACK of money, but the spending of money (they HAD money!!!). So for a very long time as a teenager, and even for a good part of my marriage, I hated money as I thought having a lot of money equates endless quarrels! As a matter of fact, and I swear this: it was only recently (22 years into my marriage!!!) that I feel that having a lot of money is a good thing! I don’t know how or where my new ‘money loving’ thoughts will propel me into the future, and how it will affect me as a person, but I guess I will find out in due time.

So back to the topic… in telling you a little about my past, I hope that you also take the time to think about yours. I don’t mean get stuck in your past, but think whether certain scenerios affected you so much that you make decisions out of habit or by reaction. If your life till now is fine and dandy, that’s great! I’m happy for you! You probably had it good all along. But if you find that you keep making the same mistakes, and you are going round and round in your life, then at least you are now aware why you keep going down the same path. Realise that and stop it now! ⛔

It is my wish that because you are aware, then you are in a better frame of mind to consciously make the choice that you really want! I’ll love to hear your relevation! Do share with me sometime! 😘

那个年代,很少人会公开谈爱情。小时候曾经听亲戚评说我父母亲的婚姻:“谁会笨到拒绝大学生(我父亲)的求婚?” 不过我还是希望我父母是应为彼此相爱才结婚💕。问父母也没用,他们不会把真相告诉我们,哈哈哈!😂 那个年代的人说话大多数是所谓‘政治正确’的答案。跟我同样年龄的朋友,我说得对吧! 🤐

我为什么要说我爸爸、 妈妈和我童年的故事?长大了,我们都知道念书是为了让我们可以思考,可以想,可以自己判断如何在我们人生做出正确的决定。当然啦!长大了嘛,有能力理智思考做, 知道怎么做是对的, 什么是不应该做的。。。不过这只是理论上啦!不可能的!我们是普通人, 不是托尼罗宾斯(Tony Robbins)或罗伯特清崎(Robert Kiyosaki), 什么大脑小脑潜力, 我们哪里会发挥我们的潜质? 生为普通人, 我们一定会被我们‘小时候’所看到的,体验到的事故受到影响。。。比方说,我小时候妈妈脾气不好,时常大声喊我们,如果我们孩子没马上做她要的,她就会拿藤条打我们!如今我们长大了,应为习惯性的只希望让对方消消气,不管决定会不会对我造成伤害,只要对方比我大声,我一定做他要的!只要能让他消气,我什么都愿意做。你看?是不是习惯性的自然反应?

再举个例子:我很小时候,爸爸妈妈时常为了钱吵架。。。不是没有钱,而是我妈妈如果花钱,我爸爸就会骂她!!!有钱也会吵架!😵 太离谱了! 他们不想让我们小孩子知道,把主人房门关着,不过吵得这么大声 🗣🗣💥💥💥,我们在前面书房当然可以听到。接下来妈妈就会打包行李离家出走。我那个时候开始讨厌钱(当然呀!钱害得我们时常几天没有妈妈!😭)。

读者们, 我希望你们可以借此机会想想看你们有没有跟我一样类似经验?不过每件事可以恰恰相反,你也可能收到你父母亲的‘好影响’,做出的决定是对你的人生, 对你和你家人有利益的!总而言之,唯有你坐下来思考, 你才可以有意识 (awareness)。下次需要你做决定时,你我就会把‘自然反应’甩开,做出理智,选择我们真正要的决定!💪