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Happy Stray Cat (1) 快乐猫咪(一)

What you think in your mind, your heart feels. What you feel in your heart, your mind thinks. You must make an effort to channel some goodness into your system – whether you eat something you like, you see something pretty or you think something positive! It is something that you must do for yourself everyday. We all know some people who never say anything good. Don’t be like them! Remember the earlier quote I found: A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Put your mobile phone in your bag, open your eyes and look around you. I am an animal lover, so this stray cat sleeping on the motorbike makes me happy. It’s good that in this world we live in, this stray is having a siesta and he allowed me to approach him for a photo. Life is not too bad, right?

记得这引用词: “如果你满脑子都是坏思想,丧气的细想,你是不可能对未来人生充满希望和理想,对自己前途感到光亮的。”我建议你把你的手机放在包包里,张开眼睛看看你周围,可以吗?如果你不把握每一刻看看周围,那么你何时何日才这么做呢?手机就留到你在家里才看吧!记得我们人类有时活着都会觉得很累,可能会觉得很厌倦很烦。只有我们自己可以为我们的系统‘加油’!💪我是爱动物者,看见路边野猫可以好好的睡一觉,而且是在很舒服的坐垫!我为猫咪开心,也觉得世界没那么差啦!