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Motivational Quotes 激励语录

My theory on Amplifying Power Energy (APE) in ____ says that our inborn ability to magnify our thoughts into actions gets enhanced in a few ways, including what energy we feed our brain and our soul. Indeed, I wish that I had subscribed to motivational videos and images when I was younger. Instead of wandering aimlessly in life, and feeling sorry for myself, I wish that I had controlled my mind, and I also wish that I had known that there are only 2 directions we want to go. The 2 directions are, of course, forward and upward! The impact of good motivational quotes on your personal energy cannot be discounted when you want to make Feng Shui work! There’s just something so positive about motivational quotes – it energizes you to want to do something, do something, do something! Ordinary people really need to hear it from extra-ordinary people. We need to know that even ordinary people like us can do something, and more than that, we can do something great! 💪💪💪 Yes, we can!!! Does Feng Shui work? Yes, it does! Ordinary people can make it work too! Make Feng Shui work!
我在____中关于放大能量的能力(APE)的理论说,我们天生能将我们的思想放大到我们的行动,这个本事在几个方面可以得到加强,包括我们为大脑和灵魂提供的能量。的确,我希望在我年轻的时候订阅激励的视频和图像。反而我在漫无目的地的生活中游荡,为自己感到难过,我希望我能够控制自己的思想,而且我也希望我知道我们只想走两条路。当然,这两个方向是向前和向上!当你想让风水实现时,良好的激励语录对你的个人能量的影响是不容忽视的!激励语录是非常正面的 – 它能够激发你想要做一点事,做一点事,做一点事!普通人真的需要从非凡的人那里听到。我们需要知道,即使像我们这样的普通人也可以做一点事,而且更重要的是,我们可以做一些伟大的事情!我们可以的!!!风水会实现吗?是的,它确实!普通人也可以使它实现!让风水实现!

You notice that I like to use these words in my blog: Fighting! 💪 Don’t give up! 💪 You can do it! 💪 Google “famous motivational speakers”, and you see a list of some rather famous names: Tony Robbins, Eric Thomson, Nick Vujicic, Robin Sharma, Suze Orman, Jack Canfield etc.

Ordinary people like me, sadly, we do not have exposure to ‘successful people’ or ‘mentors’ who can guide us in our lives. Who is our role model? Every one in our circle is ‘struggling’ in their own life (I don’t mean struggling per se, but simply nobody has excess money or time or energy to help you in ways that truly matter, and when you need it!). My parents, though they were well-to-do, were worriers and they saw more of the negative side of life. Of course this is not all bad, because their teachings taught me to be thrifty, how to save for a rainy day, how to work hard and keep my job. To them (and therefore to me), I don’t think they ever think they can ‘make it big’, and frankly, I don’t think they want to either. To them, stability was top priority. I have discovered that for ordinary people like you and me, this attitude of ‘just do the correct thing, don’t think out of the box, follow the crowd and more importantly, don’t rock the boat’ works marvellously only in stable circumstances. Assuming that we only experience the occasional short bump in life, we can easily bounce back. However, when we have a series of non-stop short bumps, or worse, we plunge off the cliff and we need to climb back up to our original spot, it is honestly and truly very, very uphill and difficult. It takes sheer willpower and determination to even get started! Some people lay defeated and they can’t even find the will to start! Am I right? We are ordinary people, not determined, successful and high-profile people like Trump. Our mind, in comparison to his, is terribly weak.

So, though I have never attended any motivational talks, I strongly urge you to attend such events. Please go! Singapore is world-class, and event organisers are able to invite these motivational speakers here. How lucky we are! Don’t watch X-Men 10 or Hunger Games 20, because other than these movies being a short-term recreation flick, they really won’t help you in actual life. If going for talks is not your cup of tea, then buy a motivational book, or watch motivational clips on Youtube or Facebook. It took me more than 10 years to build a positive psyche, and I wish that I had the right attitude to accept help (e.g. reading their books, or attending their talk) from such motivational speakers then. I am sure that my struggles would not have seemed so hard. Trust me on this, you won’t regret it. Nothing like a charged-up speaker to get your power up and your gear running! 💪

你发觉到我很喜欢写这些励志言: 加油!💪 不要放弃!💪 你可以做到!💪 谷歌或百度“著名的励志演讲者”,有许多名字在搜索结果中: 尼克·胡哲,罗宾斯,羅伯特·清崎等等。像我这种普通人,周围都是像我这样的普通人。普通人没有什么不好,只是如果我是一个普通人,我一定要有我们可以仰望的偶像或榜样,不是吗?人要知道往哪个方向走,才可以开始走,对吧?不然每天每天打拼这么辛苦,是为了什么? 不是就为了有点成绩吗? 成绩对你来说是什么?我们都要想一想!🤔 可千万不要像我父母,他们虽然有钱,不过成天担心这,担心那,他们教我们要节省,要未雨绸缪,跟着大群走,不要太耀眼出众。一句话:安安稳稳过活就可以了。这些忠告没有什么不好,的确是好的教导。不过最大的问题是他们的劝告只可以用在一个普通人的环境里,早上起床出去做工,晚上放工回家睡觉。这平凡的生活不能有什么变动或无法预料的情况。如果有稍微的瓦解,只要瓦解是一次性和短暂的,我们普普通人肯定可以客服难关,没问题!不过,世事难料,是真的!可能对别人来讲是小问题,不过对我们普通人是巨大的问题!应为我们从来没有面对过呀!周围的人也可能没有碰过这种情况或危机! 我们怎么知道明天后天的变化或波动的大小?应为从来没有跟非常有实力、成功,足智多谋、坚定和高调的人士接洽,我们普通人在碰到膨大的危机时根本没有头绪如何解开。有时, 如果碰到一个巨大的问题,我们第一时刻就被打到,根本没有力气站(爬)起来。读者们,你们说对吧?我们是普通人,又不是特朗普。 我们根本不能跟他比! 😅

所以,我虽然本生还没有听这些著名的激励演讲家,我可以肯定的跟你说:如果十多年前,我有这种心态去听激励演讲,当我遇到问题时,我可定不会这么困难地挣扎。我国真的很顶级,可以邀请这些著名人士来我国演讲。新加坡人民多幸运呀!所以你们别浪费时间和精力,到电影院看什么五十度黑、蝙蝠侠、美女与野兽啦!这些只是带给我们短暂的消遣,在我们的人身种不会有太大的帮助,是真的,相信我吧!我们普通人周围如果没有乐观和鼓舞人心的榜样,我们就要自己找可以激发我们的人!我们日常中虽然没有好榜样可以模仿,但我们可以出钱找对我们人生有帮助的‘模范人士’! 💪