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Horseshoe Feng Shui 马蹄铁风水

So here I am in the office of the firm handling my website programming. LOL! 😂  I am a joker alright! What kind of ‘overwhelmed-with-life’ half-past-six Feng Shui expert am I? Hahaha, too funny! Fortunately nobody is going to call my bluff today, because by the time you guys know about this, my website has already gone ‘live’ on a good date! I deserve a good pat on my back! Saved in the nick of time! Well done, me! 😉 Here he is! The handsome young man handling my account, my gosh, what’s all that bling on his shoes? Ahhh, he has just told me that these shoes are a personal hand-drawn gift from his friend who is an artist. The only Feng Shui I know about shoes are (1) shoes at your foyer should be kept in a closed cupboard, and (2) you can hang a horseshoe above your door for good luck. Let me take a closer look – wow! not one dragon, but 2 dragons breathing fire! I thought about that movie about dragons: Eragon. Hang on, don’t dragons breathe out fire only when they are angry? You sure you want to wear those shoes? Stepping on angry dragons more than 100 times a day… you sure you want to do that, my handsome young man?
我来也。 我现在在处理我的网站编程公司的办公室。 哈哈! 天啊! 我是什么样的‘半桶水’风水专家? 哈哈哈! 😂 每天忙忙碌碌, 根本没有喘口气的机会, 就走到今一天! 🙌 幸运的是,今天没有人会拆穿我的虚张声势。 为什么? 因为你们知道这件事的时候, 我的网站已经上线了!今天算是好日子吧! 🏮 我应该好好奖励我自己! 我干得好!  他来了, 那处理我的帐户的英俊年轻人。 瞧! 他的鞋子上有什么东西?啊,他刚刚告诉我, 他的那双鞋子是他朋友送他的手绘礼物。 鞋子的风水我只懂得两个: (一)门厅的鞋子一定要放在一个封闭的橱柜里, (二) 你可以把马蹄铁挂在门上,以求好运。 让我仔细看看。 哇! 不是一条龙,而是两条呼吸着火的龙! 我想到了关于龙的电影:Eragon。 等等, 龙不是只有它们生气的时候才会喷火吗? 我英俊的年轻人, 你确定你要穿这双鞋吗? 每天踩着愤怒的龙超过一百次, 你确定你要这样做吗?

Should I tell him? Of course not! Why? I said before – no matter how well you phrase it –  if it’s not words of praise, it may be taken badly. Plus he was beaming with pride when he told me about this priceless gift that his friend (I’m guessing it’s a lady friend) had drawn for him. So nope, I’m just going to shut up. He’s going to ‘live’ my web in a bit, I don’t want to piss him off. Hey! I super love your shoes!!! 👞👟👢

我应该告诉他吗? 当然不!我说过呀, 只要不是好听的话, 不管我们怎么说,都可能会让局势变得很糟糕。 当英俊的年轻人告诉我关于他这件无价之宝的礼物时,他可骄傲自大, 肯定他嘴里所说的朋友是女的! 我还是闭嘴为妙, 毕竟英俊的年轻人在过几分钟会帮我把我的网站上线, 我还是不要冒着这分险让他有机会生气。 嘿! 我超级爱你这双鞋! 👞👟👢