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Feng Shui Not Working (1) 风水不好怎么办 (一)

Let’s face it. Most beginners start to use Feng Shui only when things are already bad or very bad, and things are not working out. If things were fine and dandy, very seldom do people pro-actively look at the Feng Shui of their home. When things are not working out, there are several ways that ‘miracles’ can happen: (1) by strong belief, and with prayers and with blessings, or (2) by strong actions, and with good intentions and with good Feng Shui. The only factor we need to take into account is ‘time’. That’s why I am amazed (not!) by some people’s expectations about Feng Shui. Besides being highly unrealistic about how Feng Shui is expected to work, they give no time for ‘miracles of any sort’ to work. I would say that not giving Feng Shui time to work is the top reason why people say that “Feng Shui does not work”. The second reason, of course, is that the effort (action) put in to make Feng Shui work is not sufficient and also incorrect.
说真的, 大多数风水初学者开始使用风水的时候,他们面对的问题或事情已经变得很糟糕, 甚至可以说已经变成‘惨剧’。 如果样样顺利,我们普通人很少会积极研究住家的风水。 我们很忙, 对吧! 我们碰到很严重不如意的事故, 等待‘奇迹’有几种方法:(一)抱着坚定的信念, 加上祈祷和祝福,或(二)以强有力的行动,加上诚心好的意图和好的风水。 无论哪一种方式,我们需要考虑的唯一因素是“时间”。 ⏰ 有些人对风水的期待真的让我感到惊讶。除了抱着不现实的期待,这群人也没有给与足够的时间让‘任何奇迹’发生。事实上,当一个人说“风水没有效”, 他其实是没有给风水足够的时间发威。 这是首要原因。第二个原因是他付出的努力(行动)不充分和不正确,所以风水没有效, 好风水没有实现。

I want to talk a little about my favourite topic, love. 😍 Yup, that’s what I am, a hopeless romantic! I grew up reading Mills and Boons, Harlequin romance, and Harpers romance. Oh, soft back romance story books were all the rage when I was a teenager!!! 📔📕📖📗📘📙📚📓 But visit my home, and you will be surprised because I don’t activate Feng Shui for love at all! Why? Well, the real reason is because I feel that love will either ‘evolve’, or it will ‘die’. In my opinion, it is far better to be a good wife who takes good care of her husband. You will know from continuing to read my blog that my husband gave me 2 surprises in our marriage life so far, and both times, he kissed me as he said: “A present for you, my darling! You are my lucky star! 🌟”. It is also important to be good to his parents, because at the end of the day, everyone wants to be a good person. We want to be kind, gracious and filial. My husband included! And lastly, it is very important that I am his sanctuary 🏖 after a hard day at work, and he can rest here with me, beside me. I honestly feel that because he knows where my heart is, he will continue to love me. And this love will go hand-in-hand with his gratitude and his awe of how blessed he is!I am happy 我很高兴

This is very strong kind of love, don’t you agree? You see, after you use Feng Shui to activate for love, there is still alot of hard work after that. And that is the kind of love that I want. No Feng Shui activation will help me get that! It’s all up to me! 😍💓💋💏

That’s why it is always necessary to look at the attitude and the mindset of the person who is using Feng Shui to attain something in his or her life. Don’t just blindly believe anyone who tells you that “Feng Shui does not work”!

Remember my relative _____ who managed to get her long-time live in boyfriend to marry her? Feng Shui can only help her so much, she would have to put in a lot of effort to keep that love. Let love blossom!!! 💑

我想谈一谈我最喜欢的话题,爱情。 😍 很多人很羡慕我先生和我感情很好,他们来到我家都感到惊讶,为何我家没有激活爱情的风水摆设品也没有摆什么爱情风水阵?!我是怎么做到我们夫妻感情这么好呢? 我本身认为爱情是会‘演变’或‘死去’的。用风水激活的‘爱’不是我想要的。我认为只要我对我先生好,爱情是一定存在的。要让这爱情‘发展’,我同时要对我先生的父亲母亲好。每个人都想做好人。如果情况允许,每个人都希望自己可以仁慈、 大方、 孝顺!我先生也不例外!我对他们好就等于我先生对他们好。 除此,我也觉得我身为他的妻子,我一定要在我先生的人生中当他的‘避难所’ ☔,让他可以休息的地方(在我身旁)。唯有这么做,我认为我们的爱情会‘演变’成有感激、 敬畏、 真正的幸福。 ❤㊗ 这种爱很强很强, 很深厚, 读者们, 你们同意吗?风水是可以把两个人凑在一起,不过凑在一起后, 夫妻俩还是要下很多的功夫。 不然爱情是不可能维持的! 我要的这种深厚的爱情不是单单风水可以做到的! 是要靠我自己的努力, 我的包容还有我的容忍! 💓💕💋💏

这就是为什么我们不能盲目相信别人告诉我们“风水没有效!” 我们要用我们的眼睛看真实, 用我们的头脑分析使用风水者的态度和心态。

记得那位住在英国的亲戚——————?她终于盼到她的同居男朋友跟她结婚。 太好了!不过,风水只能做那么多。接下来的日子,他们双方一定要努力维持他们的爱情。 这样,爱就像蓝天白云! 💑💓💕🌞☁⛵