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Laundromat 洗衣店

Recently I’ve really fallen in love with this place – the laundromat! Somehow being forced to sit there looking at the clothes spinning is so therapeutic. The biggest bonus is collecting my clothes from the big dryer – my bedsheets and doona are toasty and warm. So fluffy, and I know they are clean! I love that warm feeling. It reminds me of my childhood days when I got to dry my sheets under the hot sun in the garden of my parent’s big house! Feng Shui vision: I am going to buy this palace where I have this huge backyard to dry my family and my clothes in the sun!!!

在家里真的很忙,有时候根本没有时间输入博客。你觉得我疯了,拿一大袋肮胀的床单,一对耳塞和我电脑到家附近的商业洗衣店洗床单!还在哪儿博客!厉害!👍 床单需要大架的洗衣机和烘干机啦!真的比较容易。一次搞定。我不浪费时间,记得时间是最宝贵的。如果那天很累,我会放松看床单在机器里绕着。。。真的可以放松心情。试试看!还有更大的奖金:刚洗好烘干的床单又暖又蓬松,感觉像我小时候在妈妈家的花园嗮好的衣服,有太阳的味道。我住政府屋已经很久没有闻到这’家‘的味道。。。

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] You know I'm just joking about sitting there looking at my laundry, right? I bring my ear plugs and laptop there to blog! Time is precious! I like to sit there... because what else is there to do but work on my blog. Hahaha! 风水视觉板: 我买一间很大的屋子,后面有自己很大很大的花园,有鸟儿的叫声,有鱼在瀑布下游水,我在这世外桃园开开心心嗮我和家人的衣服。感觉超好!开心!😍