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Finally Free!!! 终于等到你!!!

How do I even start to share with you, the one million thoughts that are in my head now? For those of you who have walked the same path as me, the ones who have experienced life’s challenges before – the pain, the sadness, the impossible-ness, the negative voice that tells us that it’s too hard and it can’t be done… that I still have energy left to turn on my laptop, and to start keying in this entry is a miracle! I am so grateful for this miracle! I am thankful and relieved that I beat all the odds, and I did not die. I thought that I was going to die but I am still alive!!! My eyes well up with tears because all of a sudden, many emotions swell up inside of me. Waaahhhh!!! I told you before about feeling a surge of renewed energy (****) when you do something that you really like. Nah, I think I was wrong. All I feel now is TIRED. Going forward, are things going to be better? I think so! *fingers crossed* I have a helper now. Finally I am free!
我该如何开始与你分享我脑海里的一百万个想法?此刻我的心情只有那些像我一样,那些曾经历过生活挑战的人 – 痛苦,悲伤,不可能,负面的声音在我们头脑里重复告诉我们:“太难了, 放弃吧! 放弃吧!”。 今天, 我用了我剩下的‘力气’按了我的笔记本电脑的开关钮,开始键入这个条目。 对我来说,这是一个奇迹!我很感激有这个奇迹!想一想我是如何击败了所有挑战。。。 我竟然没有死。我还活着!我的眼睛开始充满了泪水,不知为何突然之间,很多情绪从我内心涌上来。 还记得我在之前的博克(***)提到,我说: 当你在做你真正喜欢做的事情时, 你会感受到一股很强的能量。不,我可能错了!我现在只觉得‘累!’一个字。展望未来,事情会变得更好吗?我想会吧! 我请了一个帮手。我的人生, 终于给我等到你了!!!

I’m so glad for the things that perhaps, some of you take for granted. A helper to do the very tiring housework chores, being able to come home to a home-cooked meal, his parents living (finally settled down!) in the spare room downstairs, being on talking terms with my mum, and a husband who finally understands what I am trying to do. I’m so grateful that finally, I can escape the never-ending cycle of washing clothes, hanging clothes, ironing clothes, vacuum the floor, mop the floor, put the vacuum cleaner back in the storeroom, hang the mop back in the toilet. R-e-p- e-a-t. I’m so grateful that either my FIL or my helper now waits at home for the delivery man. Those darn deliveries that force you to sit around in the house waiting the whole day!

But wait, there is more that I am grateful for… an insignificant me who grew up watching and envying mum being a housewife. “So lucky, no need to work!” Well, I’ve hoped that, been given that, done that! For **** years!!! I was happily and blissfully living in my small housewife world, thinking that it was all that I wanted to do – then who knows what happened – all these opportunities came knocking on our doors (and at our windows too!) Knock! Knock, knock! Knock, knock, knock! Okay, I will try! I will try!! I will try!!!

This simple “Okay, I will try!” got us doing so many things, and one day, I looked back and I realised that my husband and I have done all the ‘giving back to society’. Those activities (***) that we normally associate with the rich and famous… hey, you know what? Ordinary people can do them too!

And there’s more! At first I created this blog thinking ‘I-want-to-do-something-that-I-like-to-do’ (writing), then – who knows what happened – I got featured on prime time National tv, and I own a business, and a few months ago, my husband and I went shopping for our third property! Me! A humble and insignificant nobody!

Who knows what happened!

也许你们不相信,不过你们每天所拥有的,比如说: 家里有帮手帮忙你做那些累死人的家务事,你们忙碌了一天回到家就可以享用家常饭,父母和你们和谐地住在同样的屋檐下,每天可以和爸爸妈妈聊天,有一个了解你的伴侣等,  这些或许你们觉得理所当然的‘小事’,我现在终于全部拥有了, 我很感激! 终于,我可以摆脱洗衣服,晒干衣服,烫衣服, 吸地板,拖地板,将吸尘器放回储藏室,将拖把挂回厕所, 重复再重复。。。 这些永无止境的循环, 真的做到累死我!  我很感激家里有我的家公和我的帮手等待送货员送货。那些迫使你坐在家里空空等待一整天的送货服务! 真的!我等够了!

我也很感激, 应为一个微不足道的我,一个从小看着、 羡慕着妈妈做家庭主妇的我( “妈妈真好命, 不需要出去工作也有钱花!” , 很幸运的,我的小小梦想给我盼到了,做到了!我开开心心地、 满足地生活在我的家庭主妇的小世界里,以为这就是我想做的一切 。 但 – 不知道发生了什么 – 机会不停的来敲我们的门(也来敲我们的窗户!)敲!敲,敲!敲,敲,敲!好吧,我会尝试!我会尝试!! 我会尝试!!!

这句简单的“好吧,我会尝试!”提供给我们夫妻俩很多机会, 让我们做很多很多事情。 有一天,我回头望,我意识到我先生和我做了所有’回馈社会’的清单。 那些我们通常与富人和名人联系的那些活动(***)。。。 嘿,你知道吗? 普通人也可以做到!

还有更多!起初我创造这个博客,很简单的想:“我想做一些我喜欢做的事(写作)”, 后来 – 不知道发生了什么 – 我竟然有机会可以在黄金时间在全国电视上亮相,我也合并一家公司, 几个月前,我先生与我还去侦查、 了解我们可以购买的第三间投资公寓!我呀! 一个谦虚、 微不足道的普通人!
