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Human Brain Anatomy 大脑功能图

I used a ruler to measure the physical size of the skull cavity for my husband and myself. Minus the bone and all, his brain probably measures 15cm by 7cm, and mine measures 17cm by 8cm. Does that mean I’m smarter than him? Yay! You know, our human brain is really fantastic! And I’m not just talking about the cerebellum, cerebrum, cerebellum, cortex, brainstem and all of that, which is spectacular on it’s own! Every time I go into the Marina Bay area, I marvel at how wonderful a job our Singapore planning team did for Singapore! Our city looks amazing and it is world-class!!! Whenever I go to Melbourne, I am also amazed at how outstanding the city centre looks now, compared to my student days. I super love the Melbourne Docklands! So if I were to pinpoint the best thing about a human brain, it would be that it has the capability to visualize something that is not even there yet!
我用一把尺测量了我先生和我自己的颅骨腔的尺寸。 如果减去骨骼的厚度, 我先生的大脑测量大概长十五厘米宽七厘米, 我的大脑长十七厘米宽八厘米。 我的大脑比较大, 这是否意味着我比先生更聪明? ✌! 我们的人类的大脑真的非常棒! 我不只是指脑的剖析! 每次我进入滨海湾地区,我都会惊叹于新加坡市区重建局为新加坡所做的一切! 我们狮城看起来一级棒, 我们的城市是世界级的! 墨尔本也给我一样的惊喜, 比起我当时的学生时代的墨尔本, 今天的墨尔本真的变得很优秀。我最喜欢墨尔本码头区! 我们人类大脑最棒的功能就是它有能力想象未来!

There is a really old theory that we only use 10% of our brains.

理论: 我们人类只使用我们百分之十的大脑。

And there had been many studies conducted on this subject matter. There is a contrary theory that says we actually use all of our brain. But nobody knows for sure because the human brain is really complex.

关于这个主题, 科学家已经进行了很多研究。 相反的理论说我们人类实际上使用我们所有的大脑。 但, 因为人类的大脑真的很复杂, 没有人确切知道。

Some people tell me that they are tired out from multi-tasking: (1) work, (2) money, (3) children and (4) taking a break from their busy schedule.

有些人告诉我: 他们同时间要做很多: (一)工作,(二)赚钱,(三)照顾孩子和(四)休息, 真的让他们觉得很累!

I’m pooped out too. Here’s what my multi-tasking brain looks like. LOL! To each his own, they say.

我也很累。 这就是我同时间要做很多事情的模样。 哈哈哈! 见仁见智, 对吧!

I heard a fella talking on some talk show (I can’t remember the name of the talk show) that a man’s brain is compartmentalised. They handle one matter, put it aside, and work on another.

我在谈话节目(我不记得谈话节目的名称)听到, 男人处理事情是这样的: 处理一件事后, 把事情放在一边, 然后再去处理另外一件事。

A woman’s brain, however, works like rojak (a salad mixture of fruit, vegetable, prawn paste and peanuts). Everything is mishmash inside a woman’s brain!

女人嘛。。。 我们的大脑像‘罗惹’ (rojak), 一切都是混合的!

So who knows who is correct? What I do know is this: that life is ever changing, and new things come on board everyday. Sometimes life gets overwhelming! This is why some people choose to drop-out of this ‘cycle’ of constantly keeping up, and so they choose to only use 10% of their brain.

谁对谁错? 生活在不断变化,每天都有新的东西出现。 我们还没有时间应付第一件事, 第二件事情就涌上来。 有时, 生活真的势不可挡! 有些人选择退出, 应为他们觉得这个不断跟上的‘循环’真的很累, 因此他们就选择使用他们百分之十的大脑就够了。