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I Am Swamped (1) 堆积如山 (一)

Did you think that things happen by chance? Perhaps they do. But more likely than not, we have to make it happen! But it’s so hard, I know. We are swamped with work, and everyone in our family is so demanding of our time!!! But in order to make Feng Shui work, you have to create the right conditions for good Feng Shui to happen. No matter how busy you are, or how swamped you are, make an effort to do something, and create the right conditions! Growing up as a child, and even as an adult working in our company, we are taught to do proper planning and scenerio analysis before putting our words into action. Whilst it is a good practice to do so, read my take on the perils of too much planning____. The saying goes: ‘Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason.’ If you want Feng Shui to work, then create this reason! You need to take action inside this real world! This world that we are living in!


I go through wild phases that I think I’ll do something. As I said before in _____, part of good Feng Shui is to become a really good dreamer! But what is as important is to actually do something about it, even though you are bogged down by life. So I thought I’ll get organised before I start ‘blogging’ and truth be told, I did try to sort out my 32,000 photos. But I have spent months doing that, and there’s still 30,000 photos to go plus those in my old handphone and old laptop still not uploaded). ROFL! 😂 I want this webpage to help ordinary readers like you (me) figure out how to make Feng Shui work. I am not hoping to win some award being the best photo sorter in Singapore! So I put my best “Do Something!” advice into action: I got started!

I told myself that if I can’t take the best route, I’ll do the next best thing, which is to sort and type at the same time. Of course this is not my original plan, and Heaven knows, we might all end up reading a big rojak (mess) of a website, but there WILL be a website up-and-running! Hooray! P.S.: I have a backup plan – of course – and I figured out that if I toggled the dates of the editor software, I can control the sequence of my entries. That’s good enough for me, and I’m just going to embark on this journey that fate has brought me on. I never thought that I’ll spend my days ‘maintaining’ a website, but this is how things have turned out. Good or bad, I won’t know until I have tried. Join me on my journey then, my dear reader, and as I progress, so will you! 🚶🏃🏃🏃 Follow me, and let’s get going!

瞧!超过三万张照片,不包括我三个电脑外置储存硬碟里的,还没上载。有些2014年的照片还储存在我旧手机里!别晕倒,我跟你们一样,可忙呀!忙昏了!😅 不过, 还好我忙得很愉快,很有魄力,应为我不止为我自己忙,不止为我家人忙,我还很有福气可以帮到外人,真的,真的很感激,很踏实!风水是有效的,你们千万不要怀疑风水的功效!我从未想过自己做这个网站。。。我对于制造网站有点经验: 不容易呀,而且占用很多很多时间! 算是命中注定吧(是阴差阳错吗?哈哈!😂)就变成这样。。总之, 我没有忘了那位旖旎的演讲人说的那句我到话:“你必须做点什么呀!”,所以,我亲爱的读者们, 我开始了!

“让好风水实现”是我送给你们的礼物,我肯定如果你们用心思考,用心想你如何把我的风水提示应用在你自己的人生,一定会对你和你家人有很大的帮助。要有耐心,最重要,你要对自己有信心,你可以的!💪 随着我, 我们开始迈进吧! 🚶🏃🏃🏃🆙